People with guns - Have you ever almost shot yourself?


on indefiniate mod break
Just wondering if any of you have any interesting stories where you could have been safer than you were
Probably Billy after a kegger... :D
Nope, I don't fuck around with guns when I'm drinking. If anything, I'm even safer (not that I'm unsafe at any time).

But my buddy Rob, almost blew his own head off with one of my shotguns at a range one time. He though it was empty, holds it up in the air (still on the firing line) and pulls the trigger.

Shot a hole through the wooden roof above us. Luckily cease fire hadn't been called and no one knew he did it. I don't take him shooting anymore though.
It's true. I get paranoid about my cognitive ability to operate a gun when I drink. Well, when I'm drunk. A light session of drinking and I don't care anymore than usual. But when drunk I'll triple check everything. And that's really only when someone asks to see my guns (rare). Otherwise I don't touch them.
Just so everyone knows, on Friday night I was looking at a Ruger Mark II .22 when I stupidly pulled the trigger and it shot my left calf. Luckily it was Rat Shot and did not hit anything vital. I had looked at two wheel guns just before, checked to make sure they were unloaded, treated them like they were loaded and all was well. For some reason I fell asleep at the wheel and put a round in my leg. I am fine now, can actually walk on it, it hurt like being punched real real hard. It was stupid and I still feel stupid having done it.
Just so everyone knows, on Friday night I was looking at a Ruger Mark II .22 when I stupidly pulled the trigger and it shot my left calf. Luckily it was Rat Shot and did not hit anything vital. I had looked at two wheel guns just before, checked to make sure they were unloaded, treated them like they were loaded and all was well. For some reason I fell asleep at the wheel and put a round in my leg. I am fine now, can actually walk on it, it hurt like being punched real real hard. It was stupid and I still feel stupid having done it.

wow how amazing is it that i start a thread like this and something like that JUST happened to you?
Soc, i'm glad you're ok. Now proceed to give yourself one of those NCIS slaps to the back of the head.
I gave my son a Ruger Mark II for his 10th birthday. Apparently he had more common sense then than SocTeaser does now.

I was shooting clays once, with the thrower behind and to my left, the clay went up, I pulled the trigger and then realized my safety was on. :hitit:
I gave my son a Ruger Mark II for his 10th birthday. Apparently he had more common sense then than SocTeaser does now.

I was shooting clays once, with the thrower behind and to my left, the clay went up, I pulled the trigger and then realized my safety was on. :hitit:

I bet Soc has never invented an engineer just to try and save face in an argument about guns.