Here are a few.
Beautiful pictures.
^^^Good they shoulda burnt it to the ground. Of course that not the j6 jackasses.
I came up with one you lying son of a nigger whore. Keep lying bastard. You see, this is why NO ONE should ever answer a leftists bullshit questions because they just keep lying and spewing bullshit.
And you're a dick smoking lying son of a nigger whore.
Lying son of a nigger whore.
jakemax is the reason rule 14 was created. He is now banished from the forum.
Beautiful pictures.
This coupled with the post below proves "Bill T" is a lying POS Trumper moron....and a needy little fuckwit too. LOL
Where did I call you a troll, Liar?This AH trashes my picture thread and then has the gall to call me a troll.
This AH trashes my picture thread and then has the gall to call me a troll.
Just ignore that asshole.
He can't. He claimed to put me on ignore but that lasted only a few hours. He can't help himself.
He can ask a mod for forced ignore.
You can be a very unpleasant person sometimes.
I came up with one you lying son of a nigger whore. Keep lying bastard. You see, this is why NO ONE should ever answer a leftists bullshit questions because they just keep lying and spewing bullshit.
That worthless nigger got what he asked for.
Dang, niggered59 is gonna melt all over the place. I bet secretly it wants to have trumps baby!
LOL. Because he can't control himself? Statements like these?:
True, but only to trolls, scumbags and other people who deserve it. "Bill" proved he doesn't deserve respect through posts like those quoted above and by repeatedly lying then denying it. He's no better than the other racist RW Trumpers on this forum. They can all rot in bed of COVID, cancer or a stroke. The world will be better off with them dead.
Butthurt again?
Be careful or you will anger your orange god.
Not like you, Liar. Not like Jakemax:
Who is my orange god, Liar?