Pelosi Has To Protect Hillary Clinton

You should never say something that stupid, let alone repeat it.

That's good advice Nordberg, make sure you bear it in mind before sending your next post.

BTW, what have you got to say - just out of interest - about "Nervous Nancy" (Pelosi) witholding the two Articles of Impeachment from the Senate. It seems to me that her actions constitute (1) Abuse of Power and (2) Obstructruction of Justice; which is a little ironic, isn't it, given that this is precisely what President Trump was impeached for ? RIGHT, Nordberg ? Legal experts in matters Constitutional have recently advised us there is an implicit logic in the wording of the Constitution such that if ever the House ratifies Articles of Impeachment against a sitting President, those Articles should then be sent IMMEDIATELY to the Senate for trial.

What is Pelosi playing at? What does she have to gain by not passing the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial. If she thinks she's going to have any luck telling Mitch and other Senate leaders how they should be doing their business, she's dreaming. The HOUSE (Pelosi) does not tell the SENATE how it should conduct its affairs. The SENATE has it own rules and regulations and procedures and, if Nancy Pelosi thinks she can start throwing her weight around, trying to change those rules, regulations and procedures to suit her own partisan, political agenda, she soon discover that she's woefully mistaken.

Nancy Pelosi is a clown and the "DO NOTHING" House Democrats are a laughable, socialist circus. This latest political stunt (refusing to pass the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial) is A- Grade stupidity that has already backfired. Its just the latest goof-up in a series of major Democrat cluster-fucks that began in 2016. The Mueller probe, the "Russia - Collusion" hoax, "The Schiff Show", don't you think that the American people have had a gut-full of watching this toxic , political game-playing by the Democrats ? I do.

I think the Democrats chances of defeating Trump in the November 2020 election are ZERO; in fact, I predict that the Democrats are going to get their collective butts kicked BIG TIME by the American public on election day, in what will be an historic landslide victory for Trump and the Republican Party. RIGHT, Nordberg ? (!!)

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So, Donald Trump is the 3rd President in US history to face being impeached. I have been watching him ever since he was elected (from Australia) and I think he is one of the best Presidents America has ever had; he's tough, he's a fighter and he gets things done. I wish we had a Head of State like him.
I am not sure what will happen next in the impeachment drama. Nancy Pelosi can not withhold the Article of Impeachment from the Senate for too long. I figure that the longer she withholds them, the more political damage she is liable to suffer. Ideally, on a personal note, when the impeachment process eventually goes to trial in the Senate, I would love see Trump have: Joe Biden; Hunter Biden; Adam Schiff and a few other bad eggs called as witnesses !! That would be sweet !!

Clearly, you know nothing about U.S politics. Don't feel badly. You don't live here. There are many on this board that do live here, and are similarly clueless.
That's good advice Nordberg, make sure you bear it in mind before sending your next post.

BTW, what have you got to say - just out of interest - about "Nervous Nancy" (Pelosi) witholding the two Articles of Impeachment from the Senate. It seems to me that her actions constitute (1) Abuse of Power and (2) Obstructruction of Justice; which is a little ironic, isn't it, given that this is precisely what President Trump was impeached for ? RIGHT, Nordberg ? Legal experts in matters Constitutional have recently advised us there is an implicit logic in the wording of the Constitution such that if ever the House ratifies Articles of Impeachment against a sitting President, those Articles should then be sent IMMEDIATELY to the Senate for trial.

What is Pelosi playing at? What does she have to gain by not passing the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial. If she thinks she's going to have any luck telling Mitch and other Senate leaders how they should be doing their business, she's dreaming. The HOUSE (Pelosi) does not tell the SENATE how it should conduct its affairs. The SENATE has it own rules and regulations and procedures and, if Nancy Pelosi thinks she can start throwing her weight around, trying to change those rules, regulations and procedures to suit her own partisan, political agenda, she soon discover that she's woefully mistaken.

Nancy Pelosi is a clown and the "DO NOTHING" House Democrats are a laughable, socialist circus. This latest political stunt (refusing to pass the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial) is A- Grade stupidity that has already backfired. Its just the latest goof-up in a series of major Democrat cluster-fucks that began in 2016. The Mueller probe, the "Russia - Collusion" hoax, "The Schiff Show", don't you think that the American people have had a gut-full of watching this toxic , political game-playing by the Democrats ? I do.

I think the Democrats chances of defeating Trump in the November 2020 election are ZERO; in fact, I predict that the Democrats are going to get their collective butts kicked BIG TIME by the American public on election day, in what will be an historic landslide victory for Trump and the Republican Party. RIGHT, Nordberg ? (!!)


I think you need help. Trumpy gave her that Nervous Nancy moniker because he is the world's oldest teenager. That is really really silly and repeating that, makes you look as immature as Trump is. He makes up these silly names like a kid. He even relies on alliteration which with his 5th grade vocabulary, leaves him with few naming options. She is as strong and cool as a person can be.
I think her holding the impeachment until she gets McConnel to do his job honestly was brilliant. I did not know she had that option. Now she put that arrogant Moscow Mitch on his heels. Trump wants the trial to go extremely fast. Moscow was going to do that. Now they have something new to consider.
You are a believer. that puts you outside of data and knowledge. There are over 50 percent of voters who say they absolutely will not vote for that crook. Trump has his 35 percent on lock. Can you figure out which number is bigger?
If the Dems settle on a solid candidate, Trump will get creamed. He is a damn crook. He cheated hundreds of people with his phony Trump Univ. and paid 25 million to cover it up. Those people were also fooled by Trump. so you are not alone. Trump also paid 2 million to atone for his robbing the Trump foundation. He is not allowed to go near a charity again. This is what you think is presidential.
Clearly, you know nothing about U.S politics. Don't feel badly. You don't live here. There are many on this board that do live here, and are similarly clueless.

I may live in Australia, but I still know enough about US politics to tell things like: Adam Schiff is corrupt and a pathological liar; Hillary Clinton is a career criminal who should be in jail; Joe Biden is corrupt and an idiot; the base of the Democrat party has lurched to the crazy socialist Left and is therefore un-electable (if you don't believe me just sit down and watch a replay of the most recent Democratic 2020 Candidate's debate; it's ACTUALLY LOL funny); the recent House Impeachment inquiry was an utter farce which was absolutely unfair and bereft of "due process" . I also know that Nancy Pelosi realises that the Democrat's two Articles of impeachment are "weak as water" because President Trump was not proved guilty of having committed ANY; bribery, treason or other "high crimes and misdemeanours", he didn't even have a parking ticket (!) and this is why she is refusing to pass them to the Senate for trial.Because they would be laughed out of court, and Donald Trump would be acquitted, perhaps even exhonorated absolutely). I also know enough about your politics to tell you that ex- CIA chief , John Brennan, is a former communist who is guilty of criminal conspiracy and fraud in the "Russia-Collusion" case. And I could go on and on if you like...

I think that Donald Trump is a very tough guy, because even during his 2016 campaign the Democrats were already hard at work, digging up and dishing up "dirt" on him. But he wasn't rattled, he just kept focused on running a great campaign.

I think Donand Trump is not only tough but he is a real fighter too. He has the heart of a tiger. Since 2016 the Democrats have gone all out to destroy Trump with bogus political probes like the Mueller Inquiry and the farcical "Schiff Show" that recently resulted in his being impeached on a partisan (Democrat) line. But no matter what they throw at Trump he stands tall and calls out the Democrat liars and corrupt opposition politicians who have tried to sabotage him.

At the same time the Democrats were voting to impeach Trump, Trump was firing up yet another huge MAGA rally. I watched this rally live on my computer in Oz. He (Trump) was full of energy, defiant, confident and calling out the impeachment stunt for what it was - a disgusting farce. He sure as hell didn't look the SLIGHTEST bit worried or apprehensive to me. That's because he knew that the Democrats had no case for impeachment, and the whole country had seen that the disgraceful, "Schiff Show" had been egregiously unfair from day one.

While the Democrats have constantly attacked and tried in any way they could think of to undermine his administration from day one, Trump, has not let their attempts to destroy him, or stop him from getting good work done for the American people. The business of the President of the US and his Federal Government is to work towards defending and improving the welfare of the American people. And it seems to me that Trump has delivered the goods in a way that Obama did not: (1) Your economy in America is singing, (2) Wall Street is consistently strong; (3) the new USMCA trade deal is signed off - a huge plus for America; (4) Cheaper prescription drugs are on the way ( that is, if the House Democrat law-makers actually start doing the job they were hired to do - pass legislation - instead of launching bitter - and - twisted, personal ,political attacks against Donald Trump); (5) You now have "Right to Try" which has already saved lives in America (I wish we has a Prime Minister in Australia with the guts to bring in the equivalent of your "Right to Try" legislation - no chance, I'm afraid, our Head of State is a wimp in an Italian suit and silk tie); (6) You now have record numbers of people coming OFF government Welfare (like "Food Stamps", etc) and that has to be a good thing. Right? In a VERY dangerous and unstable world, you also now have, once again, the strongest and best equipped military defence force in the world. (Obama had let the military power of the US deteriorate to a dangerous low during his 8 years in office, which is not surprising as Obama was a socialist who was anti-American through and through!) (7) Thanks to President Trump's mastery of realpolitik in the diplomatic sphere, America now has a half-decent relationship with President Xi and China, which in turn, has helped to dramatically curb North Korea's Nuclear Weapons agenda.

So, basically, I may live in Australia, but I can still see and hear a lot of your American political news. I finding extremely interesting and I watch it very carefully, because Australia is (for a number of reasons) pretty much a "satellite state" of the US today. In the 1960s, we were like a large country of England half a world away from British soil, but in the 2000's and 2010 we are now much more like an state of America. (e.g All the young people here (18- 25+) speak with an East-Coast type American accent and use American slang like: "Dude"; "Lit"; "WTF"; "Chill; "Ether"; "Trashed"; "Bail", etc.).

We are only a small nation with a population of 25 million people, though we have a history very similar to the American Republic's history in that we both stared out as British Colonies, so our: Constitution; laws; dominant (Anglo-European) culture, institutions, traditions; systems of government, language (English), religion (Protestant), social manners and mores, preference for a free market capitalist economy, are very much the same in essence. One difference is that Queen Elizabeth II is STILL our Head of State, whereas you guys fought a war against the British Crown (George III) and won your Independence :). To get back to what I was saying, Australia and America have, for these reasons, always been allies for a long time. For example, Uncle Sam saved our butts in the Second World War, as the Japanese army would have surely invaded the Australian mainland had America not been pushing back against them very fiercely in the Pacific theatre.(We owe you guys a big favour for that, one that we can never repay). That's why when US forces were sent to Vietnam and Lyndon Johnson asked Australia if we could help, we went "All the way with LBJ" in 1966 and sent 1000's of Australian combat troops over to Vietnam to fight the communists with your GI's. Anyway, like I said, in 2019, we (Australia) are very much a Satellite State of the US, that means I want to see a strong, flourishing USA, because (from a purely selfish POV) that's in my best interests too.

A strong American leader like President Trump who has the US economy humming is all good as far as I am concerned. Whereas a weak, socialist POTUS like Obama was the opposite - something particularly destructive for the US - that also had a range of negative impacts on Australia. For example, Trump has personally managed to cut billions of dollars worth of regulations and engineered huge tax cuts, including corporate tax cuts. That had the result of reducing unemployment to record lows and accelerating US economic growth. This has been great for Australia as it's helped to lift commodity prices which in turn has done everything from improving our trade balance to filling the federal government's coffers. :)

So, I wish we had a leader like Trump, someone strong with guts and an ability to get things done. Someone who knows how to WIN for his country and his people. With the exception of the various branches of the loony, socialist left (who are largely an insignificant political fringe in Australia) a lot of ordinary Australians like and respect Donald Trump because he is a DOER not a TALKER - he makes things happen, things that make a real difference in American's lives. IMO, you're very lucky to have him !

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Do you understand what a trajectory is? Obama left Trump a growing and building economy. It has not deviated from that slope. He has done nothing at all. His tax cut, according to economists, did nothing. They did increase the wealth gap since it almost all went to the top 1 percent. Trump is also a childish person who makes up names like a teen for other politicians. He is essentially a disgusting and greedy person who uses the worst and foulest language of any president. He loves dictators and wishes he could be one. He has a 5th-grade vocabulary and lacks maturity. He is a terrible embarrassment.
As far as you are concerned? You don't know that Obma came is facing a potential second great depression with the US shedding jobs like crazy. We lost 800,000 in one month. Homes were being lost, banks were closing and companies shutting down. Obama fixed the economy and Trump has been enjoying the ride.
I may live in Australia, but I still know enough about US politics to tell things like: Adam Schiff is corrupt and a pathological liar; Hillary Clinton is a career criminal should be in jail; Joe Biden is corrupt and an idiot; the base of the Democrat party has lurched to the crazy social Left and is therefore un-electable


So, basically, I may live in Australia, but I can still see and hear a lot of your American political news. I finding extremely interesting and I watch it very carefully, because Australia is (for a number of reasons) pretty much a "satellite state" of the US today. In the 1960s, we were like a large country of England half a world away from British soil, but in the 2000's and 2010 we are now much more like an state of America. (e.g All the young people here (18- 25+) speak with an East-Coast type American accent and use American slang like: "Dude"; "Lit"; "WTF"; "Chill; "Ether"; "Trashed"; "Bail", etc.).

To Dachshynddawg: Way back in the ‘60s I went to Sydney several times, and spent a little time in Adelaide. I loved your country and the people so much I made plans to emigrate. My plans did not work out for personal reasons.

Incidentally, of all the seaports I sailed to, Australia and New Zealand were the only countries that would make me leave the U.S. I have not been down your way in all those many years. So I do not know what Australia is politically today, but I sure as hell do not like what Socialist parasites did to this country.

p.s. You might be familiar with The Fountainhead, but this clip is worth repeating. Howard Roark won the case in the movie. In real life Democrat parasites are winning:

I think you need help. Trumpy gave her that Nervous Nancy moniker because he is the world's oldest teenager. That is really really silly and repeating that, makes you look as immature as Trump is. He makes up these silly names like a kid. He even relies on alliteration which with his 5th grade vocabulary, leaves him with few naming options. She is as strong and cool as a person can be.
I think her holding the impeachment until she gets McConnel to do his job honestly was brilliant. I did not know she had that option. Now she put that arrogant Moscow Mitch on his heels. Trump wants the trial to go extremely fast. Moscow was going to do that. Now they have something new to consider.
You are a believer. that puts you outside of data and knowledge. There are over 50 percent of voters who say they absolutely will not vote for that crook. Trump has his 35 percent on lock. Can you figure out which number is bigger?
If the Dems settle on a solid candidate, Trump will get creamed. He is a damn crook. He cheated hundreds of people with his phony Trump Univ. and paid 25 million to cover it up. Those people were also fooled by Trump. so you are not alone. Trump also paid 2 million to atone for his robbing the Trump foundation. He is not allowed to go near a charity again. This is what you think is presidential.

Nordberg, you make me laugh. Have you ever considered a career in "Stand Up"?

(1)With respect to the "numbers" that professional pollsters tout, I am inclined to take them with a large grain of salt , Nordberg, especially after the US, 2016 Presidential election and the "Brexit" vote in the UK. In both cases the: "expert" number- crunchers; the cocky pollsters; the big-name political pundits; the national, left-leaning media, esp, the BBC (in the UK), and the high falutin' "talking heads" from Harvard, MIT and Yale (in the US) and the Oxbridge academy in the UK, ALL got it DEAD WRONG. You should have taken a lesson from this, Nordberg; obviously, you have not. On a personal note, just in case you haven't figured it out, I am a traditional, social Conservative, and what all Conservatives have in common is that they have all learned to trust their gut instincts and rational intuitions. We're good at picking up the "scent" of the public's mood "on our fingers," For example, without wanting to boast, I was in England for the "Brexit" referendum (I have previously resided in England for many years,BTW, as I was married to an English girl when I was younger). Anyway, I was staying with my wife (we are now separated but still legally married) at the time, and in the months before the Brexit referendum, which was held on the 23rd of July in 2016, I could "feel" a strong anti-EU (European Union) vibe in the air, just through chatting casually to people like my wife's friends and my own old friends in the villages and towns of Hertfordshire and just by keeping my eyes open and paying attention to little , mundane things, as I drove around. As the referendum date grew closer, my gut instinct/intuition told me that England was going to bail out of the EU and vote "leave". The government and the media mounted a massive and very expensive campaign over the months before the referendum to basically intimidate people into voting "STAY", threatening them with all kinds of nightmarish, economic disasters that would occur if they voted for a "BREXIT". The average Englishman is a polite, cordial, good-natured person, but s/he does not respond to threats. On the morning of referendum day on 23rd July, before the voting polls opened, the professional pollsters had the "BREXIT" vote 10 points behind the "STAY" vote - a huge margin. That evening , however, the government was defeated and Prime Minister David Cameron would be forced to resign in a few days time because regional England won the day for "Brexit." My Conservative gut instincts had been right. It was the average, humble Englishman/woman, the English person who was not wealthy, who did not live in a posh, expensive family home, who had not been lucky enough to go to university, who had always worked hard though was finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, who was patriotic and proud of his/her country, THAT was who pushed the "BREXIT" rebellion over the line. Just as Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" in the American "Rust Belt and Heartland has pushed Trump over the line in the US Presidential election later that same year. That was sooo COOL !

(2) Do you think for a second that Mitch could give a flying F**K about anything "Nervous Nancy" THINKS she has the authority/right to tell him about how the Senate should conduct its business. You must be joking! Holding back the Articles of Impeachment was not, as you describe it, a "brilliant" political tactic. It was an act of desperate stupidity driven by panic, and it was essentially, unconstitutional. Some slimy rat of a Democrat lawyer evidently discovered that ,technically speaking, the Constitution does not literally say that the Articles of Impeachment must be passed on to the Senate immediately/directly for trail (although this is logically implicit in the relevant text of the Constitution). Typical dirty-dealing from the Democrats again.

(3) Finally, regarding Trump's use of language. He is an extremely potent and devastatingly effective speaker. A lot of his political speeches (and the MAGA rallies are a good example) are "knock-outs" because he naturally uses the same kind rhetorical techniques/strategies that Sir Winston Churchill (probably the 20th century's greatest political speech-maker) used, namely: don't use long, fancy words; always choose short, blunt Anglo-Saxon terms to get your message across. In other words, "cut the crap" and speak from the heart to the heart; also, keep it real, don't be afraid to use the rhetoric of realpolitik - the people appreciate honesty and straight-shooting (not the pretentious, elitist waffle that Obama thought made him appear clever). And, BTW, who cares if Trump said he "grabbed a bit of pussy"; I am man, and I know that all red-blooded men engage in a little locker room banter now and then, so what ? Are you telling me that you never have Nordberg, because you're so excruciatingly politically correct you would never say to your buddies "Hey I scored a nice piece of ass on the weekend" or "Hey, guys I grabbed myself a real nice piece of pussy at the Ramone's gig - she was "long and loose and full o' juice" ! :) With respect to, "Nervous Nancy", "Crooked Hillary" they are not signs of Trump engaging in teenage name-calling, those terms are high - impact, political "stingers"; they lodge firmly in the publics' mind - which is what they were intended to do; and not least because Hillary Clinton IS crooked - IS a career criminal, and anyone in America with an IQ over 80 knows it.

Finally my (Conservative) gut instinct tells me, just from watching a replay of the latest Democrat 2020 Candidates debate, that if the best that Democratic party can put on stage as candidates for the 2020 Presidency are seven hard-left Bozos spruiking socialist policies (such as gay "Mayor Pete" saying that he would pay financial reparations to all ILLEGAL migrants in the US if elected President - WTF !!!!! ?????)) then they've already lost the next election. And thank God for that !

Hey, Nordberg, you say that "If the Dems settle on a solid candidate, Trump will get creamed." Erm, how about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Ilhan Omar, they're both big "movers and shakers" in the Democrat stable, Right ? I'm sure AOC could easily roll "The DON" ! I mean just take the Green New Deal - she's a POLITICAL GENIUS ! Right, NORBERG ? LOL-LOL-LOL !! :)

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Television mouths talking about calling Joe and/or Hunter Biden as witnesses in President Trump’s impeachment trial is the sweetest piece of media misdirection I have seen in a long time. In addition to media mouths the liars in both parties are going nuts trying to figure out a way to keep Hillary Clinton from testifying. Remember that Hillary Clinton started the whole thing more than three years ago when she ordered and paid for the Steele Dossier.

I am betting that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and Pencil Neck Schiff never realized they were putting Hillary in jeopardy when they were executing their ill-conceived “Impeach Trump” scheme. As it stands now, Pencil Neck has become a bit player in a comedy, while Pelosi has a tiger by the tail of her own making that she dare not let go.

NOTE: Pelosi is refusing to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. The imperial speaker of the house decided that dictating which witnesses the Senate can call is her best course of action. Pelosi coordinated her next move with Senator Vomit Schumer. Together, they demanded a fair trial. Schumer is going along because he thinks he sounds intelligent on television regardless of what he is saying, while Pelosi’s stratagem is twofold:

1. Salvage her overrated reputation as a brilliant politician.

2. Clean up the mess she made when she put Hillary Clinton in the hot seat.

Pelosi’s blunder got lucky. Lying senators from both parties have no qualms about calling a former vice president and a former secretary of state as witnesses, while the Senate will never shit on its own front steps by putting two former senators under oath in a public trial.

Parenthetically, I was right when I said:

p.s. President Trump is foolishly calling for a Senate trial. If I had Trump’s ear I would tell him “Joan of Arc had a better chance of acquittal in a rigged trial than you.”

I am wrong if Trump gets his witnesses in a Senate trial. Best of all, there is no way Hillary Clinton testifying under oath can backfire.

The US House of Representatives has impeached President Donald Trump, setting the stage for the third-ever Senate impeachment trial.

Here's what you need to know about that.

Why is there a trial?

A trial in the Senate will follow the vote to impeach the president in the House, as decreed in the Constitution.

The House's articles of impeachment level two accusations against the president: that he solicited a foreign country to help him politically and that he obstructed Congress. The Republican president has denied any wrongdoing, calling the inquiry a "witch hunt".

Mr Trump is accused of withholding millions in military aid to Ukraine and a White House meeting with Ukraine's president as bargaining chips to push Ukraine into investigating his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Democrats say this amounts to an abuse of presidential power.

As the White House refused to allow staff to testify during impeachment hearings in the House, Democrats have also accused Mr Trump of obstructing Congress.

What's involved?

The Constitution is admittedly vague when it comes to impeachment - simply mandating that the House has the "sole power of impeachment", acting as grand jury and bringing charges. The Senate is given "the sole power to try all impeachments" and convict a president of "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanours".

There are general rules largely based on President Andrew Johnson's trial, but ultimately, Republican leader [Two Senators] Mitch McConnell and his Democratic counterpart Chuck Schumer will have to determine the guidelines for evidence, witnesses, duration and arguments.

While Mr McConnell has the final say over the format as the Republican Senate leader, he could find his options limited if Democrats pressure moderate Republicans to vote with them on any changes to the rules. At any point, senators can call for votes on trial procedures that would need a simple majority to pass.

After lawmakers hear from both sides - House prosecutors and White House counsel - and any witnesses, they will be given a full day to deliberate before a vote on conviction is held.

A two-thirds majority is required to convict and oust Mr Trump. Given that Republicans control the 100-seat chamber with a 53-47 majority, the president is widely expected to be acquitted.

Who's who?

Consider da judge if you are looking for a laugh. Hillary Clinton has another ally in:

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
will preside over the trial in the Senate, but the senators ultimately will act as both judge and jury.

Justice Roberts is there to make sure the trial adheres to the predetermined rules, but if any vote during the trial ends in a tie, he has the final say.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will also select a group of Democrats to act as impeachment managers - essentially prosecutors for the House. These lawmakers will present the lower chamber's case for impeachment to the Senate.

Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler would be the most traditional choices, US media report, though it is unclear who else might make the cut.

During Bill Clinton's impeachment trial, Republicans had 13 such managers; staunch Trump ally Lindsey Graham was one.

Mr McConnell, the majority leader, will ultimately have sway over the format and guidelines of the trial.

He sparked condemnation from Democrats over recent comments to Fox News, saying: "Everything I do during this, I'm coordinating with the White House counsel.

There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this to the extent that we can."

Will senators get to ask questions?

Senators can ask questions of witnesses or counsellors, but only by submitting them in writing to Justice Roberts.

Witnesses may not necessarily appear on the Senate floor. They can be interviewed by a committee of lawmakers with footage of the testimony aired during the trial instead.

Democrats want several senior White House officials to testify, including acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and ex-adviser John Bolton.

But there may not be any witnesses at all if Republicans decide they would rather keep the trial short, despite Mr Trump's calls for the Bidens and the whistleblower who sparked the Ukraine inquiry to appear.

Speaking on the senate floor on Tuesday, Mr McConnell suggested as much, saying the senate's duty is to "act as judge and jury to hear a trial, not to rerun the entire fact-finding investigation".

"We do not need jurors to start brainstorming witness lists for the prosecution," he added.

Mr Clinton's trial had no live witnesses.

Will Trump give evidence?

While the president could choose to appear before the Senate himself, it is much more likely he will have White House lawyer Pat Cipollone speak on his behalf.

Mr Cipollone, like the impeachment managers, will be able to question witnesses and deliver opening and closing statements.

US media report Mr Trump may also bring some House conservatives onto his defence team, like Ohio congressman Jim Jordan or John Ratcliffe of Texas.

Will Biden or his son have to testify?

That will depend on what Mr McConnell chooses for the trial format. US media report Republicans are still debating if it is worth it to summon the Democratic former vice-president and his son as the president wants.

Mr Biden has dismissed calls for his testimony, telling NPR it is an attempt by the president to "divert attention" from the accusations against him.

"This is a Trump gambit he plays," Mr Biden said. "I will not yield to what everybody is looking for here. And that is to take the eye off the ball."

How long might this all take?

After the House presents the articles of impeachment to the Senate, they must consider them in session every day, except Sunday, until the final decision.

Mr Schumer has offered a tentative schedule for the trial, which would be the first order of business in the new year. In total, he has suggested some 126 hours of proceedings.

18 December - House votes on articles of impeachment

6 January - Start of Senate trial, guidelines and other housekeeping measures finalised

7 January - Swearing in of senators as jurors and Chief Justice Roberts

9 January - House prosecutors and White House counsel each have 24 hours to present arguments

The trial is likely to take weeks but how many is anybody's guess. Democrats will hope it is all done by the time the 2020 primary elections begin in February.

Trump impeachment: What you need to know about the Senate trial
19 December 2019

your comment that a 4 year Benghazi investigation and a 2 year e-mail investigation that came up with squat means there is nothing to protect her from is correct
I think that Trump is opening a new Trump University and he will be more than happy to rip off your life savings or have you bang out your credit cards because you don't have to be an American to sign up for his bogus classes. Also, bring along any women you know or are related to because Australian p***y is just as easy to grab as American p***y is to grab.

I don't know why there is such a tremendous fuss in America about Trump saying to a guy who was sitting with him having dinner that he had, in the past, grabbed some women by the p***Y"? That's just standard, male locker - room banter. All normal, red-blooded men say stuff like that when they are out with their male friends on the golf course, say, or watching the football together over a few beers. If you think that they don't - if you think that when men get together they all speak to each other in pristine, puritanical, excruciatingly politically correct language, you're mistaken; - you just don't understand males. Making sexist or lewd comments in mixed company, however, is a different thing, and no civilized male does that because he understands that it will cause offence. But when men are bantering/boasting with other men they often talk about "a nice piece of ass" that they scored on the weekend, or how the secretary at their office they're planning to date has an "awesome pair of tits." It's just the nature of the beast. You can't change it. When Trump made his P***y grabbing remark , it was made discreetly to another male; he didn't realise that his conversation was being secretly tape recorded. To play that tape for the media and have that one crude comment made public for all of America to read/hear was very unfair in my opinion.

Finally regarding your "BLUEXIT" campaign, I think you'd be well advised to come up with another name for your movement, because "BREXIT" in the UK was a very Conservative, English political revolt. "BREXITEERS" ( what people in the UK who voted for "BREXIT" are called) would not be supportive of most current Democrat policies - quite the opposite. Most "BREXITEERS" (90% of them) were White, regional, English nationalists. That is why the very first politician Donald Trump invited to the USA after he became President was Nigel Farage, the English politician who was the driving force behind the "BREXIT" victory. President Trump and Nigel Farage are "besties", and in 2020 Nigel is going to be opening a lot a Trump's campaign rally speeches for him, so if you don't know who Nigel Farage is now, you soon will. And, BTW, he's a knock-out, charismatic speaker like President Trump, so be prepared for a Conservative "blitzkreig" in the USA during 2020.

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Television mouths talking about calling Joe and/or Hunter Biden as witnesses in President Trump’s impeachment trial is the sweetest piece of media misdirection I have seen in a long time. In addition to media mouths the liars in both parties are going nuts trying to figure out a way to keep Hillary Clinton from testifying. Remember that Hillary Clinton started the whole thing more than three years ago when she ordered and paid for the Steele Dossier.

I am betting that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and Pencil Neck Schiff never realized they were putting Hillary in jeopardy when they were executing their ill-conceived “Impeach Trump” scheme. As it stands now, Pencil Neck has become a bit player in a comedy, while Pelosi has a tiger by the tail of her own making that she dare not let go.

NOTE: Pelosi is refusing to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. The imperial speaker of the house decided that dictating which witnesses the Senate can call is her best course of action. Pelosi coordinated her next move with Senator Vomit Schumer. Together, they demanded a fair trial. Schumer is going along because he thinks he sounds intelligent on television regardless of what he is saying, while Pelosi’s stratagem is twofold:

1. Salvage her overrated reputation as a brilliant politician.

2. Clean up the mess she made when she put Hillary Clinton in the hot seat.

Pelosi’s blunder got lucky. Lying senators from both parties have no qualms about calling a former vice president and a former secretary of state as witnesses, while the Senate will never shit on its own front steps by putting two former senators under oath in a public trial.

Parenthetically, I was right when I said:

p.s. President Trump is foolishly calling for a Senate trial. If I had Trump’s ear I would tell him “Joan of Arc had a better chance of acquittal in a rigged trial than you.”

I am wrong if Trump gets his witnesses in a Senate trial. Best of all, there is no way Hillary Clinton testifying under oath can backfire.

The US House of Representatives has impeached President Donald Trump, setting the stage for the third-ever Senate impeachment trial.

Here's what you need to know about that.

Why is there a trial?

A trial in the Senate will follow the vote to impeach the president in the House, as decreed in the Constitution.

The House's articles of impeachment level two accusations against the president: that he solicited a foreign country to help him politically and that he obstructed Congress. The Republican president has denied any wrongdoing, calling the inquiry a "witch hunt".

Mr Trump is accused of withholding millions in military aid to Ukraine and a White House meeting with Ukraine's president as bargaining chips to push Ukraine into investigating his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Democrats say this amounts to an abuse of presidential power.

As the White House refused to allow staff to testify during impeachment hearings in the House, Democrats have also accused Mr Trump of obstructing Congress.

What's involved?

The Constitution is admittedly vague when it comes to impeachment - simply mandating that the House has the "sole power of impeachment", acting as grand jury and bringing charges. The Senate is given "the sole power to try all impeachments" and convict a president of "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanours".

There are general rules largely based on President Andrew Johnson's trial, but ultimately, Republican leader [Two Senators] Mitch McConnell and his Democratic counterpart Chuck Schumer will have to determine the guidelines for evidence, witnesses, duration and arguments.

While Mr McConnell has the final say over the format as the Republican Senate leader, he could find his options limited if Democrats pressure moderate Republicans to vote with them on any changes to the rules. At any point, senators can call for votes on trial procedures that would need a simple majority to pass.

After lawmakers hear from both sides - House prosecutors and White House counsel - and any witnesses, they will be given a full day to deliberate before a vote on conviction is held.

A two-thirds majority is required to convict and oust Mr Trump. Given that Republicans control the 100-seat chamber with a 53-47 majority, the president is widely expected to be acquitted.

Who's who?

Consider da judge if you are looking for a laugh. Hillary Clinton has another ally in:

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
will preside over the trial in the Senate, but the senators ultimately will act as both judge and jury.

Justice Roberts is there to make sure the trial adheres to the predetermined rules, but if any vote during the trial ends in a tie, he has the final say.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will also select a group of Democrats to act as impeachment managers - essentially prosecutors for the House. These lawmakers will present the lower chamber's case for impeachment to the Senate.

Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler would be the most traditional choices, US media report, though it is unclear who else might make the cut.

During Bill Clinton's impeachment trial, Republicans had 13 such managers; staunch Trump ally Lindsey Graham was one.

Mr McConnell, the majority leader, will ultimately have sway over the format and guidelines of the trial.

He sparked condemnation from Democrats over recent comments to Fox News, saying: "Everything I do during this, I'm coordinating with the White House counsel.

There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this to the extent that we can."

Will senators get to ask questions?

Senators can ask questions of witnesses or counsellors, but only by submitting them in writing to Justice Roberts.

Witnesses may not necessarily appear on the Senate floor. They can be interviewed by a committee of lawmakers with footage of the testimony aired during the trial instead.

Democrats want several senior White House officials to testify, including acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and ex-adviser John Bolton.

But there may not be any witnesses at all if Republicans decide they would rather keep the trial short, despite Mr Trump's calls for the Bidens and the whistleblower who sparked the Ukraine inquiry to appear.

Speaking on the senate floor on Tuesday, Mr McConnell suggested as much, saying the senate's duty is to "act as judge and jury to hear a trial, not to rerun the entire fact-finding investigation".

"We do not need jurors to start brainstorming witness lists for the prosecution," he added.

Mr Clinton's trial had no live witnesses.

Will Trump give evidence?

While the president could choose to appear before the Senate himself, it is much more likely he will have White House lawyer Pat Cipollone speak on his behalf.

Mr Cipollone, like the impeachment managers, will be able to question witnesses and deliver opening and closing statements.

US media report Mr Trump may also bring some House conservatives onto his defence team, like Ohio congressman Jim Jordan or John Ratcliffe of Texas.

Will Biden or his son have to testify?

That will depend on what Mr McConnell chooses for the trial format. US media report Republicans are still debating if it is worth it to summon the Democratic former vice-president and his son as the president wants.

Mr Biden has dismissed calls for his testimony, telling NPR it is an attempt by the president to "divert attention" from the accusations against him.

"This is a Trump gambit he plays," Mr Biden said. "I will not yield to what everybody is looking for here. And that is to take the eye off the ball."

How long might this all take?

After the House presents the articles of impeachment to the Senate, they must consider them in session every day, except Sunday, until the final decision.

Mr Schumer has offered a tentative schedule for the trial, which would be the first order of business in the new year. In total, he has suggested some 126 hours of proceedings.

18 December - House votes on articles of impeachment

6 January - Start of Senate trial, guidelines and other housekeeping measures finalised

7 January - Swearing in of senators as jurors and Chief Justice Roberts

9 January - House prosecutors and White House counsel each have 24 hours to present arguments

The trial is likely to take weeks but how many is anybody's guess. Democrats will hope it is all done by the time the 2020 primary elections begin in February.

Trump impeachment: What you need to know about the Senate trial
19 December 2019

Hillary Clinton has testified under oath over a dozen times...and the last thing in the world she needs is protection from having to testify.

I'll tell you who does need protection from having to testify...


Any of them...from Donald, Sr to the dimwitted sons and daughters.
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I may live in Australia, but I still know enough about US politics to tell things like:
I stopped here. Save your keypad next time. Do you only get Fox News in Australia?

Clearly, you don't know that trump is a gross failure of a businessman who was mocked by real billionaires. He's a thief who never paid his bills. He ran a fake charity for years, robbing it for his own benefit.

Nothing has changed now that he's in office. In fact, he never planned on winning in '16. It was a publicity stunt gone awry, meant to give him martyr status so he could start trump T.V and complain about how the election was rigged.

Ironically, it was rigged, but unfortunately for him he won. Now he's exposed, and his brand is in the toilet.

Do you understand what a trajectory is? Obama left Trump a growing and building economy. It has not deviated from that slope. He has done nothing at all. His tax cut, according to economists, did nothing. They did increase the wealth gap since it almost all went to the top 1 percent. Trump is also a childish person who makes up names like a teen for other politicians. He is essentially a disgusting and greedy person who uses the worst and foulest language of any president. He loves dictators and wishes he could be one. He has a 5th-grade vocabulary and lacks maturity. He is a terrible embarrassment.
As far as you are concerned? You don't know that Obma came is facing a potential second great depression with the US shedding jobs like crazy. We lost 800,000 in one month. Homes were being lost, banks were closing and companies shutting down. Obama fixed the economy and Trump has been enjoying the ride.

I linked an article that reminded us that many corporations publicly stated that they didn't need the cash that a tax cut would bring them. They would use the extra cash to pay dividends to investors, and not for job creation. That's exactly what happened, and now trump boasts of a great market.

What a surprise.
Hillary Clinton has testified under oath over a dozen times...and the last thing in the world she needs is protection from having to testify.

To Frank Apisa: Diarrhea Mouth is stalling until she knows what John Durham’s report says. Regardless of what Durham’s Report says President Trump can call Clinton to testify about the Steele Dossier in a Senate Trial and to hell with Pelosi & Company. That assumes McConnell does not pull a Trent Lott:

It was Trent Lott that made Hillary Clinton possible. Had the public known the full truth about Bill & Hillary in 2000 it is highly unlikely Hillary would have become a U.S. Senator, and eventually secretary of state.

NOTE: Lott has been popping up on television spreading the same garbage he spread around in 1999 to prevent the public from learning just how degenerate Bill Clinton was. Basically, Lott was protecting Clinton not the Senate’s “majesty.” Anybody that believes anything Lott says today might as well believe everything a Clinton says.

Bottom line: Pelosi is dictating which witnesses can testify. Preventing Hillary from testifying under oath is her last line of protection. Even if Pelosi cowers the Senate her protection cannot stop a criminal trial if Hillary cops a Fifth. Catching Hillary lying under oath will add one more charge to her list of crimes.

Once again, it all depends upon Mitch McConnell.
To Dachshynddawg: Way back in the ‘60s I went to Sydney several times, and spent a little time in Adelaide. I loved your country and the people so much I made plans to emigrate. My plans did not work out for personal reasons.

Incidentally, of all the seaports I sailed to, Australia and New Zealand were the only countries that would make me leave the U.S. I have not been down your way in all those many years. So I do not know what Australia is politically today, but I sure as hell do not like what Socialist parasites did to this country.

p.s. You might be familiar with The Fountainhead, but this clip is worth repeating. Howard Roark won the case in the movie. In real life Democrat parasites are winning:

Well Flanders, as an American, you are always more than welcome to come and live in Australia whenever you like; we have very tight immigration laws, but they do not apply to you guys. Australia has always valued America as a great friend.

In answer to your question, Australia today is very politically Conservative. We have a Conservative administration in power as I speak. Most Australians today do not like the nature of
modern (neo-Marxist/socialist) left-wing politics. Earlier this year the Australian Labor Party went into a Federal election on a set of high-taxing, pro-immigration, big Welfare spending, Identity politics , socialist policies and were soundly thrashed by our Liberal Party which is pretty much the political equivalent of your Republican party.

I have to say I am very worried by the lurch to the extreme, socialist/postmodernist left your Democratic party's base has taken. I watched the most recent Democrat 2020 Presidential debate in the US and what I heard from people like Elizabeth Warren, "Mayor Pete", Bernie Sanders and co was pure, loony-left madness. I was shocked and I wondered how socialism/neo-Marxism/Postmodern political ideology could have infected your Democratic party to the extent that it has? I blame Obama for a lot of it, he was a Marxist for many years, beginning at a young age. He attended Occidental college in California and was well-known there as a revolutionary Marxist communist; later, he became heavily involved in a number of socialist organizations (like the DSA) and attended lectures on radical communitarian/collectivist agitation. He was mixed up with hard-core socialist groups in Chicago when his career in politics began. Much of the shift to the far left in the Democratic party is, I think, a legacy of his 8 years in office.

Thanks for the video clip of Howard Roark's court room speech in "The Fountainhead", I had not seen it before. I have read the novel though, and I've just checked the year in which Ayn Rand wrote it, which was 1943; quite a long time ago ! Roark is railing eloquently against Collectivism of course, and Ayn Rand personally defined "collectivism" as...

"...the subjugation of the individual to the group - whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called "the common good."

I think the dangers of collectivism remain just as real today as they were for Ayn Rand in 1943. But the modern-era's political Left in America - the Democrats - (who have now largely become a socialist/collectivist party) seem to have never learned about the dangers of collectivism. They appear to be blithely unaware or totally unconcerned about the disasters created by collectivism during the past century. Without an enumeration, there are, just within the 20th century, 120,000,000 "disasters."That's the number of people killed in that century, by the ambitions of totalitarian, collectivist/socialist regimes, and this astounding figure does not reflect the tremendous poverty associated with those ambitions, nor does it reflect the devastation that was wrought through the processes of war caused by such diabolically flawed beliefs. The political philosophy of Collectivism brought with it a terrible loss of liberties throughout the 20th century in the Soviet Union, in the Second World War, in Red China under Mao Zedong, in Vietnam, in Pol Pot's Cambodia, in Reagan era Cold War conflicts, in the surreal terror of the Cuban Missile Crisis, in the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and so on and on. More recently America has had it battle collectivism under the socialist Obama administration in the form of macroeconomic controls, Welfarism, regulatory obstructions, identity politics, the politically correct suppression of free speech and lifestyle paternalism.

You mention Democrat "parasites", I agree; and this highlights another one of the main problems with socialist collectivism, namely "free-riding". This is the problem that parasites in a society can benefit from group effort even if they are not involved in the effort itself. There is also the example of syndicalism here: i.e; when a trade union in an industry protests against a law, either, it loses and everybody loses, or it wins and everyone wins, even workers outside the trade union. Moreover the free-rider problem is getting bigger as groups get larger. Another problem with collectivism is "latency", in which, for the same reason, collectivism might lead to a latent group where everyone waits for someone to act in the first place.

Finally it is worth remembering that there is no country in the world where socialism has EVER come through peaceful means. It worries me (a lot !) that your Democrat Party in the US is now effectively a ratbag, socialist Party. I think if they remain that way and if they ever become a serious threat to win office, there could be another Civil War in America, or at the very least a national outbreak of war-like violence. I would hate to see that happen as I love America, but I am extremely concerned.


To Frank Apisa: Diarrhea Mouth is stalling until she knows what John Durham’s report says. Regardless of what Durham’s Report says President Trump can call Clinton to testify about the Steele Dossier in a Senate Trial and to hell with Pelosi & Company. That assumes McConnell does not pull a Trent Lott:

It was Trent Lott that made Hillary Clinton possible. Had the public known the full truth about Bill & Hillary in 2000 it is highly unlikely Hillary would have become a U.S. Senator, and eventually secretary of state.

NOTE: Lott has been popping up on television spreading the same garbage he spread around in 1999 to prevent the public from learning just how degenerate Bill Clinton was. Basically, Lott was protecting Clinton not the Senate’s “majesty.” Anybody that believes anything Lott says today might as well believe everything a Clinton says.

Bottom line: Pelosi is dictating which witnesses can testify. Preventing Hillary from testifying under oath is her last line of protection. Even if Pelosi cowers the Senate her protection cannot stop a criminal trial if Hillary cops a Fifth. Catching Hillary lying under oath will add one more charge to her list of crimes.

Once again, it all depends upon Mitch McConnell.

Marsey dotes and dosey dotes and liddle ambsydivy.

How you people can possibly say anything bad about anyone on the planet while still supporting one of the most disgusting humans ever to inhabit amazing.

History will look at you people as delusion personified.
I stopped here. Save your keypad next time. Do you only get Fox News in Australia?

Clearly, you don't know that trump is a gross failure of a businessman who was mocked by real billionaires. He's a thief who never paid his bills. He ran a fake charity for years, robbing it for his own benefit.

Nothing has changed now that he's in office. In fact, he never planned on winning in '16. It was a publicity stunt gone awry, meant to give him martyr status so he could start trump T.V and complain about how the election was rigged.

Ironically, it was rigged, but unfortunately for him he won. Now he's exposed, and his brand is in the toilet.


Why do you hate Trump so much, mate ?

Are you one of those silly, American women who participates in the "Pink Pussy Hat" marches and who screamed at the sky on the anniversary of President Trump's election ? Arrrrrrrh - Arrrrrrh !! Are you afraid that Trump will come and personally "grab your pussy" (and I don't mean the white feline in your profile photo)? I don't think he will - you're not really his preferred type of female. Do you think that the notorious, American, career criminal , Hillary Clinton, is just an angelic "sweetie pie" who has been falsely accused of a string of serious crimes dating back to the late 1970's by the nasty old Republicans. And do you think Hillary's "Clinton Foundation" was a purely philanthropic charity organisation and not a devious front for her international money-laundering scams ? Oh yeah, and by the way, why was it that the Russians made that controversial $145,000,000 donation to Hillary's "Clinton Foundation" ? I guess they're just really nice people who admire and care deeply about the humanitarian work Hillary's Foundation was funding, right ? I mean take Vladimir Putin , for example, he gave the nod for that donation, and he's not really a vicious, murdering, war-mongering, former - KGB, killer; in fact, he's a totally harmless, fluffy, bunny wabbit, a really nice guy ! Wouldn't hurt a fly ! Right, Althea ?

Your claim that Trump never wanted to win the 2016 election and that his campaign was a just a publicity stunt gone "awry", meant to make him a "martyr" so that he could start Trump TV and complain about the election being rigged is (ahem !) a "very interesting" (cough !) conspiracy theory, but you really shouldn't believe everything you read in "MAD" magazine, girlie. You'd do better to get political advice from your pet, white cat.

BTW, I have 24/7 access to all of your national, political news media, but I discovered that the journalists at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, "The Washington Post" and "The New York Times" appear to have, (metaphorically speaking) "two left testicles" and broadcast 100% fake news on behalf of the (socialist) Democratic Party, so I don't listen to/read them any more, mate.

Catch you later, matey !

Dachshund xx
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lol. look at new guy talking to these plebes like they're thinking people, and not elitism-fueled, busybody, human-hating transhumans.
I linked an article that reminded us that many corporations publicly stated that they didn't need the cash that a tax cut would bring them. They would use the extra cash to pay dividends to investors, and not for job creation. That's exactly what happened, and now trump boasts of a great market.

What a surprise.

What creates jobs is demand. Corporations are sitting on the greatest profits of all time. Do they expand? Do they hire? Of course not. They are keeping up with demand now. Think giving them more money will make them hire people to stand around? Nope. They give it to execs and buy back stock. Giving money to corporations that have no financial woes is wasting it. Want to create more jobs, give more money to the consuming class. raise the min wage. Give more to Social Security. Every dime they get will go into buying things and paying bills. They will expand the economy. That will increase demand and then, only then will a company hire or expand.