Playlist for my band...

I don't usually share personal info here, I've learned to avoid it, but I thought I would post a little tid-bit to get some feedback on this, our universal love... music.

Some of you know I play guitar, you may not be aware that I am in a band with two chicks... yep, liberal as hell too! But they can sing like you wouldn't believe. We are about ready to cut our first CD, and here are the list of songs we have...

1. Wish You Were Here -Pink Floyd
2. Three Hits - Indigo Girls
3. Polyester Bride/Sweet Jane -Liz Phair & Cowboy Junkies
4. Handle With Care - Travelling Willburys
5. What's Up? - Four Non Blondes
6. Sometimes Called Falling in Love - Lisa Loeb
7. Breathe (2AM) - Anna Nalick
8. To Love Somebody - Bee Gees
9. Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
10. Everbody Knows -Dixie Chicks
11. Dead Flowers - Rolling Stones
12. Mississipi Blue - original song
13. Southside Birmingham - original song
14. Mary Janes Last Dance- Tom Petty
15. The Weight - The Band

Pretty good mix of styles, huh?
So you're familiar enough with Birmingham to know the Southside, but not familiar enough to know that it's 75% black. Interesting.

But seriously, it's a pretty good mix of songs.
Some of you know I play guitar, you may not be aware that I am in a band with two chicks... yep, liberal as hell too! But they can sing like you wouldn't believe.

Have you ever told them, what you have written here: that your personal belief is that women who get abortions, should be stoned to death in accordance with biblical law?

Or, are you one of those conservative cowards who, without the safety and anonymity of the internet, is afraid to tell women what you really think?
cypress do you have an off switch? Seriously try to get some sand out of your vagina for at least one day and lighten up a little.
cypress do you have an off switch? Seriously try to get some sand out of your vagina for at least one day and lighten up a little.

Ironic, coming from the guy who asks a message board for advice on drama involving his girlfriend.

Hey, if you want to be Dixie's boyfriend and defender, knock yourself out.

Me, and several other like to give him shit for the crazy shit he's said over the years. Too bad!
Sure I make the occasional thread talking about my romantic woes.. threads which are usually heavily tongue in cheek I might add, but you don't see me going around to everyone's threads constantly with a chip on my shoulder. Takes a special kind of person to do that. Dixie started a band. yay. good for him. He's probably made 1000 other posts today that are retarded you can go flame him in. Just be cool... for once.
And for what's it's worth I don't think dixie would have a problem stating his beliefs to people if he was pressed. But sometimes it's fun to forget about politics and just be civil with people, knowing you can have other things in common. Maybe he doesn't want to start a fight or create animosity. Maybe you don't understand that.
It's sad there are people in the world like Prissy, who can't lighten up or let go. All of my liberal friends get along fine with me, they know I am a 'flaming neocon' and don't discuss politics with me, and I respectfully do the same with them. Every now and then, we stray off into a conversation that evolves into political discussion, and I have to remind them that we have different views, and it's better that we not go there.

My very best friend is a pro-choice liberal, and she knows I am very much pro-life, we don't discuss abortion with each other. Our friendship is not based on our personal beliefs or political views. There is SO much more to life and people, than that!
Guys its a fucking political chat site for fucking christs sakes.

Yes it is, which makes you wonder why people have to get so personal with attacks? Why can't I post a thread in the "Whatever Goes" section, talking about my music, without Prissy coming in to try and ruin it? Is politics such a part of who you are, that you can't see anything else in another person?

I have interacted with you pinheads for years here, and I bet that in real life, you are probably loads of fun and I would enjoy socializing with you in a casual setting. We'll never know this, of course, but the point is, we all have our political viewpoints, but it has very little to do with what kind of people we are. ...except for Waterhead, he's just a moron no matter how you slice it.

Most of you think you "know" me, but I would be willing to bet, if you met me out at a music festival or something, you would never guess who I was. Of course, the same is probably true the other way around... except in the case of Waterhead, I think I could identify him the moment we met, there are few people on the planet that utterly stupid.
I have interacted with you pinheads for years here

Translates to:
Insulted the hell out of liberals for years.

the rest translates to:
And now that the tables are turned please do not pick on me ?

yeah right ;)
Bush sucks has about the approval rating of a skunk. he has muddled up Iraq, squandered our money, pretty much trashed his party,etc and you still worship him.

you are one of the fools responsible for all of this that has been done to my country.
sorry dixie no kissy kissy hug makeup.
Bush sucks has about the approval rating of a skunk. he has muddled up Iraq, squandered our money, pretty much trashed his party,etc and you still worship him.

you are one of the fools responsible for all of this that has been done to my country.
sorry dixie no kissy kissy hug makeup.

Well, no, I have never "worshiped" Bush... I posted an "I Love George Bush" thread once, mostly just to get under your skin, because I really haven't ever been a big Bush fan, him or his daddy. I don't really give a rip how low his rating is, it doesn't make you any less of a pinhead.

Iraq is going well according to every report we have gotten in the past 6 months, so I don't know why you continue to pretend it's "muddled up" over there. Seems you pinheads just can't tell the truth about it, and I don't really blame you at this point, you are too invested in our defeat, which was the problem with your position to begin with. You'll have to eventually accept victory in Iraq, so it doesn't bother me what you say right now... you can continue to bluster and lie all you like, it makes no difference other than making yourself look foolish.

The biggest thing that has been done to OUR country (not just YOURS), is allowing pinhead policy to prevail, when we shoulda told you to sit down and shut the fuck up... better yet, arrested you for treason and locked you away. But, since we are Land of the Free, we have allowed you to enter the debate. It doesn't mean you are not still a pinhead.
sorry dixie no kissy kissy hug makeup.

LOL... That's okay, I wouldn't want to kiss you anyway. Might catch some weird STD or something. Make up? Is that what you thought I wanted? Heavens no! There is nothing to make up for, I have my view and you have yours, and that is fine, no one needs to apologize for what they believe. The only point (if any) that I have made, is we really can't tell a lot about a person by their politics. Not as much as one might think. You would never assume most of my friends are hard core liberals, and we have the best of times together. If you judge by the rantings and postings seen here, you'd think I routinely shoot at liberals who pass my house!
Well, no, I have never "worshiped" Bush... I posted an "I Love George Bush" thread once, mostly just to get under your skin, because I really haven't ever been a big Bush fan...

Watching two-time Bush voters, and former devoted Bush lovers run away from their hero......
