Pet Food Recall!

Not belittling the problem at all, just the percieved quality of the "gourmet" dog foods.
I love my furry critters.
I love it that Iams and pukenuba and other gourmet brands are made by the same company as the el cheapo stuff is. Yep you get what you pay for :rolleyes:
Our vet clued us in to that a long time ago. :)

Unfortunately, we do feed our cat a bit of canned food every evening and his brand is on The List. We're taking him to the vet on Thursday, just to be safe.
That stuff is one of the worst things I've ever smelled. When we had a cat after feeding it that stuff a couple of times we quickly went to a "crunchies" only diet for the cat.
I give my cats Purina Cat chow and an an occasional can of friskies when it is cold outside.

Any word yet on what is actually wrong with the bad food ?
I think 10 or so have confirmed deatsh from the problem, unknown on how many had problems or died but owners did not know why.