Police blow up foul-mouthed CDs that blared in church

"Yeah, like the fact that it's pretty amusing. I've been to mass in that Basilica and it could use some livening up."

Yeah... kind of like someone walking into an AA meeting and passing out free alcohol. THAT kind of funny.... I mean hey, they need to liven up a bit too.
Christians are adicted to profanity? I did not know that. It explains much though . . . .
Oh calm down. I was referring to Ornot's comment: it was h-u-m-o-r-o-u-s.
I asked for clarification, from Ornot, because his comment came across as indicating amusement at the disruption. That seemed very out of character for him. I've always seen him as someone respectful of others, even in disagreement, and I disn't think he would see this as amusing.

So when you pipe in, and I'm asking him about the disruption and you say it was humor...

So what about the disruption: was it humorous or dispicable?
Despicably and humerous ? I thought it was funny.
Look at it this way, now those folks have someting to feel justification for their persecution complex.
Despicably and humerous ? I thought it was funny.
Look at it this way, now those folks have someting to feel justification for their persecution complex.
If they did this in a mosque, the fanatics would slit someone's throat in revenge.
I would like to think we are a bit better than Muslim radicals in our behaviour.
but perhaps you are right and we are no better than them.
I would like to think we are a bit better than Muslim radicals in our behaviour.
but perhaps you are right and we are no better than them.
How many throats have you seen slit as a result of this? There will be none. Every religion is better than the pig muslims.
Then why were you making the comparison ?
I wonder if any of the younger attendees started dancing ?
And the mostly deaf ones thought it was a speaking in tounges thing ?
I asked for clarification, from Ornot, because his comment came across as indicating amusement at the disruption....So when you pipe in, and I'm asking him about the disruption and you say it was humor...

You asked if you were misunderstanding what Ornot had stated. My reply indicated that I believe the humor behind Ornot's remarks went over your head. But that's something Ornot can address. And yes. I still do you think you've a stick up your a$$ about the entire situation. Was Ornots comment funny? I believe so. Were rap songs blasting in a church humorous? Maybe. I wasn't there and neither were you. Was blowing up the CD players a bit idiotic? Probably.
"Christians are adicted to profanity? I did not know that. It explains much though . . . ."

Not addicted, but offended by it.... especially while they are at Mass. This was an attack on their faith and we shouldn't laugh at it. But I keep forgetting that people like you feel it is ok to attack someone as long as the reason is their religious faith. (as long as their faith is Chrisitanity)
For those who thought the stunt was humorous... would you find it equally funny if someone hid speakers throughout the Oscars and started booing every time a winner was announced and tried to give an acceptance speech? Or would this be considered poor taste?
For those who thought the stunt was humorous... would you find it equally funny if someone hid speakers throughout the Oscars and started booing every time a winner was announced and tried to give an acceptance speech? Or would this be considered poor taste?
Sure I would, the reaction would be hillarious.
I loved it years ago when they got "streaked".
"Sure I would, the reaction would be hillarious"

Perhaps YOU would. But you are an evil old bastard...and due to senility likely to change your mind in five minutes anyway... so what does your CURRENT opinion matter? ;)
You asked if you were misunderstanding what Ornot had stated. My reply indicated that I believe the humor behind Ornot's remarks went over your head. But that's something Ornot can address. And yes. I still do you think you've a stick up your a$$ about the entire situation. Was Ornots comment funny? I believe so. Were rap songs blasting in a church humorous? Maybe. I wasn't there and neither were you. Was blowing up the CD players a bit idiotic? Probably.
Blow me bitch.
Ahh that is the joy of being old , you can get away with lots of crap.
Senility ? umm,umm what were we talkiing about ?