Philosphy, free will, and the absence of Religious authority

Lecturing me on logic!

A guy who essentially presented a syllogism that goes:

P1: People who start and run successful businesses are not immature. (Gratuitous P1...totally unsubstantiated or established.)

P2: I am a person who started and ran a successful business. (Unsubtantiated P2)

C: Therefore I am not immature.

Holy shit...if the C has been, therefore I am full of shit...even I would have bought it.

Obviously, you think that people who run successful businesses are immature.
Well, obviously, YOU think that immature people are capable of starting and running successful businesses! :laugh:

I imagine some can and some cannot...just like some mature people can and some cannot.

Only an illogical person would claim that anyone starting and running a successful business must be mature.

That's the problem with any claim of credential or personal history on any forum. Deal with it. I really don't care if you believe me or not.

You were the one who brought it up...even though it has no bearing on what we were discussing.

So you said.

Yeah, you sound very immature to me.

You really seem to want to make this particular insult. Did you know insults are a fallacy?

Stop with the "fallacy" bullshit. You have already shown your abilities with logic are poor.

Yes you did. You can't clear your paradox by denying it.

I deny that anything I have said is a paradox.
Yes, and on that tangent First Amendment seems to be the liberals favorite.

Second amendment is the favorite of conservatives.

Unsurprising, really.

Masterpiece Cakeshop.

No gun rights were exercised during the course of the left shitting on the 1st Amendment (probably to their sorrow).
Masterpiece Cakeshop.

No gun rights were exercised during the course of the left shitting on the 1st Amendment (probably to their sorrow).

The gay cake thingy? Not a free speech issue.

Those bakers are free to talk to anyone about how much they hate gays, how evil gays are, and they can organize all the protests and marches they want to advocate against gays. They are welcome to tell their neighbors how much they hate gays.

My understanding is the court said they cannot violate discrimination laws, violate the civil rights of others, when they are engaged in interstate commerce. Basically, you are free to choose to not engage in interstate commerce if you feel like you want to violate the civil rights of others.
they need to place an I HATE GAYS sign at their doors so gay people know not to use their businesses

then their business can go bankrupt
The gay cake thingy? Not a free speech issue.

Those bakers are free to talk to anyone about how much they hate gays, how evil gays are, and they can organize all the protests and marches they want to advocate against gays. They are welcome to tell their neighbors how much they hate gays.

My understanding is the court said they cannot violate discrimination laws, violate the civil rights of others, when they are engaged in interstate commerce. Basically, you are free to choose to not engage in interstate commerce if you feel like you want to violate the civil rights of others.

All of which violates the 1st Amendment that you claim to respect.