Pentagon memo reveals launch of new PR war

if you support taxes you support state sanctioned theivery.

Ha! Ha! Ha! You'll have a job defending this statement.

If you join a club that requires you to pay subs, is the club stealing from you?

If you don't wish to pay subs, you leave the club.

You might think that leaving a club doesn't correlate to leaving society, but it does.

If you decide to leave society, you are returned to your natural freedom to do as you will, provided you are capable. You end the moral agreement between you and the society you left.

How you survive is then up to you. If you wish to take land to live on, you must fight for it. Because you have broken the moral agreement, if you wish to take land from the society you left, the society also has the right to return to natural freedoms and defend it.

You might not like the fact that the society you left is more powerful, has greater capabilities to defend itself from your land-grab, but then I'm sure a gazelle isn't too pleased that a lion is stronger than it.

You opted for natural freedoms, you forfeited protection rights afforded by social freedoms, if you are too weak to defend yourself from society then that is your hard cheese.

Natural freedoms aren't pretty, it is the law of the jungle and they are far more hard-ass (too use an Americanism) than you. If you opt for them, good luck to you...
so the story says.........The memo describes an operation modeled after a political campaign — such as that made famous by Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential race — calling for a "Rapid Response" section for quickly answering opponents' assertions.

double standard?

Double Standard????????????

Excuse me, but Clinton did this for his POLITICAL CAMPAIGN with FUNDS from his CAMPAIGN in 1992...

GOVENRMENT spending my tax dollars and your tax dollars on nothing but propaganda to make a poitical government official look better IS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AND ANGAINST THE LAW.....

Rummy and Bush have NO RIGHT to use MY TAX DOLLARS to PROMOTE their lies and themselves...

use your own gosh darn CAMPAIGN FUNDS to promote your bullshit, not my money....and your money to do this....
