People kill people? The idiotic saying of gun nuts

This is really getting silly. Of course guns don't kill people by themselves, they just make it easier for people to kill people. As far as cars are concerned, last year more people died because of guns than because of fatal auto accidents. The fact is, cars are better regulated than guns, and that ain't saying much, considering how many incompetent drivers are clogging up the roads.
This is really getting silly. Of course guns don't kill people by themselves, they just make it easier for people to kill people. As far as cars are concerned, last year more people died because of guns than because of fatal auto accidents. The fact is, cars are better regulated than guns, and that ain't saying much, considering how many incompetent drivers are clogging up the roads.

So, once guns are as regulated as cars, we can all wash our hands and walk away with a feeling of accomplishment?
This is really getting silly. Of course guns don't kill people by themselves, they just make it easier for people to kill people. As far as cars are concerned, last year more people died because of guns than because of fatal auto accidents. The fact is, cars are better regulated than guns, and that ain't saying much, considering how many incompetent drivers are clogging up the roads.

38,300 people were killed on U.S. roads, and 4.4 million were seriously injured, meaning 2015

As of December 23, a total of 12,942 people had been killed in the United States in 2015

There seems to be a huge discrepancy in the actual numbers and what you are suggesting.

Please do some research, prior to trying to present such as fact.
Tell you want, nutty gunner, you go get six of your best bullets. Hold them in hand and stand 15-20 feet away from me.

Now, throw those bullets at me with your hand .... because, people kill people, right? Oops, missed. Missed, again. And again. And again. You suck at throwing bullets.

Are you starting to understand how fucking stupid that expression is. Because, without your gun, you're just a fat redneck, powerless and impotent.

Guns, for many gun nutters, are about dick size. They are small in the pants and they want to feel like big men. Real men.

They were picked on as children (by their daddy's and uncles) and they often feel stupid in conversations with peers. Guns are their way to feel better about themselves. To feel tough. to feel equal to others.

No matter how many guns you losers buy, your dicks and your brains are still small.

Without those hands, or a hand, or human will, that gun is just a gun. Incapable of firing without some intent or intervention.

Yes. That's it.
So I can't kill you with a knife, bat, or driving a semi truck?

Is that seriously what this tard OP is trying to argue?