Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
The best description of trump is:
A poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.
Well said and agreed, Walt.
The best description of trump is:
A poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.
So, in your drug addled, state of genius, what would you have done after 9/11, apologize?
What would a hallucinating drug addict living in a single-wide on a social security check, the most money she's ever made in life, know about economics and history?
What do you think they will do? An insurrection?
Do you think "unhinged leftist" are as unhinged as you magats, who go to jail for your messiah? Or are you just projecting the type of crazy only magats show in terms of loyalty to a politician, as always?
If Biden was replaced by another top Dem, not only would few Dems care but most would applaud it. If Trump is replaced by any other top Magat, the magats head will explode and they will threaten and do violence.
The hilarity will be when Bidens whoops that ass again and magats AGAIN meltdown, while wishing America would be destroyed.![]()
What Obama did for the economy. I suppose Fox missed it. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-record/economy
Okay, I can agree with most of that. Trump is a troll. He's an asshole. He's the sort of boss you hate, but have to admit does get things done.
On the other hand, Obama is the nice guy that finishes last when put in charge. He does nothing useful, but everybody likes him. That's been Obama's whole life. He did nothing as president of the Harvard Law Review. As an Illinois state senator, he mostly voted 'present' and did nothing. His few attempts at 'community organizing' ended in failure before they really began. As a US senator, same thing. Nothing to show for it.
As President, he did little useful to move the country forward.
He did get a Nobel Peace Prize that most committee members now deeply regret giving him because they think in retrospect it was totally undeserved.
But he was a nice guy.
Trump is a total asshole. But he does get things done. You, and I, can hate the guy, but you can't fault him for not being the boss and getting shit done.
Obamacare did NOTHING but add a layer of bureaucracy and cost onto an existing system. The same number of people that were uninsured before it were and are uninsured afterwards. It wasn't even a "national healthcare" plan. Obamacare simply federalized individual health insurance plans to a degree while trying to wrangle states into expanding Medicaid coverage.
The rollout was an unmitigated disaster and what followed was nothing short of an onerous economic burden that accomplished nothing. The most onerous part was the--now repealed--tax penalty for not having health insurance.
The Obama economy limped along. It was nothing special, and the recession ended not because of anything you can point to that Obama or his administration did to fix it.
Trump, in turn, had a very similar economy up until Chinese Disease hit.
You forgot to add, obama, the claimed first black president, had the opportunity to unite this country, instead, he did the opposite and to this day continues to wreak havoc on this country.
Obama was the first Black President. There is no "claimed" about it. Obama is Black, and there were no Black Presidents before him.
He tried everything possible to unite the American people. There was a minority that hated him more than any other Democrat, because he was Black. There was another minority that just hated Democrats.
Obamacare is almost exactly what Dole proposed in 1996. It says a lot about Republicans that they could not even support their own plan.
obama was not "Black"
Obama was the first Black President. There is no "claimed" about it. Obama is Black, and there were no Black Presidents before him.
He tried everything possible to unite the American people. There was a minority that hated him more than any other Democrat, because he was Black. There was another minority that just hated Democrats.
Obamacare is almost exactly what Dole proposed in 1996. It says a lot about Republicans that they could not even support their own plan.
obama was not "Black" George Zimmerman was not "White"
He was over half European descent and, like Kaepernick, raised in white culture.
He chose to embrace black culture just like Rachel Dolezal and Kap.
Kaepernick was born of one white and one American Black parent. American Blacks are usually part white, so you would be correct about Kaepernick.
Obama's father was from Africa, with no European ancestry. That means Obama could not have been over half European. His mother may have had a bit of African ancestry, like surprisingly many American whites. That means he may have been over half African ancestry.
I doubt he could have escaped it. People see him as Black, and there is nothing he could do about it. Dolezal, not having Black ancestry, could have passed for white. Kaepernick might have been able to pass as white, but it would have been difficult.
Obama was treated as Black, and therefore he was Black. There is a Jewish saying, "it is not the blood that flows in your veins that makes you Jewish, but the blood that flows from your veins." (Or something like that).
Are you saying there are, indeed, difference races or do you agree our differences are mainly cultural with some external, superficial differences predominant among various regions of the world?
Agreed a lot of poorly educated, low self-esteem assholes like to artificially prop themselves up by claiming "racial superiority", but those morons are idiots.
Agreed on social construct. Culture is made up of individuals. Agreed there are groups of racist fuckwits who see Obama as "black" or see Bush as "white". Trump, of course, is fake orange.Race is obviously a social construct, that being said it is a construct. Which is to say, that if the culture sees Obama as Black, he is Black.
When Powell was appointed the first Black Secretary of State, South Americans were confused. They definitely saw African ancestry in him, but did not have the One Drop rule in their culture. To many South Americans Powell was not Black. To Americans he was Black.
An African would look at Obama and see the European ancestry. Americans look at Obama and see a Black man. Therefore, in America he is a Black. There is nothing he could do about it.
Millions of American Blacks were able to pass as white. They did not tell their children, and so their children believed themselves to be purely white. In past times, Kaepernick might have tried to pass as white. It would be a stretch, but maybe possible. Obama could never have passed as white... least not in America.
Agreed on social construct. Culture is made up of individuals. Agreed there are groups of racist fuckwits who see Obama as "black" or see Bush as "white". Trump, of course, is fake orange.
Agreed on the cultural differences in perceptions. Japanese were very racist in the 80s when I was there, but they were polite about it.
Sure, Kap could have said he was North African. That'd confuse all the racists.
The tall one. The one on the left. The one with the red tie. The one with the shorter hair.If Bush was standing next to Obama, and I asked you to say one word to describe which one of them was Obama, he would be the "____ one." Fill in the blank.
The odd thing about Obama is how much he hates blacks.Obama was the first Black President. There is no "claimed" about it. Obama is Black, and there were no Black Presidents before him.
Blatant lie.He tried everything possible to unite the American people.
Not a minority, Sybil.There was a minority that hated him more than any other Democrat, because he was Black. There was another minority that just hated Democrats.
It doesn't matter if it comes from a RINO like Dole or a Democrat. Communism doesn't work, and Obamacare is unconstitutional.Obamacare is almost exactly what Dole proposed in 1996. It says a lot about Republicans that they could not even support their own plan.
Obviously, we do not agree on that, but one thing we can agree on is:
Everyone who thinks Obama was not Black should vote for trump, and everyone who thinks Obama was (and is) Black should vote for Biden.
Culture or not, I'm certain we can agree that there are Americans, e.g. MAGAts, who will judge people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character.