Personal Challenge to USF

But USF since you by default your first answer was anecdotal and not abiding by the rules of this debate I'll do the foot work for you. By the way, the fact that you couldn't go in my own thread and dig out the exact words of what I've stated that indicated racism demonstrates that you basically used ad hominems.

I submit the following:

My car crapped out so I gotta walk home. Unfortunately there are Surenos on my block that are so-called "nigger killers" I'm thinking about bringing my .45 ACP.

Here is a translation from a "kite" on a website I found:

"No black person may ever be jumped into Sur. mallate is Mexican slang for a black person." (Mallate means "nigger" not black person--in southern parts of Mexico it means "black bug" but in California it means the "N-Word"

I also submit the following from the same website:

"No Sureño should eat, smoke or drink after a black person."

See Reference:

I also submit what USF said (in trolling fashion):

Just calmly explain to them that you're not a "nigger"; but instead are a "nigga" and that should solve the problem.

Quite obviously USF is not serious and in fact made the example of what it is to not be street wise nor made any rational point to my cause but instead made an obvious insult to me and my welfare.

I also submit my explanation of how gang members profile people who are walking on the streets:

Let me respond to the idiots here......Gang bangers profile especially minority gangsters, allow me to school some of you idiots.

If you're in Los Angeles and you're on Crenshaw and Slauson wearing a Texas Rangers hat you'll be approached by Rollin 60's gangsters, because the "T hat" stands not for Texas Rangers byt "Treys" or 83rd Gangster Crips who a bitter rivals to the Rollin 60's. Gang members in Los Angeles look for specific articles of clothing to see whether you gang bang. Even if you have USC clothing gear like a backpack or hat, if you're black or hispanic and in the wrong area you may be targeted. You see folks unfortunately due to racial tensions in the prisons knuckleheads bring those tensions to the outside which makes blacks and hispanics targets. So no, I don't profile, if anything I have to watch what I wear. Luckily for me I wear suit and tie.[/QUOTE]

In the above highlighted, I noted that unfortunately racial tensions in prison between the BGF (Black Guerilla Family) and La Eme (MExican Mafia) spills out in the streets due to the extreme racial tension. Although Hispanic gang members war with each other on the outside, in prison that ban together based on race and the same with black gang members. Fort those that serve heavy time and are released in the streets they still carry that racial hatred mentality in the street and unfortunately, depending on the gang see the following:

"Two Latino gang members were convicted Thursday of first-degree murder in a hate-crime trial involving the deaths of a 14-year-old black girl and a potential witness in the Harbor Gateway area of Los Angeles.

The jury deliberated for less than two days before convicting Jonathan Fajardo, 22, and Daniel Aguilar, 23, members of the 204th Street gang, of all charges. Fajardo was found guilty of killing Cheryl Green, whose slaying the jury found was a hate crime motivated by her race. Both men were convicted of participating in the murder of 21-year-old Christopher Ash, who prosecutors say was a fellow gang member suspected by the rest of the gang of talking to police about Green's killing.............

Green's death sparked furor in the community and outrage from authorities and politicians about long-standing gang violence and black-Latino tensions in the neighborhood, a narrow stretch of Los Angeles between Torrance and Carson where graffiti with racial epithets were an everyday occurrence."

I quoted the last sentence because it's important to note that there are parts of L.A county where there are Latino gangs that target blacks regardless of appearence and/or age and in this case in the above they killed a 14-year old girl.

See Reference:

Now this is where we get into the accusations as USF said:

Still seems that you're just profiling the Hispanics you named, that you saw between you and your abode.
How long have you been a racist?

Now guys, notice that I said:

Gang bangers profile especially minority gangsters, allow me to school some of you idiots.

If you're in Los Angeles and you're on Crenshaw and Slauson wearing a Texas Rangers hat you'll be approached by Rollin 60's gangsters, because the "T hat" stands not for Texas Rangers byt "Treys" or 83rd Gangster Crips who a bitter rivals to the Rollin 60's. Gang members in Los Angeles look for specific articles of clothing to see whether you gang bang. Even if you have USC clothing gear like a backpack or hat, if you're black or hispanic and in the wrong area you may be targeted.

So what I was trying to explain to USF who made an assumption of me profiling latinos was, if I'm walking in a bad area and I have on my school clothes indicating my school or if I'm walking in a suit unfortunately and regardless of my business whether coming or going home I'm still a target, not because of what I'm wearing is because I'm walking in an area where a gang may hate blacks. Similarly if I'm in a Crip area and I'm wearing the wrong hat for example if I'm in West Los Angeles between Crenshaw and Slauson which is predominate Rollin 60's Crip area yet I'm wearing a Texas Rangers hat I'm a target because of the type of article of clothing I'm wearing. It doesn't matter if I'm truly a Texas Rangers fan it's the fact that I have the letter "T" on my hat which on the streets stands for 83rd Gangster Crips or (Eight Tray Gangsters).

So as you can clearly see folks USF really doesn't have a leg to stand on and merely used ad hominem tactics just to justify himself which is why he couldn't bring up posts of mine to justify his accusation and it's simply the reason why he fails at debating me now.
But USF since you by default your first answer was anecdotal and not abiding by the rules of this debate I'll do the foot work for you. By the way, the fact that you couldn't go in my own thread and dig out the exact words of what I've stated that indicated racism demonstrates that you basically used ad hominems.

I submit the following:

Here is a translation from a "kite" on a website I found:

"No black person may ever be jumped into Sur. mallate is Mexican slang for a black person." (Mallate means "nigger" not black person--in southern parts of Mexico it means "black bug" but in California it means the "N-Word"

I also submit the following from the same website:

"No Sureño should eat, smoke or drink after a black person."

See Reference:

I also submit what USF said (in trolling fashion):

Quite obviously USF is not serious and in fact made the example of what it is to not be street wise nor made any rational point to my cause but instead made an obvious insult to me and my welfare.

I also submit my explanation of how gang members profile people who are walking on the streets:

Let me respond to the idiots here......Gang bangers profile especially minority gangsters, allow me to school some of you idiots.

If you're in Los Angeles and you're on Crenshaw and Slauson wearing a Texas Rangers hat you'll be approached by Rollin 60's gangsters, because the "T hat" stands not for Texas Rangers byt "Treys" or 83rd Gangster Crips who a bitter rivals to the Rollin 60's. Gang members in Los Angeles look for specific articles of clothing to see whether you gang bang. Even if you have USC clothing gear like a backpack or hat, if you're black or hispanic and in the wrong area you may be targeted. You see folks unfortunately due to racial tensions in the prisons knuckleheads bring those tensions to the outside which makes blacks and hispanics targets. So no, I don't profile, if anything I have to watch what I wear. Luckily for me I wear suit and tie.

In the above highlighted, I noted that unfortunately racial tensions in prison between the BGF (Black Guerilla Family) and La Eme (MExican Mafia) spills out in the streets due to the extreme racial tension. Although Hispanic gang members war with each other on the outside, in prison that ban together based on race and the same with black gang members. Fort those that serve heavy time and are released in the streets they still carry that racial hatred mentality in the street and unfortunately, depending on the gang see the following:

"Two Latino gang members were convicted Thursday of first-degree murder in a hate-crime trial involving the deaths of a 14-year-old black girl and a potential witness in the Harbor Gateway area of Los Angeles.

The jury deliberated for less than two days before convicting Jonathan Fajardo, 22, and Daniel Aguilar, 23, members of the 204th Street gang, of all charges. Fajardo was found guilty of killing Cheryl Green, whose slaying the jury found was a hate crime motivated by her race. Both men were convicted of participating in the murder of 21-year-old Christopher Ash, who prosecutors say was a fellow gang member suspected by the rest of the gang of talking to police about Green's killing.............

Green's death sparked furor in the community and outrage from authorities and politicians about long-standing gang violence and black-Latino tensions in the neighborhood, a narrow stretch of Los Angeles between Torrance and Carson where graffiti with racial epithets were an everyday occurrence."

I quoted the last sentence because it's important to note that there are parts of L.A county where there are Latino gangs that target blacks regardless of appearence and/or age and in this case in the above they killed a 14-year old girl.

See Reference:

Now this is where we get into the accusations as USF said:

Now guys, notice that I said:

So what I was trying to explain to USF who made an assumption of me profiling latinos was, if I'm walking in a bad area and I have on my school clothes indicating my school or if I'm walking in a suit unfortunately and regardless of my business whether coming or going home I'm still a target, not because of what I'm wearing is because I'm walking in an area where a gang may hate blacks. Similarly if I'm in a Crip area and I'm wearing the wrong hat for example if I'm in West Los Angeles between Crenshaw and Slauson which is predominate Rollin 60's Crip area yet I'm wearing a Texas Rangers hat I'm a target because of the type of article of clothing I'm wearing. It doesn't matter if I'm truly a Texas Rangers fan it's the fact that I have the letter "T" on my hat which on the streets stands for 83rd Gangster Crips or (Eight Tray Gangsters).

So as you can clearly see folks USF really doesn't have a leg to stand on and merely used ad hominem tactics just to justify himself which is why he couldn't bring up posts of mine to justify his accusation and it's simply the reason why he fails at debating me now.[/QUOTE]

All that in an attempt to try and prove that you're not a racist and all it did was cement the fact that you fear Hispanics and profile them.
Here iare irrefutable facts I'm not racist:

1) I clearly indicated that Surenos are a larger clique which are ran by an organization, La Eme

2) I made the claim that hispanics are as much of a victim to gang violence as blacks

3) I made the distinction between everday working latinos and latinos who are in gangs

4) If I was truly racist towards Hispanics, why would I even acknowledge that average everday working latino is also the victim of the same criminal activity all of us encounter in the urban community? If I was truly a "black nationalist" I wouldn't even acknowledge Hispanic struggles with inner city crime.

5) I've proven that racial tension between blacks and latinos are largely gang affiliated.

So now that I've refuted you USF what's your next ad hominem attack?
Here iare irrefutable facts I'm not racist:

1) I clearly indicated that Surenos are a larger clique which are ran by an organization, La Eme

2) I made the claim that hispanics are as much of a victim to gang violence as blacks

3) I made the distinction between everday working latinos and latinos who are in gangs

4) If I was truly racist towards Hispanics, why would I even acknowledge that average everday working latino is also the victim of the same criminal activity all of us encounter in the urban community? If I was truly a "black nationalist" I wouldn't even acknowledge Hispanic struggles with inner city crime.

5) I've proven that racial tension between blacks and latinos are largely gang affiliated.

So now that I've refuted you USF what's your next ad hominem attack?
Here iare irrefutable facts I'm not racist:

1) I clearly indicated that Surenos are a larger clique which are ran by an organization, La Eme

2) I made the claim that hispanics are as much of a victim to gang violence as blacks

3) I made the distinction between everday working latinos and latinos who are in gangs

4) If I was truly racist towards Hispanics, why would I even acknowledge that average everday working latino is also the victim of the same criminal activity all of us encounter in the urban community? If I was truly a "black nationalist" I wouldn't even acknowledge Hispanic struggles with inner city crime.

5) I've proven that racial tension between blacks and latinos are largely gang affiliated.

So now that I've refuted you USF what's your next ad hominem attack?

You never provided anything that proved those young men were Surenos.
You did make the accusation though.
Which shows you did nothing more then profile them, that you were ready to shoot them, and that you're just a racist.
Here iare irrefutable facts I'm not racist:

1) I clearly indicated that Surenos are a larger clique which are ran by an organization, La Eme

2) I made the claim that hispanics are as much of a victim to gang violence as blacks

3) I made the distinction between everday working latinos and latinos who are in gangs

4) If I was truly racist towards Hispanics, why would I even acknowledge that average everday working latino is also the victim of the same criminal activity all of us encounter in the urban community? If I was truly a "black nationalist" I wouldn't even acknowledge Hispanic struggles with inner city crime.

5) I've proven that racial tension between blacks and latinos are largely gang affiliated.

So now that I've refuted you USF what's your next ad hominem attack?

Desperately repeating yourself; HUH, you racist.
Sun you sounded eager to put a cap in some soreno ass!
Or someone you thought might be or could be related to someone who knows one.
Fucking gun nut.
USF go to post #26 in my "I have a dilemma" thread.

Surenos represent the number 13, Nortenos 14. I live in MS-13 area. Hence they are Surenos
USF go to post #26 in my "I have a dilemma" thread.

Surenos represent the number 13, Nortenos 14. I live in MS-13 area. Hence they are Surenos

Even more profiling from the racist Sun Devil.\
Since they are Hispanic, Sun Devil automatically assigns them as MS-13 gang members.
The Sureños are a particularly nasty gang that has moved up north into SF as well. The bloodbath that has been south central however is a catastrophe that's been going on for about a generation. I can understand sun devil making an off color comment about having to walk through the neighborhood . . . Racist? I don't read that. But, uh, "tell 'em you're a nigga"? That's problematic.
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The Sureños arew a particularly nasty gang that has moved up north into SF as well. The bloodbath that has been south central however is a catastrophe that's been going on for about a generation. I can understand sun devil making an off color comment about having to walk through the neighborhood . . . Racist? I don't read that. But, uh, "tell 'em you're a nigga"? That's problematic.

Hmm apparently you haven't heard about Florencia 13's battle with the East Coast Crips. There was actually an interview by a reporter with them. At their house they tote a monkey with a string around its neck. Same with East Coast. They target hispanics and black gangs. Just because you don't live here, doesn't mean it doesn't happen
Well the continuance of this thread is pointless. USF already violated the rules with an ad hominem attack then simply compounded it with more ad hominem's
Hmm apparently you haven't heard about Florencia 13's battle with the East Coast Crips. There was actually an interview by a reporter with them. At their house they tote a monkey with a string around its neck. Same with East Coast. They target hispanics and black gangs. Just because you don't live here, doesn't mean it doesn't happen

My son works a gang unit. I hear it all.