Pigboy calls Michelle Obama fat?!!

Which says exactly what I said. He called her a hypocrite for eating fattening foods while telling others they shouldn't. I was looking for a link to the "far more" that you said existed. There is zero in the story about Rush calling her fat.

She didn't tell others not to do it, she is teaching healthy and limited sugary and fat snacks for children, so he exaggerated once again, and he didn't say fat, but his comments implied that he thought she needed to follow her own advice, I saw the clip, he was implying she was fat.
Attacks on WH and politicians' children have been going on for as long as I can remember. It's not just liberals.

Sarah' s daughter Bristol put herself out there for the public and she is an adult now.

You are right, it isn't just liberals but Rush has been one of the worse for going after the kids of the left.
Sarah' s daughter Bristol put herself out there for the public and she is an adult now.

You are right, it isn't just liberals but Rush has been one of the worse for going after the kids of the left.

Hope there's a special place in hell for that bloated tub of chicken fat.

"On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and then asked, "Did you know there's a White House dog?" Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time."
Does anybody listen, let alone believe the drug addict limbaugh anymore? He lost his credibility long ago. Damn you guys are dumb.
Which says exactly what I said. He called her a hypocrite for eating fattening foods while telling others they shouldn't. I was looking for a link to the "far more" that you said existed. There is zero in the story about Rush calling her fat.

You have to click on the link to the audio, that takes you to another article that says click on link to the audio, that takes you to another article that finally actually links to the audio.

On the audio, he essentially stated there is no evidence that she is following her own advice on eating healthy. He never said she was fat, but implied that she hasn't appeared to be leaning up. Which is probably what is being construed as 'he called her fat'.

That said, the owner of the restaurant in Vail stated the actual calorie count of the ribs was closer to 600 calories vs. 1500. Having had that meal I would say the owner is far closer to reality than Rush. It is a small serving size and they do use a really lean cut.
Does anybody listen, let alone believe the drug addict limbaugh anymore? He lost his credibility long ago. Damn you guys are dumb.

98.9% of his audience are liberals. They listen to him and keep him in business so that they have a nice fat punching bag at their disposal in times of need.

73.6% of statistics are made up.
You have to click on the link to the audio, that takes you to another article that says click on link to the audio, that takes you to another article that finally actually links to the audio.

On the audio, he essentially stated there is no evidence that she is following her own advice on eating healthy. He never said she was fat, but implied that she hasn't appeared to be leaning up. Which is probably what is being construed as 'he called her fat'.

That said, the owner of the restaurant in Vail stated the actual calorie count of the ribs was closer to 600 calories vs. 1500. Having had that meal I would say the owner is far closer to reality than Rush. It is a small serving size and they do use a really lean cut.

The funniest thing about this is that Rush's whole line of attack is based on his erroneous assertion that she ordered "ribs." She didn't. She ordered "short ribs."

These are "ribs"


These are "short ribs"


The two are very different in pretty much all respects.

Edit: And here's the transcript of Rush calling Obama fat, or, if you want to be generous to Limbaugh, not thin:

The problem is -- and dare I say this -- it doesn't look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice. And then we hear that she's out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat per serving, yeah it does -- what do you mean, what do I mean?

What is it - no, I'm trying to say that our First Lady does not project the image of women that you might see on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, or of a woman [professional baseball player] Alex Rodriguez might date every six months or what have you. I mean, women are under constant pressure to look lithe, and Michelle My Belle is out there saying if you eat the roots and tree bark and the berries and all this cardboard stuff you will live longer, be healthier and you won't be obese. Okay, fine, show us.
The funniest thing about this is that Rush's whole line of attack is based on his erroneous assertion that she ordered "ribs." She didn't. She ordered "short ribs."

These are "ribs"


These are "short ribs"


The two are very different in pretty much all respects.

Edit: And here's the transcript of Rush calling Obama fat, or, if you want to be generous to Limbaugh, not thin:

Again, he does not call her fat. He mentions the constant pressure women are under to be model like. He says she does not show signs that she is leaning up. That is not the same as calling her fat. Not even close.

There are a lot of people in decent shape that could lean up if they were to eat healthier (exercise more). His point was that there is not much change in Michelle (in his opinion).

Bottom line... Rush is and always will be a moron. He cons liberals into promoting him on a daily basis. One day liberals will wise up and stop giving a crap what that idiot is saying.
how do I know kenneth is gay?
He say's she's not fat!!!

Would any straight guy's here hit it. I say she's more than 175 which puts her too many kilo's over my limit.
You have to click on the link to the audio, that takes you to another article that says click on link to the audio, that takes you to another article that finally actually links to the audio.

On the audio, he essentially stated there is no evidence that she is following her own advice on eating healthy. He never said she was fat, but implied that she hasn't appeared to be leaning up. Which is probably what is being construed as 'he called her fat'.

That said, the owner of the restaurant in Vail stated the actual calorie count of the ribs was closer to 600 calories vs. 1500. Having had that meal I would say the owner is far closer to reality than Rush. It is a small serving size and they do use a really lean cut.
It's how they cook it that made it less fattening actually. But my question was where did he call her fat? Rana's post that he "implied it" and then yours actually telling me what you heard (and what I heard, the clips were available) pretty much tells me he never said it and this is just oversensitivity on the part of worshipful followers.

He was a bit off the mark on the "they ate fatty foods!" stuff, but heck, I don't really care. We do need to eat better, and this is the kind of thing that First Ladies do. Like Nancy with the "Say No to Drugs" campaign.