People that piss me off: Volume II


Uwaa OmO
Once again, it's time for another edition of people that piss me off.

This time it's car drivers. Specifically people who feel the need to go from 55mph to 5mph when they're crossing railroad tracks. Is there some great conspiracy to slow me down when I'm driving that I don't know about? I can understand if you're driving a low bodied car, but you have fucking Ford excursion! I rode around in a war zone in a smaller vehicle! And you're telling me that you need to slow down THAT FUCKING MUCH for some tiny fucking train tracks?!?!?! Why are you given a license!?!? Get the fuck off the road you dumb ass!
Once again, it's time for another edition of people that piss me off.

This time it's car drivers. Specifically people who feel the need to go from 55mph to 5mph when they're crossing railroad tracks. Is there some great conspiracy to slow me down when I'm driving that I don't know about? I can understand if you're driving a low bodied car, but you have fucking Ford excursion! I rode around in a war zone in a smaller vehicle! And you're telling me that you need to slow down THAT FUCKING MUCH for some tiny fucking train tracks?!?!?! Why are you given a license!?!? Get the fuck off the road you dumb ass!

So you were that guy, that was behind me.
JEEZ, I thought you were going to pop a blood vessel.
My only regret, is that I didn't have a camcorder with me. :cof1:
Once again, it's time for another edition of people that piss me off.

This time it's car drivers. Specifically people who feel the need to go from 55mph to 5mph when they're crossing railroad tracks. Is there some great conspiracy to slow me down when I'm driving that I don't know about? I can understand if you're driving a low bodied car, but you have fucking Ford excursion! I rode around in a war zone in a smaller vehicle! And you're telling me that you need to slow down THAT FUCKING MUCH for some tiny fucking train tracks?!?!?! Why are you given a license!?!? Get the fuck off the road you dumb ass!
People from the state with the second worst drivers in the country have no business lecturing to anyone how they should drive....unless there from Indiana. Them Hoosiers could wreck a bulldozer on a bike path!
Once again, it's time for another edition of people that piss me off.

This time it's car drivers. Specifically people who feel the need to go from 55mph to 5mph when they're crossing railroad tracks. Is there some great conspiracy to slow me down when I'm driving that I don't know about? I can understand if you're driving a low bodied car, but you have fucking Ford excursion! I rode around in a war zone in a smaller vehicle! And you're telling me that you need to slow down THAT FUCKING MUCH for some tiny fucking train tracks?!?!?! Why are you given a license!?!? Get the fuck off the road you dumb ass!

I was driving my daughter to a game at an exclusive private school. Their driveway is about 1/2 mile long with four huge speed bumps, two lanes going in and posted at 15 mph. The field is all the way on the far side of their parking lot and there is never enough parking there, so some parents race in there to get the last spot.

I pull in off the main road in my Expedition, and the guy tailgating me has a BMW coupe. He floors it to the first speed bump and I just cruised over it at a constant speed of about 25 and pass him. This continues on for all four bumps, and the last one I pass him then pull over to his lane and cut him off, because mine is ending and turning right into the first lot.

Of course this pisses him off and I continue through the lot over two more speed bumps, again at a constant speed. Now he can't speed up between them so he's screwed. I take the last spot.

To add insult to injury our YMCA based team beat their fancy pants private school team. :cof1:
Drivers I hate are those on the highway who hang out in the left lane and do 4 over the speed limit. Then they get next to a guy in the right doing the exact same speed. Or they hang out in your blind spot, for miles.
Once again, it's time for another edition of people that piss me off.

This time it's car drivers. Specifically people who feel the need to go from 55mph to 5mph when they're crossing railroad tracks. Is there some great conspiracy to slow me down when I'm driving that I don't know about? I can understand if you're driving a low bodied car, but you have fucking Ford excursion! I rode around in a war zone in a smaller vehicle! And you're telling me that you need to slow down THAT FUCKING MUCH for some tiny fucking train tracks?!?!?! Why are you given a license!?!? Get the fuck off the road you dumb ass!

Drivers who don't yield the right of way when entering a highway get a big thumbs'-down from me.
Drivers I hate are those on the highway who hang out in the left lane and do 4 over the speed limit. Then they get next to a guy in the right doing the exact same speed. Or they hang out in your blind spot, for miles.
Man you and I are on the same wave length today. You alway get some dufus doing that with a slow convoy of trucks on the right. Arrrgggghhhh!!!
Drivers I hate are those on the highway who hang out in the left lane and do 4 over the speed limit. Then they get next to a guy in the right doing the exact same speed. Or they hang out in your blind spot, for miles.

So it's alright for YOU to the the douchebag of the roadways, but not for others?
Tom, this is not just an American thing. Many countries do this. I'm willing to be more than those that drive on the left.

I am well aware of that every time I drive in Europe but there are many more countries than drive on the correct side of the road. Notably Japan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Ireland to name a few.
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Driving on the left side is out-of-date, thanks to the advent of automatic vehicles. It makes since to have your right hand free to maneuver the shift-stick, but only retards drive standard transmission when the more modern technology of automatic transmission exists.
Driving on the left side is out-of-date, thanks to the advent of automatic vehicles. It makes since to have your right hand free to maneuver the shift-stick, but only retards drive standard transmission when the more modern technology of automatic transmission exists.
So... you don't know how to drive stick eh?