APP - Planned Parenthood caves HUGELY

If it can live on it's own rather than as part of its mother, it's a baby, but what does it matter what we call it, except as part of propaganda? The key point remains, as always, whether women's bodies belong to themselves or to a totally insensitive , religious patriarchy whose only aim seems to be to fill its prisons with unwanted children destroyed by its sick system?
If it can live on it's own rather than as part of its mother, it's a baby, but what does it matter what we call it, except as part of propaganda? The key point remains, as always, whether women's bodies belong to themselves or to a totally insensitive , religious patriarchy whose only aim seems to be to fill its prisons with unwanted children destroyed by its sick system?

You've nailed it. The fight is much, much more important to Americans than saving the lives of babies. Abortion of course is not desirable for many reasons which you undoubtedly understand. But dealing with the issue in a way that would encourage less abortions is of no interest to Americans. If it was, they would attempt some of the productive measures used in other countries that are succeeding in reducing the 'need' for abortions.

I don't feel any need for any explanations on what I mean, due to the obvious fact that no Americans care. Will this nudge them awake?

Iolo off-topic: One member disallows either me or Poli from taking part in his threads. I'm happy with that, except that I don't have an opportunity to answer to your wise words. Just to make you aware! Thanks for participating here! This section is taking off but needs constant attention in the growing phase.
If it can live on it's own rather than as part of its mother, it's a baby, but what does it matter what we call it, except as part of propaganda? The key point remains, as always, whether women's bodies belong to themselves or to a totally insensitive , religious patriarchy whose only aim seems to be to fill its prisons with unwanted children destroyed by its sick system?

It has nothing to do with religion and it's a separate human being, not "part of a woman's body".
It's an issue that neither of you are demonstrating enough concern over. If you were then you would be much more in agreement on what is required. That would take some agreement on finding a middle ground that could work to save babies, and I'm not hearing that right now.

Iolo is capable of that. I doubt dark soul has any genuine interest, judging from his/her performance on the other section of the forum. He/she can take that as a challenge to prove me wrong?
It has nothing to do with religion and it's a separate human being, not "part of a woman's body".

I agree with this but I also think Iolo makes a solid point about this being about whether or not a woman has control over her own body. To me the question is can the baby survive outside of the womb? I think if it can then it's too late to abort but until that happens the mother should be in total control of all decisions made about her body.

Color me shocked.

Planned parenthood admits that it is a baby from beginning to end. Not a “fetus” not a “collection of cells”. A BABY.

The article mentions kids as the audience so I'm guessing the video was aimed at extremely young children but that raises an interesting question...why is PP making videos aimed at very young children?
I agree with this but I also think Iolo makes a solid point about this being about whether or not a woman has control over her own body. To me the question is can the baby survive outside of the womb? I think if it can then it's too late to abort but until that happens the mother should be in total control of all decisions made about her body.

Your position is probably at the start of the third trimester and probably even later.

In that case we disagree on the term. To me it's about when the brain is functioning and the child becomes a sentient individual. For the point of argument say that is at the start of the second trimester. That gives the woman at least two months to terminate the pregnancy.
Your position is probably at the start of the third trimester and probably even later.

In that case we disagree on the term. To me it's about when the brain is functioning and the child becomes a sentient individual. For the point of argument say that is at the start of the second trimester. That gives the woman at least two months to terminate the pregnancy.

That's not my position at all. Just from looking around the Internet 23 weeks is mentioned a lot. Preemies are going to need a lot of care but they're viable, at least from what I've read but I'm not a doctor.

EDIT: My wife is a doctor and she just told me 28 weeks is more realistic, a much higher survival rate once they get to 28 weeks and beyond.
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It has nothing to do with religion and it's a separate human being, not "part of a woman's body".

I don't think you are female, so, on this issue, I don't see that your pontifications are particularly relevant to the issue. Those who have to carry children and, often, give up any reasonable life in an unsuccessful attempt to bring them up in a very sick society should decide this issue, not us.
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If it can live on it's own rather than as part of its mother, it's a baby, but what does it matter what we call it, except as part of propaganda? The key point remains, as always, whether women's bodies belong to themselves or to a totally insensitive , religious patriarchy whose only aim seems to be to fill its prisons with unwanted children destroyed by its sick system?

More faulty premises

1) Even after a baby is born it cannot live on its own. Technically children can't live on their own until about 18 years old unless you advocate them going out and working at the tender ages of 6. Until they are ready to brave the world, they need their parents to live and survive. A newborn baby can't feed itself. It can't clothe itself. It can't provide itself shelter. In short it can't live on its own. Under your definition, we wouldn't call it a baby until it was 18

2) As to your second faulty premise, the gobblement tells people what to do with their own bodies all the time

the gobblement tells us we have to wear helmets when riding a motorcycle
the gobblement tells us we have to wear seatbelts
the gobblement tells us we can't sell our own kidney's for profit
the gobblement tells us we can't cross a street against a red light

All of these things are examples of the gobblement telling us what we can and can't do with our body.

As I said, I am glad that Scammed Parenthood the baby part harvesting company has finally come around and admitted it is a baby. It is progress
I don't think you are female, so, on this issue, I don't see that your pontifications are particularly relevant to the issue. Those who have to carry children and, often, give up any reasonable life in an unsuccessful attempt to bring them up in a very sick society should decide this issue, not us.

biology isn't a female either, and IT says the child is not the woman's body........she shouldn't kill her unborn child and only a very sick society would say she should be able to......
The article mentions kids as the audience so I'm guessing the video was aimed at extremely young children but that raises an interesting question...why is PP making videos aimed at very young children?

Wel, let's think about it logically. Planned Parenthood is in the business of doing abortions. That is how they make their money. They can parse words and say they do more screenings and other things, but those aren't where they make their money. Abortion is their money maker.

Like any business, you always need a steady supply of customers. When you are in the abortion business who is your primary customer? Is it men? Not today, but as the LBGTQXYCEOUIOF movement takes hold who knows? No, their sole customer is pregnant women, particularly pregnant women of color. Remember Planned Parenthood was specifically founded by Margaret Sanger for the express purpose of aborting black babies.

Like Charlie Camel Planned Parenthood is grooming future clients by teaching them about sex and where babies come from.

This is Marketing 101
Wel, let's think about it logically. Planned Parenthood is in the business of doing abortions. That is how they make their money. They can parse words and say they do more screenings and other things, but those aren't where they make their money. Abortion is their money maker.

Like any business, you always need a steady supply of customers. When you are in the abortion business who is your primary customer? Is it men? Not today, but as the LBGTQXYCEOUIOF movement takes hold who knows? No, their sole customer is pregnant women, particularly pregnant women of color. Remember Planned Parenthood was specifically founded by Margaret Sanger for the express purpose of aborting black babies.

Like Charlie Camel Planned Parenthood is grooming future clients by teaching them about sex and where babies come from.

This is Marketing 101

Yep. I'm amazed more people aren't upset by the obvious politicization of our kids at very young ages.
More faulty premises

1) Even after a baby is born it cannot live on its own. Technically children can't live on their own until about 18 years old unless you advocate them going out and working at the tender ages of 6. Until they are ready to brave the world, they need their parents to live and survive. A newborn baby can't feed itself. It can't clothe itself. It can't provide itself shelter. In short it can't live on its own. Under your definition, we wouldn't call it a baby until it was 18

2) As to your second faulty premise, the gobblement tells people what to do with their own bodies all the time

the gobblement tells us we have to wear helmets when riding a motorcycle
the gobblement tells us we have to wear seatbelts
the gobblement tells us we can't sell our own kidney's for profit
the gobblement tells us we can't cross a street against a red light

All of these things are examples of the gobblement telling us what we can and can't do with our body.

As I

said, I am glad that Scammed Parenthood the baby part harvesting company has finally come around and admitted it is a baby. It is progress

Children can live on their own, despite all the attempts of a sick society to kill them, far earlier than eighteen, and most have to. Foetuses can't exist as separate beings outside their mothers' bodies without a vast amount of money being spent. Do your wonderful health arrangements provide for that? If so, there's nice[/B)! It is an aspect of things well kept secret, I think.

Those who want to kill themselves should, surely use one of the bang-bangs so liberally available over there, rather than trying to destroy rational safety measures?
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biology isn't a female either, and IT says the child is not the woman's body........she shouldn't kill her unborn child and only a very sick society would say she should be able to......

When it is part of your body, your comment on the nature of the foetus will doubtless be worth hearing.
When it is part of your body, your comment on the nature of the foetus will doubtless be worth hearing.

so likewise, it not being a part of my body or your body or the mother's body, any of our opinions will only be worth hearing in some unimaginable future......