Pick your favorite Secret Society

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do you get to wear the hat and cape?

do you have a sword?

my dad was an Elk, we got to swim at the rich, snobs only pool. We weren't rich, but it is where all of mom and dad's friends from the "old neighborhood" hung out.

Does anyone know if there is a link between the Elk Club and this Order?

I have never participated in a formal event, so, no, I don't have any gear. I just attend meetings/dinners sometimes and watch my life insurance plan mature... :cool:
Does anyone know if there is a link between the Elk Club and this Order?

I have never participated in a formal event, so, no, I don't have any gear. I just attend meetings/dinners sometimes and watch my life insurance plan mature... :cool:
Oh, very smart.
Oh, now someone is going to say you are a racists! Way to go TA

Yeah, I am banking on the fact that everyone should be intelligent enough to get the joke about shadows and not be obtuse and think "black president."

Even if they aren't intelligent enough, the principle that states they should be is comfort enough.