People of color live through discomfort. White kids will survive learning the truth

Not exactly... Canadian elites are perfectly willing to have their minions and other underflunkies beat the shit out of them.

The Upper Class not only dont respect us, they generally hate us, and they certainly dont give a FLYING FUCK what we think.

I am fairly sure that you know.


and some more history

How square dancing became a weapon of white supremacy against an anti-Semitic jazz dance conspiracy

jazz is a Jewish creation,” automative tycoon Henry Ford wrote in his anti-Semitic publication, The International Jew. “The mush, slush, the sly suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin.”

Ford had a solution: square dancing. He saw jazz and its related dancing styles as a force for moral decay, and sought to cure it by bringing back traditional folk dances. In doing so, Ford rewrote the cultural history of the dance form and set the stage for a pantheon of racist ideas that still animate modern white supremacist

Ford sparked a national movement in the by pouring a small fortune into revitalizing square dancing in the 1920’s, decades after it was abandoned by American pop culture. He funded radio shows and dance clubs and invited hundreds of dance instructors to his home. Thirty-four colleges added “early American dancing” to their curricula.

Ford’s attempt to vitalize square dancing as a white supremacist project made headlines again in the last few weeks after Wonkette’s Robyn Pennacchia excavated it for her Twitter followers. Pennacchia was researching the history of state symbols when she realized that her state, Illinois, had an official state dance.

You have a few things wrong there.

First - Ford may have been anti-semitic. I really don't know. Sadly, a LOT of people were back then. But him pushing square dancing does not in any way make it racist or a 'weapon of white supremacy'. That's like saying everyone who tries to convert Jews/Muslims/whomever to Catholicism is anti-semitic.
It's nonsense.

Second - who gives a fuck - except some hyper thin-skinned, Jewish person?
That brilliant but fucked up Ford championed square dancing because he hated Jazz, 100 fucking years ago?
Who gives a shit?
Hitler loved German Shepard's.
Should we now call them symbols of antisemitism as well?

Third - Jews are NOT a separate race.
You can convert into being Jewish.
You cannot convert into a race.
I cannot convert into being 'black' or 'East Asian'.
There is no Jewish race. And I do not begin to care whom you quote whom says otherwise.
Like all the other, ridiculous, major God's just another religion.

Fourth - Get over yourself.
The Holocaust was fucking UNBELIVEABLY HIDEOUS.
But it ended 75+ years ago.
Your grace period for feeling sorry for yourselves over it has run out.
Time to stop throwing it in everyone's faces whenever we don't treat you like the little girl whose father was convicted of beating her.

And stop using it as an excuse to treat the Palestinian's little better than the Nazi's did before Kristallnacht.

You want people to stop knocking Jewish people?
Start by letting the Palestinian's go.
If your people do?
I fucking guarantee you the unfortunate increase in antisemitism lately will subside.

Have a nice day now.

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By Rummana Hussain

During a pep rally when I was a high school sophomore, the boys basketball coach stood at the microphone, psyching and urging the crowd to attend an upcoming game against Evanston Township.

“I want to see your white faces in the sea of the hostile Black faces,” he blurted to a mostly Caucasian crowd that included some Asians and Hispanics and a handful of African Americans.

From what I recollect, when he mentioned white faces, he had either used the word “shining” or “happy.”

I didn’t know how to process the ugliness of what was said in the name of school spirit, so I told myself I was hearing things — until a Filipino classmate expressed his disgust, and the coach apologized for the anti-Black comments on the school intercom.

Later at lunch, a white friend, in an attempt to justify the coach’s statements, held back tears as she told us a Black man stole her father’s job.

I couldn’t believe my ears again and angrily pushed back until our peers, mostly non-Black people of color, signaled that I needed to pipe down.

I didn’t know it then, but what played out at Niles West that day encapsulates how many of us have had to douse our indignation and grievances, especially on matters of race, for the sake of white comfort.

Well cry me a fucking mountain.

'People of color live through discomfort'?
Is she fucking serious?

Hey you baby?
In high school?
Almost EVERYONE lives through some discomfort.
Many go through COMPLETE HELL...almost every day.
The short kid.
The fat kid.
The ugly kid.
The kid with bad acne.
The kid with a big nose.
The girl with big boobs.
The girl with tiny boobs.
The stupid kids.
The nerds.
The poor kids.
The kids who get bullied...LOTS of them.
The girls who get sexually abused/taunted mercilessly.
Did I mention the bullying?

I dated a girl whose father raped her when she was 11. Later, when she pressed charges against him (and he was convicted)? Her mother took her father's side...forcing her out on the street and into foster homes for the rest of her childhood.
And this poor gal (whom I admire like crazy) is just one of about a million stories as bad or worse.

And this fucking thin-skinned baby is writing an ENTIRE article about how in high school - ONCE - she was made to feel 'discomfort'.

You whiney, no spine, virtue signaling loser.
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Then they won’t feel sad when they are taught the history huh you fucking brainless tool

Sure. As long as ALL the history is taught. Most people are not against teaching the history,...they just want the complete history taught instead of White= All negative, POC= all positive. Because as we all KNOW thats bullshit. Teach it,....but teach it all. Teach how SOME whites owned slaves,....but also teach how those slaves were first taken captive by other Africans and then sold at market to Arabs and Whites.

Teach about the mistreatment of slaves in America but also teach about the mistreatment of slaves in Africa. Teach the good AND the bad. If you do that you know what you will find? Why yes,....of course you do which is why you do not wish to teach ALL of the history. Other than that,....shut the fuck up. This is why people who think like you are not taken serious. You are prolific horrific LIARS and everyone knows it which is why most people think its all a bunch of nonsense,...which of course it is.
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No, what we are witnessing is the dying gasps and death rattle of the uneducated demographic, i.e., bitter white christian America

No, what we're witnessing is the Left and radical Left pushing a narrative on an increasingly minority population that education is racist in itself--a White man's thing. The radical Left-- and I've had to sit through some of those politically correct sessions myself and they've only gotten worse--where poor culturial ideas or traits are excused as just you being you. I've actually been told in those by supposedly "professional trainers:"

Blacks have a different concept of time so it's okay if they're late for work
Native Americans see things as circular and natural so they don't do well at many modern jobs that may be linear and in an artificial environment.
Hispanics value hard work over education

All sorts of asinine stereotyping like that that I took as the trainer being an oblivious idiot to their own racism.
Case in point. One of the worst racists in here would actually try to generalize ALL white trump voters were people who drink their own piss as a covid cure when in truth we KNOW it was only a few imbeciles that did.

Then I posted this....

Now she doesnt bring up piss anymore! She shut the fuck up. ...LOL MUCH MORE of this is needed. Sick of the liars, all of them. As I said,....teach it ALL, not just some. That,...or shut the fuck up. People are people, good and bad in all,...end of story.
I didn’t know it then, but what played out at Niles West that day encapsulates how many of us have had to douse our indignation and grievances, especially on matters of race, for the sake of white comfort.

I remember reading long ago that when Obama entered politics, he learned to speak with passion but not anger, because white people fear angry black people, particularly males. As POTUS, of course this was interpreted by the racists and/or RWers as a lack of emotional involvement in the issues of the nation. He was said to be "weak" because he doesn't bellow and bloviate like #TRE45ON. If he had? Imagine the reaction.