Personal memories of the great depression

Yeah I was head scratching a bit on that.
Hmmm... A new type of memory disorder.

I spoke against the first bailout, saying we should slow down and think. That every time we elect to scramble and create "emergency" legislation we create crap that is always full of suck. I said that I wish the Rs would have voted against it. I said that I think McCain's support of it further lowered him in the polls. (Mr. "I'll Make Them Famous" not only didn't make them famous, he voted for one of the hugest pork sandwiches to ever come from a majority Democrat Congress, then went out with a straight face and tried to tell me "I'll veto it and make them famous" some more...).

But Mr. Hacktacular has PMS (Political Memory Syndrome), where you promptly "forget" what people who are politically different actually do in lieu of a fantasy world filled with people you remember doing whatever it is you think would make them look bad.

Hmmm... A new type of memory disorder.

I spoke against the first bailout, saying we should slow down and think. That every time we elect to scramble and create "emergency" legislation we create crap that is always full of suck. I said that I wish the Rs would have voted against it. I said that I think McCain's support of it further lowered him in the polls. (Mr. I'll Make Them Famous not only didn't make them famous, he voted for one of the hugest pork sandwiches to ever come from a majority Democrat Congress).

But Mr. Hacktacular has PMS (Political Memory Syndrome), where you promptly "forget" what people who are politically different actually do in lieu of a fantasy world filled with people you remember doing whatever it is you think would make them look bad.


Ohhh, you said we should slow down and think. I thought you said you were "screaming when Bush did it"
Hmmm... A new type of memory disorder.

I spoke against the first bailout, saying we should slow down and think. That every time we elect to scramble and create "emergency" legislation we create crap that is always full of suck. I said that I wish the Rs would have voted against it. I said that I think McCain's support of it further lowered him in the polls. (Mr. "I'll Make Them Famous" not only didn't make them famous, he voted for one of the hugest pork sandwiches to ever come from a majority Democrat Congress, then went out with a straight face and tried to tell me "I'll veto it and make them famous" some more...).

But Mr. Hacktacular has PMS (Political Memory Syndrome), where you promptly "forget" what people who are politically different actually do in lieu of a fantasy world filled with people you remember doing whatever it is you think would make them look bad.


You weren't against it. You said we should "get it right". That's not "against it". "do it right" is an amazlingly glittering generality. You've become amazingly hacktacular,
I'm letting Damo conflate the stimulus with the bank bailout here, but i want to make sure you know that I know what you're doing.
Ohhh, you said we should slow down and think. I thought you said you were "screaming when Bush did it"
Ah, I see. So it was the hyperbole that you found most important. I felt that helping McCain get defeated by not voting for him or campaigning for him would be enough to show my dissatisfaction. (BTW, since everybody is just burning with curiosity, I wound up voting for Barr.)

His point was that I should have put up opposition to it against Bush, I did as well as others on this site that are conservative.

The stimulus package is much the same, it is hurry-up-and-pass-it-before-you-think legislation. This type of legislation is almost always detrimental.
Ah, I see. So it was the hyperbole that you found most important. I felt that helping McCain get defeated by not voting for him or campaigning for him would be enough to show my dissatisfaction. (BTW, since everybody is just burning with curiosity, I wound up voting for Barr.)

His point was that I should have put up opposition to it against Bush, I did as well as others on this site that are conservative.

The stimulus package is much the same, it is hurry-up-and-pass-it-before-you-think legislation. This type of legislation is almost always detrimental.

You voted for the guy who was caught licking whipped cream off of stripper's t*ts?

LOL That's so perfect!
You voted for the guy who was caught licking whipped cream off of stripper's t*ts?

LOL That's so perfect!
Yeah. But I wasn't going to vote for Billie the Kid (remember the line, "I'll make you famous!"?). It's cool to laugh, there really wasn't a candidate out there talking about what I felt is important. I'd rather the L party get something out of my vote rather than vote for McCain because he is the default candidate.
Darla I think those bashing the opening post of this thread are the head in the sand types. If you don't see or say it then it won't happen.

However they seem to be the same ones against the fairness doctrine....

Short and very much to the point of what it was like to grow up in the great depression.

Good read .

I read it, very sad, but this is not a typical story of the Depression. Your story is of people who immigrated to America immediately when the stock market crashed, they had accrued no wealth, neighbors, community presence or job experience there.

Other stories I've read are hard but not this bad.