Phase one

Well we all should know they aren't too smart Trump came out and told them he didn't give a shit about them he only wanted their votes and their money.
And for ONCE I think Trump told the truth. it doesn't happen often but even liars tell the truth ONCE in awhile.
Well they got what they wanted so when it comes back and bites them in the ass they have NO rite to cry.

True story:
Like the late, great General Colin Powell, I was against the Iraq War for the very reason he was: no exit strategy. All this happy horseshit about the troops being home by Christmas was just that - horseshit.

While most Democrats would remember him for his Congressional testimony but that was only after the Bush administration beat him down. He was the voice of reason for as long as possible.

That point aside, I think Trump will stick to air and drone strikes....albeit risking the lives of our military personnel abroad. Both those deployed and civilian families on American military bases in foreign countries.

If the Trump administration takes down the FBI as promised, the terrorists will more easily strike at us on home soil.
I was against it because I thought it was based on lies.
I was on another forum at the start of the Iraq War and it was ugly. All of us who opposed it were told we were traitors who should be shot. And bigotry against all Muslims was running wild.

I was on another board, too. Exactly right - we were traitors, and terrorist sympathizers, and on the "wrong side of history." Now, it's almost impossible to find a conservative who will admit enthusiastically supporting that war.
And then give #TRE45ONv2.0 the opportunity to declare martial law and install himself as Dictator-for-Life.
Good thing the Republicans never accepted all those gun control laws, eh? LOL

What's odd is that, despite all those years of RW 2nd Amendment advocates complaining about tyranny, they are quietly accepting an authoritarian oligarchy state. This in spite of the ass-fucking Trump gave them following 1/6.

I was against it because I thought it was based on lies.
Bombing the shit out of Saddam's palaces for non-compliance was fine with me. Invading Afghanistan and taking down al-Qaeda and their Taliban supporters was fine with me. Invading Iraq and occupying it with no endgame was bullshit. It was clear that the main plan was to plant the US flag in the heart of MidEast oil country.
Bombing the shit out of Saddam's palaces for non-compliance was fine with me. Invading Afghanistan and taking down al-Qaeda and their Taliban supporters was fine with me. Invading Iraq and occupying it with no endgame was bullshit. It was clear that the main plan was to plant the US flag in the heart of MidEast oil country.
I wasn’t for the invasion of Iraq. I thought what needed to be done could be handled by special forces, which is the way they finally got Saddam.
Biden's diplomacy got us here.
Partly. Trump playing the Reagan card is a factor too.

Unlike Reagan, Trump will have us in a shooting war by the end of the year. He's itching to stretch his dictator muscles and, no doubt, is already planning his "victory parade".
It was really ugly!
President Cheney...err, I mean GW capitalized on the fear and shock of post-9/11 America to push anyone who didn't support attacking Iraq as being "with the terrorists".

Let's not forget that both future Presidential nominees Kerry and Clinton were for the war before they were against it.

IMO, it's because they were more concerned with their careers, and being tarred with the anti-patriotism brush, than they were with doing what was best for the nation.

I was in a crashpad in Chicago with a couple of former Air Force pilots at the time. One was very gung-ho about the invasion; I was vocally against it for the same reasons General Powell was against it. The second ex-USAF pilot was pretty silent on the issue. My impression was he tended to agree with me but didn't want to go against his friend.
I was on another forum at the start of the Iraq War and it was ugly. All of us who opposed it were told we were traitors who should be shot. And bigotry against all Muslims was running wild.
It was really ugly!
On the Netscape message boards just believing that invading Iraq was a dumb ass idea, was considered the same as collaborating with Al Qaeda in the eyes of rightwingers.
That was a lot of society.
It didn't help that most Democrats in Congress supported attacking Iraq.

Additionally, most Americans had grown weak and soft since the end of the draft 30 years earlier. They screamed for the US government to save them and the Bush administration used that to push through both the Patriot Act and diverting attention from Afghanistan to Iraq.