People I don't like on this site that up until now have probably not known so


on indefiniate mod break
1. Klaatu -

I think he is a pussy that tries too hard in convincing people he is this well rounded free thinker when he really isn't in my opinion. Why does everyone feel the need to pretend to be independant these days? How about some real conviction?

2. Immie -

Sorry immie, you are a nice guy, but you annoy me to no end. You are such a prole it's not even funny. Your soundtrack is crying like a little bitch to convince people that you actually ARE upset. We get it, bush shafted you up the ass twice. We know, we know you are sad, we know you don't like the direction the country is heading in. What, are there not enough hugs to go around? Did bush run out of beer to drink with you on the patio? Has there just been a lull in recent seasons of American Idol? What is it?

You know how they say nice guys finish last with girls? Well, you are the nice guy of politics.
Grind, you are a funny guy.....

You have such a superiority complex...

What exactly have you achieved to justify this?
lol, now that was funny.

Sorry I feel like venting today.

I dont' know, immie and klat can be ok sometimes, but truthfully they annoy me more than more liberals on this site.

If politics are separated they are fine. But this is a political site so that's rare.
No, really Grind. Explain what you have achieved to justify your overbearingly smug sense of self importance?
I think Grind just feels things have gotten too collegial and boring around here. This smacks of pot-stirring to me.
any you take things too seriously. I don't think I am self-important, and when I do give off that impression I am being tounge-in cheek. I am sure there are people that don't like me. I'm fine with that.
If you start up a message board, ban Grind and then let him back in, he'll give you grind points and be your best friend!
tiana seriously that was a joke, I don't do grind points, I haven't directly address sr even since that post, I never talk to him. Seriously, get over it. It's not a big deal. There is still plenty I don't like about sr, especially with site issues, but it doesn't consume me like it did dixie. That's why I am able to go back and not feel like I am violating some deep principle of the universe. It's just dumb you keep bringing this up, it's a non-issue.
tiana seriously that was a joke, I don't do grind points, I haven't directly address sr even since that post, I never talk to him. Seriously, get over it. It's not a big deal. There is still plenty I don't like about sr, especially with site issues, but it doesn't consume me like it did dixie. That's why I am able to go back and not feel like I am violating some deep principle of the universe. It's just dumb you keep bringing this up, it's a non-issue.

Hi my name's Krusty the Clown and I don't like you

Hi my name's Krusty the Clown and I'm going to kill you
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Dayum Grind, are you on the rag today or something?

This makes 3 people you've personally attacked today, from pretty much your side of the spectrum of sanity. What gives? I mean, is life THAT bad for you? And what do you hope to accomplish with this latest rampage? You hope the pinheads will like you or something? Because they won't, you know that they have labeled you a Neocon with the rest of the sane, and they will never accept you into their fold. Besides, you would look goofy with the tin-foil hat on! You need to think about this move, seriously dude! You're clearly on the brink, and I am worried about you.
tiana seriously that was a joke, I don't do grind points, I haven't directly address sr even since that post, I never talk to him. Seriously, get over it. It's not a big deal. There is still plenty I don't like about sr, especially with site issues, but it doesn't consume me like it did dixie. That's why I am able to go back and not feel like I am violating some deep principle of the universe. It's just dumb you keep bringing this up, it's a non-issue.

its just odd since you were the one who made the post and told everyone about SR being able to read U2U's....

not like i care, i have better things to do with my time:shots:
Yes making everyone know about the u2u's was very fun and I would do it 1000 times over. Tiana and dixie think I regret something when I dont.
yeah dixie i am trying to get people to like me by going after some of the most dormant and well liked people on this site, that's a good plan by me.
yeah dixie i am trying to get people to like me by going after some of the most dormant and well liked people on this site, that's a good plan by me.

Most well-liked?

Klaatu is a self-satisfied, pontificating, boring, condescending asswipe with some kind of delusion of superiority complex that I think his mommy gave him by making a big scene everytime he pooped in the toilet bowl instead of his pants.

Immie is a sweetie though.