People I don't like on this site that up until now have probably not known so

Most well-liked?

Klaatu is a self-satisfied, pontificating, boring, condescending asswipe with some kind of delusion of superiority complex that I think his mommy gave him by making a big scene everytime he pooped in the toilet bowl instead of his pants.

Immie is a sweetie though.

No im not.. Actually I am very nice person ... and very secure in life.
And Grind calls me a pussy... he calls me a pussy behind the protection of a keyboard and Monitor .... well aint that a new form of beer muscle!! ...

So Dar_la...why do you think that of me.. because we disagree? Ive raised 3 daughters all in their mid-twenties.. , Ive got 3 little grandsons .... Ive been around the block and experienced quite a bit in life ... and I visit this board to exprss my opinion ..... Im sorry if I dont extreme to one end of the political spektrurm .. I will continue to express my opinion and call 'em as I see them.. regadless of what you and Grind think.
No im not.. Actually I am very nice person ... and very secure in life.
And Grind calls me a pussy... he calls me a pussy behind the protection of a keyboard and Monitor .... well aint that a new form of beer muscle!! ...

So Dar_la...why do you think that of me.. because we disagree? Ive raised 3 daughters all in their mid-twenties.. , Ive got 3 little grandsons .... Ive been around the block and experienced quite a bit in life ... and I visit this board to exprss my opinion ..... Im sorry if I dont extreme to one end of the political spektrurm .. I will continue to express my opinion and call 'em as I see them.. regadless of what you and Grind think.

As you're owner, I don't recall giving you permission to post. I'll let it go this time. But don't let it happen again.
klaat, i was pissed off this morning. Sometimes I think you are a fake but I can get past that, you've always been nice to me, so I am going to look past your fake political beliefs. If i can get along with maineman I can get along with you.
klaat, i was pissed off this morning. Sometimes I think you are a fake but I can get past that, you've always been nice to me, so I am going to look past your fake political beliefs. If i can get along with maineman I can get along with you.

I dont get it .. why do you think I have fake political beliefs... seriously ..this disturbs me. What is it... do you think I am extreme to the right .. ..or extreme to the left?

I am comfortable being what I call my self ... a fusionist... combining the best of both worlds. There is no rule in place where you must follow one extreme. These past 6 years have opened my eyes to quite a bit and opened the door to accept some of the idiology of the left as superior to what I once thought was the correct way. For example ... I dont buy into the lefts cries of a theocratic Government being formed under our noses ... but I do agree with their calls for Government Support of Stem Cell research, Alternative Energies and paying closer attention to the threat of Global Warming.
As far as the Iraq War.. the left has a slam dunk on this debate.. I admit to being on the wrong side of it at the beginning ... thats all I can do now... admit to being wrong and call for an end to this craziness. But aside from Iraq, I disagree with much of the rhetoric coming fom the left in their critique of the War on Terror.
It is not a surprise that Grind would dislike both Immie and Klaatu.

From what I can see both of their political beliefs are shaped out of concern for others.

Meanwhile Grinds political beliefs are shaped out of concern for self.
ihate... I support many different issues that have nothing to do with me, I now fully support gay marriage for example even though I am not gay. I support pro-choice policies, at least early on, even though I cannot get pregnant. I am a HUGE supporter of the 2nd amendment even though I never have and never plan to own a gun. There are many issues I care deeply about that don't effect me much.
Actually .. I dont dislike anyone here.. I dont know anyone here on a personal basis to say that I dslike them. I'll admit to dislking some of the view points .. but thats why we are discuss what we believe is the correct way... thats called sharing opinions.

Sure I could strike back by saying that I dislike Grind and Dar_la simply because they expressed their dislike for me ... but what would that prove?

I have found common ground on various subjects with various people .. i.e. Lady T ... she and I have had a battle of words over this past week.... but I know we must have some common ground because we both love "Curb Your Enthusiasm" which means we share a similar sense of humor despite having disimilar political beliefs.
Ornot and I are probably very distant in our political beliefs..but we could probably spend hours shooting the shit about Sports and Music .... we both still dig Jethro Tull ...and we both probably remember when Bobby Murcer was traded for Bobby Bonds (Barrys Father) !!!
My apologies for mischaracterizing you then Grind.

If that is the case then your politics are based on principle instead of pragmatism.

Actually it seems our views are pretty close except you throw in a little contempt in there with it.

While I personally don't feel that level of contempt I do find it a refreshing foil to the view of some liberals here who don't want to come out and flatly condemn something.
You know who annoyed the shit out of me was that guy krigan on fullpolitics. I could be fucking arguing some crazy ass shit with wanderingbear and in would chime in krigan like the mushy middle open minded guy he is trying to somehow find a middle ground between wanderingbear's incoherent far left rant and my right wing common sense.
So his real position was center left, even though he thought he was right down the middle.

Too many moderates are like this, trying to find a middle ground between militant leftism and reluctant Conservatism - thus this gradual increase of government we see everyday.
A good question is why one should even try to argue with a guy like wanderingbear. The guy was a flat out loon. too many drugs my guess.
A good question is why one should even try to argue with a guy like wanderingbear. The guy was a flat out loon. too many drugs my guess.
Well that was obvious to any Conservative or any Liberal. But for a lot of moderates, they just have to believe that somehow-somewhere any person, even a wanderingbear made a point, because nobody can ever be 100% right or wrong.

The kind of guy who would try and debate anything. I think everyone goes through that in their teens with questioning everything. I just don't get how some adults like krigan can think themselves above the rest for still being so open minded about absolutely everything.
If you can't take a position on facts then what is the point of debating?
I dont believe having a different view point is holding yourself above the rest. I dont consider myself a true moderate.. if when you say Moderate as defined through finding common ground on evey issue. Thats not my take. For example... I dont believe there is a common ground on Iraq... either we belong there doing what were doing for a stated and firm reason... or we dont belong there at all. Energy policy .... I believe energy is vital to the Nations Security..on level with the Military ..therefore it is vital that the Government take a proactive step towards development and eventual commercial use... same with stem cell research... we are losing several major Scientific minds to the European Community because of this single issue... this should be removed from the arena of poitics and replaced with common sense. This is where I am firmly on the side of Science... siding with the position of facts..Scientific Facts.
I am Pro-Life... opposed to abortion at will and oposed to Capital Punishment... I believe I am more consistant than either extreme view. Social Security ... I beleive in privatization ... I liked and still do support the Bush and CATO plan.
Well, let me see...I agree with you up to here klaatu 100%...

I dont believe there is a common ground on Iraq... either we belong there doing what were doing for a stated and firm reason... or we dont belong there at all. Energy policy .... I believe energy is vital to the Nations Security..on level with the Military ..therefore it is vital that the Government take a proactive step towards development and eventual commercial use... same with stem cell research... we are losing several major Scientific minds to the European Community because of this single issue... this should be removed from the arena of poitics and replaced with common sense. This is where I am firmly on the side of Science... siding with the position of facts..Scientific Facts.

I agree that Abortion is snuffing out ones own future offspring...But I do not agree that the FEDERAL government should be involved in this....

As a religious person, I think that this is where free will comes in....Jesus described sin as being an example he compared Adulterers with Murderers and basically said there was NO DIFFERENCE...(His saving Grace redeems ALL sin equally is what the Messiah, the Christ...did for the whoe story of believeth in Him)

With Abortion and with Childbirth, it affects two people in the physical sense. The Mother and the Child. In the old law it is my understanding from reading scripture, the mother is considered of greater significance over the unborn child, in most all instances that I found.

This means something and needs to be taken in to consideration, when it comes to abortion...because both Humans, the child to be and the mother are involved..NOT just the unborn child.

This is not a sin, that affects most of our "Born already society", as with Murder or theft. This is a sin that hurts no one living already, but the parents of the child to be... and it is their sin and their cross to bear, and NO ONE ELSES....

What would God's strength be, without alowing for one to have free will to choose?

I know from very personal experience that life's mistakes are there to learn from...and however repulsive my mistakes may have been to someone like you, they are MY MISTAKES, NOT YOURS!

And without these mistakes of my OWN that have HURT ME only, (not you?)I would have NEVER changed my own life and my own relationship with God, would not have known repentence, or learned what humbling oneself is and would have NEVER truely understood how much Christ loved us to forgive someone LIKE ME, for some of the things I have done. That is the message of Christ, the message of forgiveness, the message of Love.

We need to change people's hearts regarding the consequences of aborting ONES OWN offspring and the joys of motherhood, not GOVERN IT, and if they have chosen to have one, we need to be there for them, if and when it all mentally falls apart for them.... This is where being Godlike or doing God's will comes in to gives us a chance to show them that we follow Christ and forgive them TOTALLY, not point fingers and call them murderers...
or by intimidating them with shouts and with signs and in a few cases with Death of the Doctor....this is doing the bidding of the devil as far as I am concerned and not the bidding of Jesus Christ, who died for ALL SIN....

As far as Social Security, I disagree with you and President Bush's plan...not that I do not believe that there may be benefit to privatize some of this SS money, but because the plan was totally knee jerk andincomplete and I felt the SS did not need a plan that was not comprehensive in looking at the outlook of SS's solvency....and security. Plus it did not address the spending of SS money by congress, putting a lock box on what was being spent today of the SS surplusses.

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A good question is why one should even try to argue with a guy like wanderingbear. The guy was a flat out loon. too many drugs my guess.
Perhaps. I never knew wanderingbear well: I came in too late to have seen his "vintage" stuff. I do know, however, that he's not as loony as some here make him out to be.

He speaks a different language, in a sense. I can translate more easily than most since I used to speak it too.

Actually, from what I saw, I suspect that he could post in mainstream American English too, if he wanted to. Doing so wouldn't serve his purposes, however.

Think of him as a slightly more serious-minded version of Brent . . . from a diameterically opposite point of view.
Perhaps. I never knew wanderingbear well: I came in too late to have seen his "vintage" stuff. I do know, however, that he's not as loony as some here make him out to be.

He speaks a different language, in a sense. I can translate more easily than most since I used to speak it too.

Actually, from what I saw, I suspect that he could post in mainstream American English too, if he wanted to. Doing so wouldn't serve his purposes, however.

Think of him as a slightly more serious-minded version of Brent . . . from a diameterically opposite point of view.

I agree! I Understood his language too and in reality he was a man that was 3 years ahead of time...he spoke what people are finally waking up to now imo.

And btw, I have seen posts of his where he spelled every word correctly and spoke in society's language.... he's no dummy.
wow he actually had posts where he spelled all his words correctly? awww how cute. something to aim for, no doubt.
I agree! I Understood his language too and in reality he was a man that was 3 years ahead of time...he spoke what people are finally waking up to now imo.

And btw, I have seen posts of his where he spelled every word correctly and spoke in society's language.... he's no dummy.
Yeah, I too saw a couple where he slipped up. :)

It's an old argument, and one without a resolution. Do you try to "convert" people by speaking their language and persuading them or do you try to transform society by just walking the walk and letting others' opinions wander where they will? In fact, both ways are necessary and inevitable.

If WB is what he seems to be -- and I think he is: that's a tough line to fake -- then I admire his fortitude. That's not an easy lifestyle to live. I should know, since I tried and failed.
oh, and btw I think that Klaatu and Immanuel are assets to this site and I like both of them alot....they both have grown and transformed greatly since I first met them! And definately for "the better" imo! :D