Pick out the Republican

Was the (R) Gay ?
No, MSNBC searches out the ones that look stupid. Like that dweeb on their answer to Hannity & Colmes that wears the bow tie. This guy looked like a typical MSNBC pick for their shows.

The funny thing was, the guy that was all for Hillary looked like he was copying the dress code for a young republican gathering.
No, MSNBC searches out the ones that look stupid. Like that dweeb on their answer to Hannity & Colmes that wears the bow tie. This guy looked like a typical MSNBC pick for their shows.

The funny thing was, the guy that was all for Hillary looked like he was copying the dress code for a young republican gathering.

young republican :shock: Gay fer sure.
but then dems do not frown too bad on that do they ?
Oh please, Damo. Tucker Carlson was on CNN long before he was on MSNBC. He's a very smart guy. If they wanted a conservative to look stupid, Carlson would be a poor choice. They'd do something like pick Colmes of the Neo Con world - squirrly looking, not terribly bright, and without an opportunity to speak his mind.
Oh please, Damo. Tucker Carlson was on CNN long before he was on MSNBC. He's a very smart guy. If they wanted a conservative to look stupid, Carlson would be a poor choice. They'd do something like pick Colmes of the Neo Con world - squirrly looking, not terribly bright, and without an opportunity to speak his mind.
Please, he dresses and looks the clown and would be hard pressed to fight his way out of a paper bag if it wasn't sprayed down first. Tucker is a little dweeb, looks it, and debates like it.
Please, he dresses and looks the clown and would be hard pressed to fight his way out of a paper bag if it wasn't sprayed down first. Tucker is a little dweeb, looks it, and debates like it.

Yeah, I don't find Tucker to be smart, and never have I seen a guy who is begging to have that smirk wiped off his face more. He is a dweeb. I think it's hysterical that he's been afraid to wear his bowtie ever since Jon Stewart just absolutely creamed him over it, right to his face on Crossfire.

He has low ratings. But I think MSBC keeps him on anyway, because they feel they need a con to balance out Olbermann, and now with Scarborough on in Imus' old spot, they don't have a con in primetime. Matthews is just a screwball, I don't think you can put a tag on him either way.
If you watch these so called news shows you can tell who the neocon is when he/she interrupts the person speaking half way thru their thought and a shouting match starts. I won't watch these shouting matches anymore. As soon as it happens...click. Prue propaganda technique to not let your opposition state a point. (see Hannity or numerous examples)
You can also tell who the real neocon insiders are by the little flag on their lapels, usually on Sunday morning shows.

This is a good point. Its not universally true. But, the NeoCon will usually be the rudest, and the one most likely to try to derail the topic away from bush/iraq/whatever.

Like that debate on Hardball between a democratic Iraq war veteran, and some NeoCon retired Air Force dude named "Buzz". Buzz spent about half the debate interrupting the iraq war vet, calling him a traitor, and saying he was stabbing his fellow soliders in iraq, in the back.