Pizzagate is real!


Oh my, lying about a man who’s son fought and then died from cancer which very likely was caused by chemical exposure during his service

You should resist this tact

You see Bidens son is not the only one who served bravely only to come home and DIE OF CANCER after their exposure during duty

You gonna shit on all over those brave heros who are now dead too?

Now look at the pizza in that picture

Biden is holding a slice

Now look at the pizza on the table

One pizza has several slices gone

Binden slice in hand isn’t even the same pie as the one on the table

Think for a second short attention span boy

Those guys were eating pizza

In walks the big guy

They immediate individually deside to stop and pay attention to the fact that they are in the presence by if the president of the United States

Cameras everywhere

The decide that once in a lifetime picture they end up with doesn’t include them with apiece of pizza blocking their face

Look kids here is your dad with the president with pizza sauce all over my face and hands