People die while we wait! Tomorrow is too late!

This administration and the left in general is soooooo toast. Classic overreach. They only way they can continue now is through totalitarianism and force.

Bring it on douchebags.

The people will prevail.

Populism Now.

Populism Forever.
bullshit. Jeff has said that people ought to be able to attend town hall meetings only in their own congressional districts. I disagree... and if something speaks volumes to you, damo, by all means listen.
Jeff is throwing out ideas and working towards making the meetings actual ways to gather information and to show their congresspeople what their actual constituency wants rather than what paid D protesters want. You sit by while the Reichstag burns and tell me the Communists did it...

So far the only buses we've seen here are the D buses trying to bus in enough people they pay to say they are for something that it will make the CongresCritter feel better about the vote they plan to make. It isn't going to work, they aren't stupid either and realize that voting for this mess is going to kill their careers in many cases.
Jeff is throwing out ideas and working towards making the meetings actual ways to gather information and to show their congresspeople what their actual constituency wants rather than what paid D protesters want.

So far the only buses we've seen here are the D buses trying to bus in enough people they pay to say they are for something.

he "threw out an idea" that would restrict Americans from freely assembling and exercising their rights of free speech. I said I disagreed with that and you initially said that no one had made that suggestion... when, in fact, someone had.

And like I said to SM... do you honestly think that wealthy donors to thge RNC are not attempting to influence the direction of public policy with their donations?
he "threw out an idea" that would restrict Americans from freely assembling and exercising their rights of free speech. I said I disagreed with that and you initially said that no one had made that suggestion... when, in fact, someone had.

And like I said to SM... do you honestly think that wealthy donors to thge RNC are not attempting to influence the direction of public policy with their donations?
Right, people throw out many ideas and work around with them in their head until they decide that it is bad or good. They do that on this site often.

It's just inane to suggest that they are "fascist" because they want Congress Critters to actually hear what their constituency thinks rather than paid "protesters" bused in by Soros. Personally if I were a Congressperson I would simply give Constituents first shot and those with addresses outside the area would have a differently colored name tag or none so I could tell a constituent from those from outside...

If there were limited room constituents would get first entry. All this can be done without a "law" just by renting private space (which they do) and making your own rules.

And so far the RNC isn't busing people anywhere in this state, it is only the D 527s that are doing that.
[1]who cares? there are lots of methods.

some more efffective than others.

[2]and you honestly don't think that insurance companies helped fund efforts to mobilize people to attend and disrupt town hall meetings earlier in the summer? :pke:
1. So you don't care that wealthy donors are trying to manipulate the political process by busing folks into local Town Hall meetings. I'm glad we've got that cleared up.
2. If you could produce evidence of that, I would discuss it with you... my guess is, you got diddly squat.
he "threw out an idea" that would restrict Americans from freely assembling and exercising their rights of free speech. I said I disagreed with that and you initially said that no one had made that suggestion... when, in fact, someone had.

And like I said to SM... do you honestly think that wealthy donors to thge RNC are not attempting to influence the direction of public policy with their donations?

But the fact remains, the real 'astroturf' is on the dem side.
1. So you don't care that wealthy donors are trying to manipulate the political process by busing folks into local Town Hall meetings. I'm glad we've got that cleared up.
2. If you could produce evidence of that, I would discuss it with you... my guess is, you got diddly squat.

Great. Money is part of our political process... I accept that and understand that. And I don't NEED to discuss anything with you. For you to sit there and suggest that republicans do not spend money to try and influence public opinion is ridiculous... now if you want to suggest that they don't spend their money as EFFECTIVELY as the democrats, you'd get no argument from me.
Great. Money is part of our political process... I accept that and understand that. And I don't NEED to discuss anything with you. For you to sit there and suggest that republicans do not spend money to try and influence public opinion is ridiculous... now if you want to suggest that they don't spend their money as EFFECTIVELY as the democrats, you'd get no argument from me.

The difference is the degree of deception. Paying people to be at town hall meetings is a new low in manipulation. We all know money is in the process. town hall meeting are supposed to be people off the clock concerned about their nation, not paid profession agitators.
The difference is the degree of deception. Paying people to be at town hall meetings is a new low in manipulation. We all know money is in the process. town hall meeting are supposed to be people off the clock concerned about their nation, not paid profession agitators.
I agree. This smacks of "an oligarchy, not a democracy and it would be the government by the wealthy for the wealthy...I would think that anyone who expressed such an unAmerican point of view would be considered nothing less than a traitor".
I agree. This smacks of "an oligarchy, not a democracy and it would be the government by the wealthy for the wealthy...I would think that anyone who expressed such an unAmerican point of view would be considered nothing less than a traitor".

for an obnoxious hateful coward like you to call me a traitor is nothing short of a badge of honor to me. thanks.
But that's not what's happening here, is it? This wealthy guy, whoever he is, remains hidden and is organizing these folks. For all we know he's paying them. Would you have a problem if this was the case?

According to this man, the insurance companies are organizing RW's to disrupt meetings. Would you have a problem if this is the case?

"A former health insurance executive says the disruptions taking place at lawmakers' town halls around the country are the result of stealth efforts by health insurance companies.

Wendell Potter, a former CIGNA vice president, detailed what he said were past covert efforts by the industry. Though he said he does not have specifics for what is occurring now, because he's been out of the business for a year, it follows the same pattern.

The industry is up to the same dirty tricks this year," Potter said at a Capitol news conference after meeting with House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), an avid supporter of the Democrats' plans for a healthcare overhaul.

"When you hear someone complaining about traveling down a 'slippery slope to socialism,' some insurance flack, like I used to be, wrote that," Potter added.

Potter said during his 20 years in the insurance business, the industry would funnel money to large public firms who would create front groups and find friendly voices in conservative media.

In particular, he cited front groups created to fight "Patients' Bill of Rights" legislation in the 1990s, as well as a campaign to discredit the Michael Moore film "Sicko," which harshly criticized the industry.

Slaughter joined in the attack, saying "the notion that this is going to be something devilish comes from the people who would lose money on it."

my guess is nthe Dems are hoping nobody has diddly

As for a Date , yes wealthy people have the right to do as they wish, and if Obama paid for this date more power to him, but I think Yurt was referring to the $72,000 Date we paid for

Damn you sure do like Yurt don't ya, always so personal, post 79,

Which $72K date was that?