Pivotal moments in the senate impeachment hearings

I watched the ENTIRE thing.....the GOP essentially got it's butt handed to them...especially when Berke took Castor to task. My favorite is when Castor went dumb when Berke asked him if he's calling folk like Hill and Holmes liars.

Another classic is when braying parrot Collins berate Goldman to (magically) reveal who leaked the telephone information that Nunes actually did squawk with Giuliani NUMEROUS times. So much for objectivity. Amazing how Collins just assumes that he can insinuate that Goldman is about corrupt as the people he is defending.

Let's face it, in order to buy the GOP alternate narrative you have to IGNORE any and all evidence that came out of the House hearings. And that dog just won't fly. Classic.

Thread: Pivotal moments in the senate impeachment hearings I thought it was the House hearingsand the Senate trial is yet to come? Are you sure you listen to it very well?
"truthie" keeps repeating the same lame lines ...................blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

I R O N Y!!!
Hello Taichiliberal,

I watched the ENTIRE thing.....the GOP essentially got it's butt handed to them...especially when Berke took Castor to task. My favorite is when Castor went dumb when Berke asked him if he's calling folk like Hill and Holmes liars.

Another classic is when braying parrot Collins berate Goldman to (magically) reveal who leaked the telephone information that Nunes actually did squawk with Giuliani NUMEROUS times. So much for objectivity. Amazing how Collins just assumes that he can insinuate that Goldman is about corrupt as the people he is defending.

Let's face it, in order to buy the GOP alternate narrative you have to IGNORE any and all evidence that came out of the House hearings. And that dog just won't fly. Classic.

But of course. Their statements are designed that way. If you completely ignore anything a Democrat says, and you only listen to the Republicans, then you for sure think Trump is innocent and the Democrats are some pretty horrible people. Funny. That is just about exactly what most Trump supporters think! I can't even talk to most of them on here. I tried, and all they did was insult me for holding a differing viewpoint. Well there's no point in talking to anybody like that. They've already shown how they are going to be. To continue to talk to people like that would be about as brilliant as sitting in a room next to a button labelled 'Insults' and repeatedly pressing it.
Lindsay Graham (Senate Judiciary Chairman) is now making noises about wanting to end the (likely) Trump impeach trial in the Senate as quickly as possible. Apparently, senior Republicans are leaning towards calling a vote to acquit President Trump immediately after House Democrats and the White House have delivered their agreements to head off partisan disagreements that might lengthen the trial.

On Sunday, Lindsay Graham said he does not plan to call Adam Schiff (House Intelligence Chairman).

President Trump has always said he would like Adam Schiff, the "Non-Whistleblower, Whistleblower", Joe Biden and Hunter Biden called as witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. It looks like we will not know until next week - when Trump makes a decision - which witnesses will be called, if any.

Personally, I hope that ignores the political (re-election) qualms some Republicans have about the Senate impeachment trial having individuals like Joe Biden called as witnesses.

Lying, crooked and unscrupulous politicians like Joe Biden (who abused his role as a former Vice President) and Adam Schiff must be called to account for their criminal conduct and punished. The people have a right to see justice done; and, in any case, what is the point of a trial with no witnesses.

There are many more low-life involved in this impeachment plot against Trump (like Nancy Pelosi, Comey, etc) and I would love to see ALL of them called as witnesses; though I guess that is now the President's call, and we will have to wait and see what he decides next week. The whole charade really angers me, because Trump did NOTHING wrong, there never was a case -any case - against him, and we all saw that very clearly while watching that ridiculous travesty called the "Schiff Show." I mean, WHAT A JOKE ! Before that, there was the lengthy Mueller debacle and I think, it is absolutely incredible that President Trump , who has been under constant vicious attack from a hateful, little pack of bitches in the Democrat Party and the leftist media, has been able to achieve what he actually has in terms of positives like a great economy that is humming along beautifully. Just imagine what extra things he could have managed to get done were it not for the Democrat's "Russia Hoax" and Shifty, lying, Schiff's bogus impeachment circus. The "opportunity costs" probably run into many billions, if not trillions of dollars.

I hope Trump decides to crucify Schiff and the Bidens ( and the so-called "Whistleblower") for what they have done. If these scum bags manage to wriggle off the hook on this one , I will be bitterly disappointed.


Evidently you are inhabiting an alter-universe. Impeachment happens in the House...

Which is why nothing Taichi says can't be considered worthwhile. He doesn't understand how the process works. He doesn't understand a lot of things.
He's worse. He fell for what The Obama said.

For someone that claims to be so smart, he's easily duped.

All these libs claim to be smart. Yet it is amazing how dumb they are. They are unpaid cheerleaders for the Swamp.
All these libs claim to be smart. Yet it is amazing how dumb they are. They are unpaid cheerleaders for the Swamp.

They sound like the idiot that used to work for my mother. He spouted off about his degrees and certifications yet had no clue what she meant when she asked him could he tie his shoes.
Hello Dachshynddawg,

Lindsay Graham (Senate Judiciary Chairman) is now making noises about wanting to end the (likely) Trump impeach trial in the Senate as quickly as possible. Apparently, senior Republicans are leaning towards calling a vote to acquit President Trump immediately after House Democrats and the White House have delivered their agreements to head off partisan disagreements that might lengthen the trial.

On Sunday, Lindsay Graham said he does not plan to call Adam Schiff (House Intelligence Chairman).

President Trump has always said he would like Adam Schiff, the "Non-Whistleblower, Whistleblower", Joe Biden and Hunter Biden called as witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. It looks like we will not know until next week - when Trump makes a decision - which witnesses will be called, if any.

Personally, I hope that ignores the political (re-election) qualms some Republicans have about the Senate impeachment trial having individuals like Joe Biden called as witnesses.

Lying, crooked and unscrupulous politicians like Joe Biden (who abused his role as a former Vice President) and Adam Schiff must be called to account for their criminal conduct and punished. The people have a right to see justice done; and, in any case, what is the point of a trial with no witnesses.

There are many more low-life involved in this impeachment plot against Trump (like Nancy Pelosi, Comey, etc) and I would love to see ALL of them called as witnesses; though I guess that is now the President's call, and we will have to wait and see what he decides next week. The whole charade really angers me, because Trump did NOTHING wrong, there never was a case -any case - against him, and we all saw that very clearly while watching that ridiculous travesty called the "Schiff Show." I mean, WHAT A JOKE ! Before that, there was the lengthy Mueller debacle and I think, it is absolutely incredible that President Trump , who has been under constant vicious attack from a hateful, little pack of bitches in the Democrat Party and the leftist media, has been able to achieve what he actually has in terms of positives like a great economy that is humming along beautifully. Just imagine what extra things he could have managed to get done were it not for the Democrat's "Russia Hoax" and Shifty, lying, Schiff's bogus impeachment circus. The "opportunity costs" probably run into many billions, if not trillions of dollars.

I hope Trump decides to crucify Schiff and the Bidens ( and the so-called "Whistleblower") for what they have done. If these scum bags manage to wriggle off the hook on this one , I will be bitterly disappointed.



Regards? Regards for WHOM? You've done a lot of name-calling here which indicates a rather strong bias.

The economy was already doing quite well when President Trump took office. We can never know how well it might have done under responsible leadership because we have not had that with Trump. During the 2016 campaign, Trump said he could completely eliminate the federal debt, a ridiculous claim) Instead of trying to balance the budget, he has abandoned all concern for the spiraling American federal debt, which will have to be addressed sooner or later. The debt has already gone up 4 trillion under Trump and rises more than one trillion per year that he is in office. That is unsustainable and irresponsible during a good economy.

An actual genius would understand that you use a good economy to address the debt incurred during the previous recession. It is absolutely irresponsible to reward the richest with a huge tax cut that drives the deficit over a trillion dollars. The American economy is running on borrowed time because the American government is being run on borrowed money. That represents a most serious and extremely troubling LACK of leadership.

If you can't even pay for the government or pay down the debt with a great economy you have zero chance to control it during a recession. History is a great teacher but you do have to pay attention to the lesson or the mistakes will be repeated.

This is the Republican plan to regain power after they are deposed:

Trump signs off on the biggest tax give-away to the super-rich, takes credit for the good economy he inherited.

This makes the American debt great, and puts the economy in peril, which will have to be addressed in time, probably at or about the time a Democrat takes over.

When the inevitable crash occurs as a result of mismanagement of the nation, the delayed effect will probably cause that to occur during or before the election in which a Democrat wins the Presidency. (Shades of GWB-Obama transition.)

Then the Republicans will blame the then-poor economy on the Democrats and get the misinformed to once again vote for a Republican to 'clean up the Democrat mess,' when in reality it is always the Democrats who have to clean up the Republican mess and the Republicans take credit for the hard work and diligence of Democrats who are actually the more responsible stewards of the economy. All the pieces are falling in place for an inevitable repeat of history. I only hope the inevitable crash comes prior to the 2020 election so it will be more obvious who caused it.
Originally Posted by Dark Soul
We Red Blooded Americans are looking forward to it, because in the Senate, jurisprudence won't be ignored. And when the following two words are uttered, your heroes who have been mouthing off for months now will shit their panties. The words are "cross examination."


The GOP flunkies carried on about a "secret" being held in the basement....as one Dem senator said, "I was there, there were republicans there! Where would you have had it? The second floor? Trump was invited, he declined and then blocked key white house witnesses (fortunately, some defied him). GOP flunkies just keep repeating lies and revisionist clap trap.
Originally Posted by Truth Detector
There were no witnesses. What crime did they witness?? There were no first hand accounts of anything out of the ordinary. Unless you stupidly believe that Congress should be responsible for foreign policy and not the President.

Turley's objectivity is pristine, unlike his partisan hack colleagues; this is an honest man who never votes Republican and doesn't like the President. He's also not a liar, a fool or a moron which is more than we can say about Schiff, Pelosi and Nadler.

"truthie" keeps repeating the same lame lines as if he thinks if he repeats them enough someone other than himself will believe them

What has to be witnessed? what is a first hand account? and Congress does have a role in foreign policy, they approved the aid, it was Trump who held it up for no valid reason other than he sought to leverage it for his own personal gain

And as I have shown you before, it is just as easy to ping pong videos from the likes of Nyet, Lindsey and others flipping flopping on impeachment as well as anyone else

TD is a right wing clod....after reducing him to the babbling parrot you have before you, I dump him back into the IA bin. First they said all hearsay, then they eye witnesses don't matter because they didn't directly talk to the President. :rolleyes: These guys would make lousy defense lawyers in civil court.
Lindsay Graham (Senate Judiciary Chairman) is now making noises about wanting to end the (likely) Trump impeach trial in the Senate as quickly as possible. Apparently, senior Republicans are leaning towards calling a vote to acquit President Trump immediately after House Democrats and the White House have delivered their agreements to head off partisan disagreements that might lengthen the trial.

On Sunday, Lindsay Graham said he does not plan to call Adam Schiff (House Intelligence Chairman).

President Trump has always said he would like Adam Schiff, the "Non-Whistleblower, Whistleblower", Joe Biden and Hunter Biden called as witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. It looks like we will not know until next week - when Trump makes a decision - which witnesses will be called, if any.

Personally, I hope that ignores the political (re-election) qualms some Republicans have about the Senate impeachment trial having individuals like Joe Biden called as witnesses.

Lying, crooked and unscrupulous politicians like Joe Biden (who abused his role as a former Vice President) and Adam Schiff must be called to account for their criminal conduct and punished. The people have a right to see justice done; and, in any case, what is the point of a trial with no witnesses.

There are many more low-life involved in this impeachment plot against Trump (like Nancy Pelosi, Comey, etc) and I would love to see ALL of them called as witnesses; though I guess that is now the President's call, and we will have to wait and see what he decides next week. The whole charade really angers me, because Trump did NOTHING wrong, there never was a case -any case - against him, and we all saw that very clearly while watching that ridiculous travesty called the "Schiff Show." I mean, WHAT A JOKE ! Before that, there was the lengthy Mueller debacle and I think, it is absolutely incredible that President Trump , who has been under constant vicious attack from a hateful, little pack of bitches in the Democrat Party and the leftist media, has been able to achieve what he actually has in terms of positives like a great economy that is humming along beautifully. Just imagine what extra things he could have managed to get done were it not for the Democrat's "Russia Hoax" and Shifty, lying, Schiff's bogus impeachment circus. The "opportunity costs" probably run into many billions, if not trillions of dollars.

I hope Trump decides to crucify Schiff and the Bidens ( and the so-called "Whistleblower") for what they have done. If these scum bags manage to wriggle off the hook on this one , I will be bitterly disappointed.



Sorry, but the Orange Oaf dodge won't work....as Schiff and the Biden's were NOT the ones who held up military aid transactions, not the ones who sent his personal (non-vetted) emissary to usurp foreign intelligence and diplomacy by dealing with the very corrupt people the Orange Oaf is allegedly concerned about,
The 'Transcript' is the 'confession'. --->Will you do me a Favor though<---
Extortion. Plain and simple.

Just interfere in our elections to hurt my main opponent and I will release the aid that I had no right or authority to get involved with. It used to be that the House had the Power of the Purse. Not now ,it is Trumps.
Who benefits if Zelensky does it? Why one man..Trump. But it is not a favor for him. all of America would just love to have Biden kneecapped by a Ukraine president. Rightys must believe that.
Just interfere in our elections to hurt my main opponent and I will release the aid that I had no right or authority to get involved with. It used to be that the House had the Power of the Purse. Not now ,it is Trumps.
Who benefits if Zelensky does it? Why one man..Trump. But it is not a favor for him. all of America would just love to have Biden kneecapped by a Ukraine president. Rightys must believe that.

I believe they are all 'aware' ... but use the tactic of 'never happened', to avoid the topic altogether. It just shows the divisiveness of the US today.
Red Team knows this is their chance to 'stack' the Supreme Court in their favor. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, they will sell their Souls rather than pass on this historic opportunity.
Hello Nordberg,

Just interfere in our elections to hurt my main opponent and I will release the aid that I had no right or authority to get involved with. It used to be that the House had the Power of the Purse. Not now ,it is Trumps.
Who benefits if Zelensky does it? Why one man..Trump. But it is not a favor for him. all of America would just love to have Biden kneecapped by a Ukraine president. Rightys must believe that.

Trump only wanted a favor. You know, like the Godfather only wants a teeny little favor....
Hello Nordberg,

Trump only wanted a favor. You know, like the Godfather only wants a teeny little favor....

The reds miss that point. It is as if the biggest boss at your company said " I need a favor'. That is not like a regular person said it. It has an underlying threat and power behind it. Trump the accidental president" uses that power like a mafia boss. He is without scruples and respect for others. Zelensky was a brand spanking new prez and had little knowledge of his job. Trump got to him very quickly after the election and turned the screws.
What was Zelensky supposed to think ?