
Elizabeth Warren is supposedly a very smart person. Is the argument of liberals that she did not know what the effects of putting Native American on her application form would be? That she might get the benefits for a native american that could be afforded to an actual member of the tribe?

Theres only 2 ways to look at it. Either she was so dumb she did not know the effect of putting native american on her forms or she did it knowingly to gain the benefits not due her.

For what its worth the tribe she was supposed to belong to definitively said that she was not a member. I could claim to be black too but no one would believe me.

Liberals like to claim abuse of affirmative action doesnt happen. Your seeing one right here.

And what I said here goes triple for anatta. Who I can't even read anymore he's so riddled with hate. I only see him when Rune quotes him and just shake my head. Cross the street if you see that seething rage machine coming. He hates women too. But some of his best friends are black.
right whatever you say is politically correct, and therefore logically correct :rolleyes: (though you can take potshots and not engage)..

And I'm supposed to Give a Fuck?? You got nothin'....except this stupidity. "'I hate women"

there is only a smidgen of truth in what you write, and even there you get it wrong:

Like all the others he will claim "I am fine with a woman President, just not THIS woman"...which is the new "some of my best friends are black
completely missing the idea that Hillary has very high negatives and has been shown to be arrogance of power/warmonger/liar.
Why would any SANE PERSON support this woman?
Obviously you do because she is a woman...which is prima facie stupid. Congrats. continue your worthless ad homs.

did she put native american in her application forms?
did Harvard go out of their way to put the native american description next to her name in what looks like an effort to prove they are diverse?
Do you expect Harvard or any employer to say "yes we only hired her because she was black/brown/native american"?

This is exactly like the email server of Clinton. Can you make the case its legal yes, though in this case it might not be as the tribe she is supposed to have belong to has said that she does not belong to them. Does it look like someone is trying to game the affirmative action system? Yes.

If elizabeth warren were smart as you claim she would know the effects of putting that on your application forms and would have put something else to prevent any undue advantage being given to her.
She absolutely admitted having a separate server was a mistake... Ill have to find you the link. Man, you are blind!

there's a problem here and it lies with you and partisan hacks like you......from both sides. the whole 'better to ask forgiveness that permission' is taken to a whole new level in politics, yet you clowns let it slide with barely an admonishment because it's preferable to have party and ideology over character and integrity.

If you think that this shows integrity on her part, you're dumber that the trump supporters who actually believe trump is going to make america great again.
Private server was not "legal",it's not "approved" and the other garbage language the Clintonistas use to defend her malfeasance as Sec of State.

Also note the other Sec's of State cooperated with the State IG - which Clinton would not do.. (because she's 'special')
outline the exact crime you say was committed
here's POLITICO. I won't use NationalReview

Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary,” the report states. “At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

The report also notes that she had an "obligation to discuss using her personal email account" but did not get permission from the people who would have needed to approve the technology, who said they would not have done so, if they had been asked.

"According to the current [chief information officer] and assistant secretary for diplomatic security, Secretary Clinton had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business with their offices, who in turn would have attempted to provide her with approved and secured means that met her business needs," the report reads. "However, according to these officials, [the relevant people] did not — and would not — approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email."

The watchdog also "found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server."


The report represents the latest pushback — in this case by a nonpartisan government entity — against her campaign’s claim that she did not break any rules and that her use of a private server was completely allowed.
there's a problem here and it lies with you and partisan hacks like you......from both sides. the whole 'better to ask forgiveness that permission' is taken to a whole new level in politics, yet you clowns let it slide with barely an admonishment because it's preferable to have party and ideology over character and integrity.

If you think that this shows integrity on her part, you're dumber that the trump supporters who actually believe trump is going to make america great again.

Look, I don't like what she did. It was arrogant and an abuse of power. It was not criminal and the overreaching by the Republicans is hurting their case. I wish someone else had won the Democratic nomination, for a lot of reasons. The point is however... she is less of a liar and a crook than Dangerous Donald, and she does not have a self esteem problem that allows others to provoke her into flame wars that could turn real.
Look, I don't like what she did. It was arrogant and an abuse of power. It was not criminal and the overreaching by the Republicans is hurting their case. I wish someone else had won the Democratic nomination, for a lot of reasons. The point is however... she is less of a liar and a crook than Dangerous Donald, and she does not have a self esteem problem that allows others to provoke her into flame wars that could turn real.

so maybe you can explain your own lack of character and integrity by espousing your intention to vote for clinton instead of a 3rd party candidate?
lets see the text of the law and what exactly she will be charged with
Federal Records act: National Archives Regulations are covered here: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/414835/did-hillary-commit-felony-shannen-coffin

what Clinton is claiming ( and what the State IG is pushing back on) is that even though she did not archive her Emails -
the fact they were sent to another US gov. employees satisfies the record keeping ( such is her usual twisted logic)

So the IG has thrown out that 'reasoning' by her, but only the FBI can say if it was criminal (recommend indictment)