Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
I have to correct your English. That would be "Republican Cocksucker". "Liberal Cocksucker" would be redundant.When are you going to stop being a Liberal cocksucker?
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I have to correct your English. That would be "Republican Cocksucker". "Liberal Cocksucker" would be redundant.When are you going to stop being a Liberal cocksucker?
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I have to correct your English. That would be "Republican Cocksucker". "Liberal Cocksucker" would be redundant.
You know who to ask to find out who the racist is?
You ask the people of color who are the minorities.
Guess who minorities overwhelmingly think the racist party is?
You know who to ask to find out who the racist is?
You ask the people of color who are the minorities.
Guess who minorities overwhelmingly think the racist party is?
Stop crying. You dunces shouldn’t have chosen the tea bag as the symbol of your “party”. You’ve only got yourself to blame for being called teabaggers.
Also, would you please stop begging and groveling to your superiors (aka, educated liberals) to be “accepting” of your teabagging? Who the fuck said liberals were ever accepting of rightwingers, fringe Neocons, and racist teabaggers?
Bravo I know college was too hard for you so you went to the navy (lol). But you could still try trade school, as we all know a community college is prob too tough for you Mr. Village people tough guy.
Pussy.I do not have the courage or athleticism to ski down even a bunny slope much less some deathtrap you'd have me on. You win by default.
yet your afraid of me. lofl
pray for me southerncoward I got a blowjob last night.
You're afraid of your own gravity.
Sorry but The Southern Man won't be praying for you sodomizing your boyfriend.
your wife gave me the blowjob
Again, since you've lost the argument, you resort to insulting my family. Pussy.
I attack you and you respond by attacking my family. Pussy.
Its human nature to support the Party that sucks up to you and ignore your own failures when they tell you its someone else's fault.
Its truly a brilliant strategy, and again, much more successful then your old policies of segregation and terrorism.
It has nothing to do with race, you bigot. If you practiced the same policies with say, Scandinavian-Americans, you'd get a similar response.Then why are blacks so suseptable to this tactic under your theory?
Why is it that your party garners so little votes from people of color?
You claim they dont use this tactic if it were just man and have nothing to people of color then why in your theory does this effect lean so heavy on blacks?