APP - Placeholder for climate FAQs

darla is another warmer idiot. Typical braindead woman.

women accept what they're told because they fear rejection. It's much easier to rely on someone else to do your thinking, eh warmers?

Hey Darla, why don't you summarize the evidence FOR human caused global warming.

While you're doing that, let us know what the natural climate cycle is, because scienctists are still working on understanding that, and without a clear understanding of the natural climate cycle, it's impossible to derive the human component of the CO2 concentration signal

Learn some statistics, you idiot
darla is another warmer idiot. Typical braindead woman.

women accept what they're told because they fear rejection. It's much easier to rely on someone else to do your thinking, eh warmers?

Hey Darla, why don't you summarize the evidence FOR human caused global warming.

While you're doing that, let us know what the natural climate cycle is, because scienctists are still working on understanding that, and without a clear understanding of the natural climate cycle, it's impossible to derive the human component of the CO2 concentration signal

Learn some statistics, you idiot

Good God you became a warming-denier? What's next SF you say screw it all and take up with the birthers?

This thread is hysterical. I consider deniers to be flat-earthers. Wow.

Well, at least Cypress was doing something besides flinging mud at me while I was gone. this is actually a useful post.

I really had no idea you were a flat-earther.

LMAO... the flat earthers are the ones who continue shouting "CONSENSUS!" and who refuse to actually discuss the issue like rationale adults. You know... JUST like those who said the earth was flat, that the earth revolved around the sun etc.... they had a consensus too and by God they were going to stick to it.

As for calling me a 'warming-denier'... that is quite funny as well. You flat earth fear mongering AGW swallowing idiots will try anything to divert from the conversation. I do not deny that the earth warmed significantly in the 1990's. The point I have made to your secret lover over and over again, is that there has been no significant warming since 1995. In addition, his OWN EXPERT has stated that the debate is NOT over, that there is still much to learn. To continue on.... my point is that there is NOT evidence to suggest that man is the primary cause of the warming period. My point (and others) is that there have been warmer periods on earth than that which we are currently experiencing. Yet the AGW crowd just wants us to focus on the past 120 years.

When the AGW crowd's justification for saying MAN is the cause of the warming is.... 'well, we could figure out what else could be causing it... so it has to be man'.... that should send up a warning flag to any legitimate scientist.
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You know... JUST like those who said the earth was flat, that the earth revolved around the sun etc.... they had a consensus too and by God they were going to stick to it.

Religious consensus, not scientific consensus. I can't even think of anything that there's been a scientific consensus on that's later turned out to be false.
LMAO... the flat earthers are the ones who continue shouting "CONSENSUS!" and who refuse to actually discuss the issue like rationale adults. You know... JUST like those who said the earth was flat, that the earth revolved around the sun etc.... they had a consensus too and by God they were going to stick to it.

As for calling me a 'warming-denier'... that is quite funny as well. You flat earth fear mongering AGW swallowing idiots will try anything to divert from the conversation. I do not deny that the earth warmed significantly in the 1990's. The point I have made to your secret lover over and over again, is that there has been no significant warming since 1995. In addition, his OWN EXPERT has stated that the debate is NOT over, that there is still much to learn. To continue on.... my point is that there is NOT evidence to suggest that man is the primary cause of the warming period. My point (and others) is that there have been warmer periods on earth than that which we are currently experiencing. Yet the AGW crowd just wants us to focus on the past 120 years.

When the AGW crowd's justification for saying MAN is the cause of the warming is.... 'well, we could figure out what else could be causing it... so it has to be man'.... that should send up a warning flag to any legitimate scientist.

What you have been avoiding like the plague for God knows how long is the FACT that for the last 120 years you had increasing global industrialization which pumps pollutants into the atmosphere that subsequently kill off parts of the environment that are part of cycle of producing a breathable atmosphere. Remember "acid rain"? It didn't magically go away....nor did the hundreds of lakes that it killed magically revitalize and restore their local eco-systems.

And then there's deforestation......giant swaths of rain forests and land forest removed....that means the trees that produce oxygen are gone....the replacement plants are NOT an adequate substitute for eco-systems that have been developing and evolving over centuries.

Then you have global urbanization.....vast areas of forests, lakes, grasslands, paved over with concrete and glass. Then you add on millions of cars running 24/7 pumping exhaust into the air.

This is NOT something that the Earth has absorbed lightly.

Thing is, Freaky my boy, the Earth's normal warming patterns have been going on for centuries.....MAN'S interjecting the forementioned circumstances have accelerated and enchanced the pattern beyond what nature normally does in it's normal time cycle. That you refuse to acknowledge this simple fact is of little consequence....that the industrial corporations that depend upon people like you to support them as they further endanger the environment in the name of profit is just pathetic.

Your insipid stubborness and parroting of the corporate party line is just the chronology of the posts shows.
Religious consensus, not scientific consensus. I can't even think of anything that there's been a scientific consensus on that's later turned out to be false.
There was a theory of a flat Earth... They also believed in "four elements", biological scientists called "Doctors" had consensus on how helpful it was to bleed a patient and that "germs" were nonsense. Almost every "consensus" over time has pretty much proven to be nonsense.
What you have been avoiding like the plague for God knows how long is the FACT that for the last 120 years you had increasing global industrialization which pumps pollutants into the atmosphere that subsequently kill off parts of the environment that are part of cycle of producing a breathable atmosphere. Remember "acid rain"? It didn't magically go away....nor did the hundreds of lakes that it killed magically revitalize and restore their local eco-systems.

And then there's deforestation......giant swaths of rain forests and land forest removed....that means the trees that produce oxygen are gone....the replacement plants are NOT an adequate substitute for eco-systems that have been developing and evolving over centuries.

Then you have global urbanization.....vast areas of forests, lakes, grasslands, paved over with concrete and glass. Then you add on millions of cars running 24/7 pumping exhaust into the air.

This is NOT something that the Earth has absorbed lightly.

Thing is, Freaky my boy, the Earth's normal warming patterns have been going on for centuries.....MAN'S interjecting the forementioned circumstances have accelerated and enchanced the pattern beyond what nature normally does in it's normal time cycle. That you refuse to acknowledge this simple fact is of little consequence....that the industrial corporations that depend upon people like you to support them as they further endanger the environment in the name of profit is just pathetic.

Your insipid stubborness and parroting of the corporate party line is just the chronology of the posts shows.

You need to tell us your source for the natural climate pattern you are comparing today's climate to. Show us your source. I'm going to laugh hard because there is no source. If you knew anything, you would know that they are still trying to define what the natural cliamte SHOULD be. We don't have an accurate enough signal to be able to derive the human caused component.
This is the crux of the problem you warmers don't seem to understand. Computer sims are not reality. And the sims don't forecast worth shit
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What you have been avoiding like the plague for God knows how long is the FACT that for the last 120 years you had increasing global industrialization which pumps pollutants into the atmosphere that subsequently kill off parts of the environment that are part of cycle of producing a breathable atmosphere. Remember "acid rain"? It didn't magically go away....nor did the hundreds of lakes that it killed magically revitalize and restore their local eco-systems.

And then there's deforestation......giant swaths of rain forests and land forest removed....that means the trees that produce oxygen are gone....the replacement plants are NOT an adequate substitute for eco-systems that have been developing and evolving over centuries.

Then you have global urbanization.....vast areas of forests, lakes, grasslands, paved over with concrete and glass. Then you add on millions of cars running 24/7 pumping exhaust into the air.

This is NOT something that the Earth has absorbed lightly.

Thing is, Freaky my boy, the Earth's normal warming patterns have been going on for centuries.....MAN'S interjecting the forementioned circumstances have accelerated and enchanced the pattern beyond what nature normally does in it's normal time cycle. That you refuse to acknowledge this simple fact is of little consequence....that the industrial corporations that depend upon people like you to support them as they further endanger the environment in the name of profit is just pathetic.

Your insipid stubborness and parroting of the corporate party line is just the chronology of the posts shows.

You need to tell us your source for the natural climate pattern you are comparing today's climate to. Show us your source. I'm going to laugh hard because there is no source. If you knew anything, you would know that they are still trying to define what the natural cliamte SHOULD be. We don't have an accurate enough signal to be able to derive the human caused component.
This is the crux of the problem you warmers don't seem to understand. Computer sims are not reality. And the sims don't forecast worth shit

Actually, it's YOU and your cohorts that have been inundating these boards with all types of graphs and charts and sources that detail the warming patterns of the planet, the CO2 contents, etc. to contradict the global warming/climate change people.

MY POINT is that what YOU and your insipidly stubborn friends leave out/avoid is the simple FACT of the aftermath of industrialization/urbanization/deforestation....or you stupidly pretend that it has little effect on the global environment. Once you acknowledge this, and then look at irrefutable evidence of climate change/global warming that others have provided, the global warming/climate change deniers like yourself are left with the myopic blathering you just demonstrated.

But you're not too bright, Tinfoil...and critical thinking is not your strongest suit. So I'll let people with more knowledge and resources than I answer your question for you. I look forward to your lying, dodging foolishness.
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Actually, it's YOU and your cohorts that have been inundating these boards with all types of graphs and charts and sources that detail the warming patterns of the planet, the CO2 contents, etc. to contradict the global warming/climate change people.

SAY WHAT? I post the historical and scientific records upon which the climate is supposed to be compared to derive the human component of the CO2 signal. It is you who are wrong if you believe my intentions are to contradict. You suck, idiot. no wonder you're a warmer. You believe the propaganda. You believe the memes. Bwaahahahah stupid dumb fuck

MY POINT is that what YOU and your insipidly stubborn friends leave out/avoid is the simple FACT of the aftermath of industrialization/urbanization/deforestation....or you stupidly pretend that it has little effect on the global environment. Once you acknowledge this, and then look at irrefutable evidence of climate change/global warming that others have provided, the global warming/climate change deniers like yourself are left with the myopic blathering you just demonstrated.

But you're not too bright, Tinfoil...and critical thinking is not your strongest suit. So I'll let people with more knowledge and resources than I answer your question for you. I look forward to your lying, dodging foolishness.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, it's YOU and your cohorts that have been inundating these boards with all types of graphs and charts and sources that detail the warming patterns of the planet, the CO2 contents, etc. to contradict the global warming/climate change people.
SAY WHAT? I post the historical and scientific records upon which the climate is supposed to be compared to derive the human component of the CO2 signal. It is you who are wrong if you believe my intentions are to contradict. You suck, idiot. no wonder you're a warmer. You believe the propaganda. You believe the memes. Bwaahahahah stupid dumb fuck

And here folks, is a prime example of Tinfoils stupidity.....Tinfoil does not comprehend what I'm saying, as I pointed out that his history of links just verify Earth's natural warming patterns. The whole "CO2" mantras that Tinfoil's rants about usually results in his IGNORING any evidence or information from Reputable sources that contradict his he does below.
MY POINT is that what YOU and your insipidly stubborn friends leave out/avoid is the simple FACT of the aftermath of industrialization/urbanization/deforestation....or you stupidly pretend that it has little effect on the global environment. Once you acknowledge this, and then look at irrefutable evidence of climate change/global warming that others have provided, the global warming/climate change deniers like yourself are left with the myopic blathering you just demonstrated.

But you're not too bright, Tinfoil...and critical thinking is not your strongest suit. So I'll let people with more knowledge and resources than I answer your question for you. I look forward to your lying, dodging foolishness.

And like all intellectually bankrupt neocon cowards, Tinfoil just bluffs with faux hysterics when I present information from a reputable source that supports what I Tinfoil requested. Tinfoil's next response will be his typical dodge to another sub-topic, trying to ignore that I proved him wrong on one point....coupled with his usual school yard insult rants.
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If the earth were actually "aware" .......... in our sense of the word.......
It wouldn't even know humans exist......