Wow. You may have a slight ego problem.
Your ego could result in having your posting privileges being suspended.
Wow. You may have a slight ego problem.
Faced with the embarrassment of the current administration's failure to turn the economy around, in spite of spending trillions of taxpayer dollars to do so, the liberal democrats here have decided to wage a personal vendetta against Dixie, and rehash 3-year-old arguments and posts of mine, because they don't want to face the music or have to admit they were wrong about Obama's broken promises of Hope and Change.
It is far more beneficial to their side, to meander through old threads and find things they can construe as 'contradictions' in my postings. This is designed to take the heat off their party for the dismal failures of the Obama administration, and avoid being accountable for electing the fraud as president. Unable to fly their typical excuses anymore, they must resort to some measure of distraction, so that people are consumed by something other than spiraling inflation, astronomical debt, and skyrocketing unemployment. It is far more important for them to focus on something they perceive me to be 'inconsistent' about, than to address the loss of over 2 million jobs since their president was elected on the promise he would bring jobs back. It is paramount that they focus their attention on my past postings, rather than the war in Iraq, which their president mislead the American people about, claiming he would end the war, but hasn't.
This is what the Democrat Party has become. A roving band of misfits who lack any moral clarity or ability to rationally discuss ANY issue. Choosing instead, to gleefully participate in character assassination and distortion on a grand scale. They have all become experts at lying and spin, they've practiced since the days of Clinton, and now they will implement their plan to destroy anyone who doesn't tow the party line, so you better all watch out.
You are now warned that you're behavior could result in your posting priviliges being terminated.
It is just priceless that this wanker is warning somebody else about their behaviour.
If you knew anything about economics, which it is patently obvious that you don't, then you would know that unemployment is a lagging indicator.
You should be careful about how you play the race card; because it coiuld cause your posting ability to be looked at.
Careful US... you do understand she is BLACK, and we all know that people who are BLACK are impervious to racism, there is something about having dark pigmentation which prevents them from having any sort of racist or prejudiced thoughts whatsoever! In fact, because she is BLACK, AND a democrat, it means she is not only immune to racist thoughts, she is a foremost expert on who is and isn't actually a racist. BLACK democrats can tell who is racist usually by just casual conversation about their political views, and us white conservatives aren't allowed to challenge them, because that would be "racist" for us to do that!
I am surprised some of her pinhead fan club hasn't already called you out for being a racist, just based on the fact that you used a harsh tone with her! You must obviously be a racist, that is the only way to explain why you would act that way!
So; you;re saying she is BLACK??![]()
Dude, put down the crack pipe! We have lost 2 MILLION jobs since January! We continue to lose 400k per month! Job growth is NOT just "lagging", it is totally NON EXISTENT! Seems to me, I recall a certain presidential candidate promising to CREATE new jobs, not LOSE more! In fact, it was one of the big campaign issues... how all of Obama's plans were going to create all kinds of new jobs, but so far, not a single job has been created, and 2 million more have been lost.
The main reason we continue to hemorrhage jobs, is because the economy is still in the crapper. In spite of democrats spending our tax dollars faster than Paris Hilton in a little dog store, our economy isn't recovering, and it's not likely to in the near future. What you are trying to say is, that even AFTER the economy begins to recover, new jobs will lag behind the recovery... when and if it ever comes! That is really not very encouraging news, because at the rate we are losing jobs, no one will be employed, so how will the economy sustain recovery?
In short, you are presenting circular idiocy. We never have to worry about all these new jobs because the economy is never going to recover, so Obama is politically okay, since he certainly won't be held accountable for jobs he didn't create because the economy didn't recover! What a fucking nitwit!
Man that post sucks on a black background.
Umm tax cuts seemed to be part of the reason we are in the pits now Dix.
They do not seem to work.
LOOOL, but onceler or ib1 claims that obama just passed the largest tax cuts in US history
Careful US... you do understand she is BLACK, and we all know that people who are BLACK are impervious to racism, there is something about having dark pigmentation which prevents them from having any sort of racist or prejudiced thoughts whatsoever! In fact, because she is BLACK, AND a democrat, it means she is not only immune to racist thoughts, she is a foremost expert on who is and isn't actually a racist. BLACK democrats can tell who is racist usually by just casual conversation about their political views, and us white conservatives aren't allowed to challenge them, because that would be "racist" for us to do that!
I am surprised some of her pinhead fan club hasn't already called you out for being a racist, just based on the fact that you used a harsh tone with her! You must obviously be a racist, that is the only way to explain why you would act that way!
LOOOL, but onceler or ib1 claims that obama just passed the largest tax cuts in US history
Dude, put down the crack pipe! We have lost 2 MILLION jobs since January! We continue to lose 400k per month! Job growth is NOT just "lagging", it is totally NON EXISTENT! Seems to me, I recall a certain presidential candidate promising to CREATE new jobs, not LOSE more! In fact, it was one of the big campaign issues... how all of Obama's plans were going to create all kinds of new jobs, but so far, not a single job has been created, and 2 million more have been lost.
The main reason we continue to hemorrhage jobs, is because the economy is still in the crapper. In spite of democrats spending our tax dollars faster than Paris Hilton in a little dog store, our economy isn't recovering, and it's not likely to in the near future. What you are trying to say is, that even AFTER the economy begins to recover, new jobs will lag behind the recovery... when and if it ever comes! That is really not very encouraging news, because at the rate we are losing jobs, no one will be employed, so how will the economy sustain recovery?
In short, you are presenting circular idiocy. We never have to worry about all these new jobs because the economy is never going to recover, so Obama is politically okay, since he certainly won't be held accountable for jobs he didn't create because the economy didn't recover! What a fucking nitwit!
No one has ever said minorities can't have biased and prejudiced views. and I'm 100% certain LadyT never has.
Another case where you're just making shit up?
Minorities have actual real life experience with widespread and institutionaled racism and discrimination. That's why their views, their life experience has far more credbility than the pontifications of white dudes like you or me.
dixie, however much you and your rightwing bretheren whine, white men are priviliged. There's never been ANY situation in my, or your, entire life where our skin color was a handicap, or caused us any inconvenience in the least little bit.
White american dudes are the luckiest and most privileged class of people in the entire history of the planet.
Why white rightwing men whine about reverse racism, and how blacks get a "pass" in laughable.
Well I probably shouldn't say she is black, because it is undoubtedly going to be perceived as racist for me to even use that word to describe her, but I figure I have already been branded so what the hell! But I caution you, as a fellow conservative, don't go around repeating what I've told you here.
Quote me saying that.
Oh, that's right. You can't. Because you're a lying prick.