Personal memories of the great depression

Talking about real stuff is not fearmongering as such. Talking up fear based on things that do not exist like WMD's and yellow cake is for sure fearmongering.
How quickly some forget how bush spoke of if we don't pass it now for the first stimulation package.

Actually the second one, if forgot the tax rebate thing.
How quickly some forget how bush spoke of if we don't pass it now for the first stimulation package.

Actually the second one, if forgot the tax rebate thing.

Yeah, but at least in the first... er second stimulation package (tax rebates) a check was coming to me and not going to the big wigs at my bank. :cof1:

And the first economic shot in the arm... the tax cuts, I am told my taxes were cut... unfortunately, I'd like to be able to say that I actually noticed a difference in my taxes before and after the tax cuts. They told me my taxes were cut, but the FWT from my paycheck didn't go down and I didn't get a windfall tax refund at the end of the year. Tax cut? Really? Got a magnifying glass so that I can see that I actually got one?

Obama's economic stimulation plan really is nothing more than a change in the Bush Budget for this year. Obama is simply saying he's going to spend more of your tax dollars and your great grandchildren will be paying for it. Spending money that you don't have is not going to stimulate the economy. He'll either have to print money (causing inflation) or increase taxes either now or down the road. Neither idea is very encouraging.

There will be no easy way out of this one. Unfortunately most people do nto realize that and keep trying the same kinds of thisgs which got us into this mess.


Short and very much to the point of what it was like to grow up in the great depression.

Good read .

What a bunch of crap, really even beneath you. My dad was born in 1920, my mom in 1922. Their parents, yes all 4 of them, were immigrants. My dad's dad died in 1923. Yes, my dad was still 2 years old then. But my grandfather had gotten off the boat from Ireland, passed through Ellis Island, then gotten on another boat to Cuba, when US was expanding. Made all the difference for my 'family.' He died young, but with citizenship and a pension from armed service, not too mention the pension from railroad that hired a veteran.

They were 'tweens' then, though of course that wasn't the jargon then. All my folks knew, especially my mom, there wasn't enough food, room, or heat. Weird though it may sound, they were both 'accidental babies.' My mom 11 year junior her next youngest sibling, my dad 14 years.

Both of my folks were doted on by parents and siblings, through the worst of the depression, though for my mom it still meant her brothers got more food, as they were working, while she 'cost' going to parochial school. No option there, Irish immigrant parents. For my dad, it meant he got more special treatment and opportunities than was the norm then.
He's talking about how Bush started in on how important it was to pass the first 'stimulus' in superfastdoitnow fashion that created stupidity.

We're supposed to look the other way because "the other side does it too". It's a regular inanity from the more serious hacks around here. Being on the same side of the scare tactic as the President he hates with every fiber doesn't phase him, that somebody suggests that it is a bad thing to try to 'emergency' up pork for all his pals, that's what phases him. He'd rather jump up and say it is okay because Bush did it first than reflect on what a bad crappy "plan" we got from the Democratically controlled Congress during our last "emergency" plan.

So far I've said the same thing from the first time, to this time and will say it every time Congress wants to ditch logic for "emergency". We need to slow it down and think it through and there should be nothing in any bill passed or sign that doesn't stimulate the economy.
No not supposed to look the other way because the other side does it to. But you were supposed to scream the same song when your side did it.

But since you are a partisan tool....
What a bunch of crap, really even beneath you. My dad was born in 1920, my mom in 1922. Their parents, yes all 4 of them, were immigrants. My dad's dad died in 1923. Yes, my dad was still 2 years old then. But my grandfather had gotten off the boat from Ireland, passed through Ellis Island, then gotten on another boat to Cuba, when US was expanding. Made all the difference for my 'family.' He died young, but with citizenship and a pension from armed service, not too mention the pension from railroad that hired a veteran.

They were 'tweens' then, though of course that wasn't the jargon then. All my folks knew, especially my mom, there wasn't enough food, room, or heat. Weird though it may sound, they were both 'accidental babies.' My mom 11 year junior her next youngest sibling, my dad 14 years.

Both of my folks were doted on by parents and siblings, through the worst of the depression, though for my mom it still meant her brothers got more food, as they were working, while she 'cost' going to parochial school. No option there, Irish immigrant parents. For my dad, it meant he got more special treatment and opportunities than was the norm then.

Lets see here?

I post a thread about the writings of a person who lived through the great depression and that is considered a bunch of crap and beneath me?

Its a persons experience of the great depression.

How in your twisted mind is there something wrong with posting and reading this?

You people have lost ALL perspective on life.
What a bunch of crap, really even beneath you. My dad was born in 1920, my mom in 1922. Their parents, yes all 4 of them, were immigrants. My dad's dad died in 1923. Yes, my dad was still 2 years old then. But my grandfather had gotten off the boat from Ireland, passed through Ellis Island, then gotten on another boat to Cuba, when US was expanding. Made all the difference for my 'family.' He died young, but with citizenship and a pension from armed service, not too mention the pension from railroad that hired a veteran.

They were 'tweens' then, though of course that wasn't the jargon then. All my folks knew, especially my mom, there wasn't enough food, room, or heat. Weird though it may sound, they were both 'accidental babies.' My mom 11 year junior her next youngest sibling, my dad 14 years.

Both of my folks were doted on by parents and siblings, through the worst of the depression, though for my mom it still meant her brothers got more food, as they were working, while she 'cost' going to parochial school. No option there, Irish immigrant parents. For my dad, it meant he got more special treatment and opportunities than was the norm then.

This must be the same experience all Americans had during the depression then.
Lets see here?

I post a thread about the writings of a person who lived through the great depression and that is considered a bunch of crap and beneath me?

Its a persons experience of the great depression.

How in your twisted mind is there something wrong with posting and reading this?

You people have lost ALL perspective on life.

Don't you ever put up someone's first person account of their experiences that differ from Annie's parents' experiences! If I see anything here ever again that is different from what Annie's parents said, I am going to flip the fuck out, do you hear me?
No not supposed to look the other way because the other side does it to. But you were supposed to scream the same song when your side did it.

But since you are a partisan tool....
Which I did, as well as many others on this site. You have a short memory.