Physician Assistant Fired for Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events to VAERS|TET

I'm not sure if this is pertinent or not,
but I've apparently lived a lifestyle that should have killed me by age 59,
according to a complex computer formula to which I, for fun, volunteered my info several years ago.

I'm 76, and five covid shots haven't taken me out yet,
this despite my apparently living with one foot in the crematory
and another on black ice. Nor have I gotten covid.

Maybe the participating drug store gave me placebos and I just got lucky.
People are dying from the death stab but other people who think someone with a penis is actually a woman because that person "feels" like a woman say we should "follow the science"


Posted by a true idiot.

Ad hominem attacks generally do nothing but increase the noise to signal ratio in a thread. If you disagree with something Yakuda said, pointing it out, as well as any information that backs your counterclaim, would be the way to engage productively in this thread.

What Has Yakuda posted that isn't crude insults??????????????

The post of Yakuda's that you were responding to had no crude insult for starters.
The Epoch Times

Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Fake News, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

You may find the following thread informative: bias |

For my part, I've found that Epoch Times articles on Covid vaccines are well referenced.

I find that you are a bit off the wall.

Once again engaging in an ad hominem attack instead of confronting the evidence, in this case, the evidence I presented against mediabiasfactcheck.
I'm not sure if this is pertinent or not,
but I've apparently lived a lifestyle that should have killed me by age 59,
according to a complex computer formula to which I, for fun, volunteered my info several years ago.

I'm 76, and five covid shots haven't taken me out yet,
this despite my apparently living with one foot in the crematory
and another on black ice. Nor have I gotten covid.

Maybe the participating drug store gave me placebos and I just got lucky.

You seem to be implying that I think anyone who gets the Covid vaccine and boosters would have to keel over. In point of fact, if you do the math, even if around 217,000 people have died in part because of getting a Covid vaccine in the U.S., as a recent article I quoted in another thread suggests, states that at least 269,835,963 people have gotten at least 1 covid shot in the U.S. If we do the math, that is, dividing 217,000 by 269,835,963 , this would mean that only around .0804% of the people who got one or more vaccines have died as a result. Put another way, this would mean that only 1 out of approximately every 1,243 people who got 1 or more covid shots died. While I don't have the data to corroborate this, I suspect that most of these people were elderly, making it even easier to simply dismiss the numbers as people just getting old.

Still, there are rather frightening stories of people who were quite young who died shortly after getting a Covid vaccine. An example I found from February:

Moderna Vaccine Caused Death of 28-Year-Old Man, Singapore Health Authorities Say | Children's Health Defense

The subtitle of the article:
Singapore’s Ministry of Health formally recognized the country’s first fatality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines — a 28-year-old previously healthy Bangladeshi man who died of myocarditis 21 days after receiving the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine.

The evidence that covid vaccines can cause myocarditis has become well known for those following the evidence at this point, with the organizations pushing Covid vaccines the most being shown to have withheld evidence of this:

Pfizer, CDC Withheld Evidence of Myocarditis After COVID Shots, New Documents Reveal | Children's Health Defense