Pizzagate is real!

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Photoshop. What's a "bafoon," leggie?

Biden eats pizza with troops in Poland and recalls how son Beau hid his name on front lines

‘I walked in and I was looking for my son, and I’m going around wondering, “Where the hell is my son?”’ the president recalled.

While meeting with US troops in Poland over a pizza lunch, president Joe Biden shared an anecdote about visiting his late son Beau, who served in the Iraq War.

Years ago, the president said, he tried to visit Beau in Baghdad, but had trouble finding him.

“I walked in and I was looking for my son, and I’m going around wondering, ‘Where the hell is my son?’” Mr Biden told the soldiers. When he finally found him, he realised his son had used a different surname on his name-tag.

“I said, ‘What happened?’” the president recalled. “And he said, ‘Dad, with the name Biden everybody thinks something’s going on.”

Mr Biden then offered to provide the same service for others.
Kudos for acknowledging that Greg Kelly is a moron. :rofl2:

[FONT="]"A [/FONT][/COLOR][URL=""]moron[/URL][FONT="] who thinks he is [/FONT][/COLOR][URL=""]smarter[/URL][FONT="] than others but cannot [/FONT][/COLOR][URL=""]spell[/URL][FONT="] the word 'buffoon' "[/FONT][/QUOTE]