Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
Go read the original post.
It has a link to the study and you can read it yourself.
It is not very rosy in and of its self.
Reading is hard for brainwashed fascists.
Go read the original post.
It has a link to the study and you can read it yourself.
It is not very rosy in and of its self.
Go read the original post.
It has a link to the study and you can read it yourself.
It is not very rosy in and of its self.
The fact that you keep calling it a study.....It IS this mans "personal research project"...thats his own description....
It is NOT an NDU study.
It is NOT a Pentagon study.
It is NOT even a current research project
It is one guys personal research project and therefore his opinion of what events, etc.
He may be entirely correct or he may full of shit....but it is NOT an official government study as the lying liberal press tried to pass it off as....complete with out of context spin...and out right distortions.....
The fact that you keep calling it a study.....It IS this mans "personal research project"...thats his own description....
It is NOT an NDU study.
It is NOT a Pentagon study.
It is NOT even a current research project
It is one guys personal research project and therefore his opinion of what events, etc.
He may be entirely correct or he may full of shit....but it is NOT an official government study as the lying liberal press tried to pass it off as....complete with out of context spin...and out right distortions.....
I can't think of any intelligent person, even on the conservative side, who wouldn't agree that "debacle" is an apt characterization at this point in the war, over 5 years after we invaded....
3Are personal research projects lies?
Not lies and not by-default the truth either...opinion is the most accurate description....
Obviously the illuminati shitheads have pressured him to renounce this accurate description of his findings, like they always do.
....AaaaaHhhhh....a true numbskull conclusion, worthy of desh
But then he didn't renounce them, what he did was point out how the lying liberal press can distort and spin to serve their own political agenda....nothing new in that...