time has run out! I WIN!!! and was RIGHT again! hahahaha!
Plenty of Cons at the other site still
Well Damo is more reasonable than SR ever was. So birds of a feather flock together.
Immie taught me that there can be a conservative Christian who is actually, nice, has a heart, and is not a complete fool, and can even be afforded some grudging respect. On some matters. He is lacking that terrible mean streak that so many of them I have run across have had.
Ditto!Yeah. Its not that people are ignoring you Desh, its just that I agree with most of your ideology. Typically when you, Cypress, Maineman, Care, etc post, I agree 100% and the most I really have to add is, "Yep", "I agree", "I knew this would happen". That gets dull most of the time so I don't bother.
I agree that the voting/election system is hosed and we need a as you vote paper trail and proper auditing laws and means. I am just not as fired up as she is and that is probably my problem not hers. I have too much apathy on the subject I suppose.
Perhaps a double tally ? One on the computer dump and another on the per vote paper trail which could be barcoded or punched for fast reading ?
Well Ms Liberal of the Big tent World.. I think you better look in the mirror .... at the complete fool with that that terrible mean streak ..
Dude why do you gotta go on the offensive when she is deciding to say some nice things about people?