Pelosi taps Reyes as intelligence chair


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THank God. I was going to be pissed had she picked Hastings..

I had a run in with him about 3 years ago and I REALLY do not like him! He is BAD NEWS.
She passed over a female colleague for this guy.

Yes, well, though white men prefer to only promote other white men, it does appear that Pelosi puts principles first. I guess when she said that ending the Iraqi war was her priority, she meant it.

I know, meaning what she says, how out of style. Well, I guess it's going to take some getting used to. Take two aspirin every 6 hours until you get used to it.
You think I was somehow making some sort of derogatory statement about her? What makes you think that? Is it the fact that you wouldn't be able to say anything other than derogatory about somebody of the opposing party and you just project that onto me?
You think I was somehow making some sort of derogatory statement about her? What makes you think that? Is it the fact that you wouldn't be able to say anything other than derogatory about somebody of the opposing party and you just project that onto me?

You were making note that she passed over a "female" for this guy.
That doesn't mean I thought that she had done poorly.

Hastings would have been a poor choice, there would be the constant, "Impeached Judge" over him... She passed over Jane Harman, then has passed over this gentleman as well. Personally I think she made the right choice. But heck, you can read whatever negative comment you want into my stuff. You do anyway...

I'm surprised you didn't focus onto "this guy" when talking about Hastings... I'm sure that "guy" can be construed to be some sort of negative thing much like "female" when talking about a woman.

I should have gone whole hawg and went all negative and called her a congresswoman! That would be really insulting, I mean "female" is such a "negative" word, no?
That doesn't mean I thought that she had done poorly.

Hastings would have been a poor choice, there would be the constant, "Impeached Judge" over him... She passed over Jane Harman, then has passed over this gentleman as well. Personally I think she made the right choice. But heck, you can read whatever negative comment you want into my stuff. You do anyway...

I'm surprised you didn't focus onto "this guy" when talking about Hastings... I'm sure that "guy" can be construed to be some sort of negative thing much like "female" when talking about a woman.

I should have gone whole hawg and went all negative and called her a congresswoman! That would be really insulting, I mean "female" is such a "negative" word, no?

Whatever Damo! You continue to make your ambigious posts, filled with all kinds of implications and then complain that someone took them the wrong way. You seem to have a good time with it.
Whatever Damo! You continue to make your ambigious posts, filled with all kinds of implications and then complain that someone took them the wrong way. You seem to have a good time with it.
LOL. You seem to have a fun time attempting to read negative statements into whatever I type. It's your regular standard... I'm cool with that. I'm used to it. You have some sort of chip on your shoulder made special for me.
bottom line: good choice. wise choice.... the choice one would hope a good leader would make. Republicans beware. competency returns to legislative leadership
LOL. You seem to have a fun time attempting to read negative statements into whatever I type. It's your regular standard... I'm cool with that. I'm used to it. You have some sort of chip on your shoulder made special for me.

Are you serious? No I don't. I like you, I just find you very ambiguous.
bottom line: good choice. wise choice.... the choice one would hope a good leader would make. Republicans beware. competency returns to legislative leadership

Reyes evidenly has some baggage. Nothing like Hastings though.

On balance, a wise choice.

Hasting was an impeached judge. Harmon was a pseudo pro-iraq war apologist - thats not the message the voters sent.
Not so fast boys and girls...

It appears as if Pelosi's choice of Silvester Reyes for this postition has some flaws....Rebecca Reyes the daughter of Silvester Reyes just happens to be the Vice President of Government contracts for IMC the failed border surveillance system used by the Border Patrol...Even Congressman Reyes former co-workers at the Border Patrol are speaking out about this graft and coruption...IMC received a no bid contract for this junk...I smell a skunk!
yeah...democrats are really in a position to offer no bid contracts. We're still the minority party until January. what a fucking joke.
that doesn't change the fact that Reyes had no political clout to get his daughter a no-bid contract prior to the election
No. It just ensures nepotistic protection after the fact...

But heck. As I said, he is a better choice than the good Judge.
but it does not support the idiocy of battleweary who would have us believe that the bush adminstration would give a no-bid contract to the daughter of a democratic congressman on the off chance that the democrats would win the mid terms elections and he, in turn, would be elevated above other more senior congressional democrats to the position of committee chair.
Did I say that? I promotes the idea that they too fall for the special protections "clause" that seems to inhabit all politicos though...