"Please take care of us": Low-income Trump voters worry he'll cut benefits they rely on

Trump is soooooo gonna fuck them. And fuck them FIRST since they represent people without power. As such they mean NOTHING to Trump. He already got their vote which is all they needed to do for Trump. Trump is now done with them. And it will be HILARIOUS to watch them cry. Sure we're all gonna be fucked one way or the other, but watching people who VOTED FOR THIS get screwed at the outset will actually kind of take the edge off.

Think so?
From low-income voters who supported Donald Trump last month, a plea to the president-elect: don’t cut our benefits.

Trump has frequently made grand promises to protect Social Security, Medicare and other benefits. But with a growing list of billionaires on his cabinet, a vow to quell spending and a slim Republican coalition in Congress consisting of some anti-spending hawks, his voters aren’t so sure.

Pennsylvania Trump voter Lori Mosura described the billionaire as “more attuned to the needs of everyone instead of just the rich” in an interview with the Washington Post. She lives below the poverty line, receiving $1,200 a month in food stamps and Social Security benefits.

But she has a message for Trump.

“We helped get you in office; please take care of us,” Mosura said, shifting the conversation as though she were speaking to Trump. “Please don’t cut the things that help the most vulnerable.”

Meanwhile, local Republican officials are begging the incoming Trump administration to leave benefits alone. New Castle City Administrator Chris Frye told the Post he expected some benefits tweaks at a federal level, but hoped they wouldn’t be catastrophic.

She lives below the poverty line, receiving $1,200 a month in food stamps and Social Security benefits.

Get a fucking JOB!!!!
She lives below the poverty line, receiving $1,200 a month in food stamps and Social Security benefits.

Get a fucking JOB!!!!

That's the stuff! True compassion. I'm sure you never got any help in anything in your entire life. It is a truly miraculous thing to meet a FULLY SELF MADE PERSON. Someone who didn't get help from ANYONE!

While you're at it, can you also refund me all the tax money I paid to support schools? My wife and I don't have kids and all I do is pay for the crotchfruit of Republicans all the livelong day. I just pay for them to send their kids to school because they don't want to pay full cost.

So I have to pay.

I wish they would get better jobs so I don't have to pay for them.
From low-income voters who supported Donald Trump last month, a plea to the president-elect: don’t cut our benefits.

Trump has frequently made grand promises to protect Social Security, Medicare and other benefits. But with a growing list of billionaires on his cabinet, a vow to quell spending and a slim Republican coalition in Congress consisting of some anti-spending hawks, his voters aren’t so sure.

Pennsylvania Trump voter Lori Mosura described the billionaire as “more attuned to the needs of everyone instead of just the rich” in an interview with the Washington Post. She lives below the poverty line, receiving $1,200 a month in food stamps and Social Security benefits.

But she has a message for Trump.

“We helped get you in office; please take care of us,” Mosura said, shifting the conversation as though she were speaking to Trump. “Please don’t cut the things that help the most vulnerable.”

Meanwhile, local Republican officials are begging the incoming Trump administration to leave benefits alone. New Castle City Administrator Chris Frye told the Post he expected some benefits tweaks at a federal level, but hoped they wouldn’t be catastrophic.

That poor deluded woman. What a sad, sad fool she and millions more of her ilk are.
Social Security retirement benefits are not an entitlement program. They are paid for by employees during their working lifetime and an equal amount by their employers (or the self-employment tax if self-employed).
Actually they are an entitlement program according to the government. The reason the government calls it an entitlement program is because if you qualify (you have worked and paid into it) you are entitled to the benefits.

People tend to think of the word entitled as something not earned and thus often get offended by that term. The S.S. trust fund will run out in eight years or so and if nothing is done then benefits will be cut by some 20% - 25%. If we decide to do something it will likely include means testing and raising taxes. Raising taxes on the rich, if they don't get it back, actually makes S.S. more of an entitlement program. It's why you've had certain subset of progressives against it (means testing) for that reason.
We need reform to Medicaid, just as we do to S.S. So if he's proposing it (or if Congress is proposing it), I'd love to see it. (May be a dumb question but how does the President propose reform, or even cuts, to one state only?)
He doesn’t, that’s the point, States that benefit the most from social services and Federal assistance are generally Red States, yet they overwhelmingly voted for him.
Well the MAGA got what they wanted so if Trump and his yes men cut federal programs and they get hurt it is what they voted for.
We will have to wait and see what happens, I just hope not to many people that really need help don't get hurt too bad.

From what I've seen of MAGATs both on line and in real life, they always think that someone else will get hurt, not them. They want welfare and food stamps and Medicaid and other aid removed from those lazy (non-white) urban dwellers, and those filthy brown invaders (who don't get it anyways despite what Fox tells them). They hope for others to feel pain, not realizing that they will too.

Let me post an excellent DU meme here.

He doesn’t, that’s the point, States that benefit the most from social services and Federal assistance are generally Red States, yet they overwhelmingly voted for him.
Ok? I feel like I'm missing something here. There have been multiple articles from progressive sites (that end up getting posted here) claiming that Trump and the incoming Republican Congress are basically Libertarians who are about to dismantle everything in the government - and they haven't even taken office yet.

But it's the same with every new Republican administration the claims that liberals make how we'll take away everything yet somehow the government continues to grow (and ironically it's liberal cities where the cost of living is the highest, we have the most homeless, we have housing shortages etc. etc.) but everything who votes Republican is garbage, trailer trash, uneducated etc. (even more ironic now that more white people are voting Democratic and more minorities Republican.)
Ok? I feel like I'm missing something here. There have been multiple articles from progressive sites (that end up getting posted here) claiming that Trump and the incoming Republican Congress are basically Libertarians who are about to dismantle everything in the government - and they haven't even taken office yet.

But it's the same with every new Republican administration the claims that liberals make how we'll take away everything yet somehow the government continues to grow (and ironically it's liberal cities where the cost of living is the highest, we have the most homeless, we have housing shortages etc. etc.) but everything who votes Republican is garbage, trailer trash, uneducated etc. (even more ironic now that more white people are voting Democratic and more minorities Republican.)
Getting a little carried away here with the “everything that votes Republican is garbage ………….” I’ve voted Republican several times in my life, but to be honest, I personally knew the candidates or the opposing candidate

I’d agree that the drama flies from both sides, however, lately all we are hearing is how DOGE is going to cut trillions, the Freedom Caucus looks to axe $30 Billion from Medicaid, and the ACA has been a whipping post of House Republicans ever since it was passed.

No one knows what is actually occurring until actual public policy is formulated, however, I believe the thread is based upon the rhetoric, and the point that the Trumpian rhetoric seems to directly challenge the services many Trump voters rely upon leading to the question if they actually understand MAGA