Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Is this a joke?
He doesn't know a joke even when it bites his butt.
The list is growing. Keep it coming.
Is this a joke?
That would be xenophobic, wouldn't it, Bigdog?
What makes you think there aren't plenty of gullible leftists of all ages?
Vermont college student Moirha Smith decided she was done waiting for reparations for all the harm that had been done to Black people from slavery up to the present day.
So, along with some friends, she created a list where Black Vermonters could sign up to receive direct payments on Venmo from white Vermonters. It was an experiment both in how much people were willing to give in the name of racial justice.
Thousands and thousands of dollars changed hands.
There is no such news on this. I doubt that person is even real.
The comedy continues.
why do you think NPR would create a lie like that?....
If only APL could hear, this is on point.
Good song..
I said I doubt it. She might be a real person. But I see nothing about her in the news.
why is it, even when you backtrack, you sound like you're weaseling.....
This is what I said: "I doubt that person is even real." That is not the same thing as saying that she isn't real or that NPR lied about her existence.
you should be proud......the above quote is even dumber than your original post.....
Doubting something is not the same thing as saying that it doesn't exist.
I propose a tradition of creating a thread every Sunday called, "Laugh At Lonesome Loser Legion, A JPP Tradition."
I no longer feel bad about him.
The obsession continues...
Heh. He thinks it's an obsession while not noticing Leroy's obsessions.
He did, it is at the bottom of the post.