Police fatally shoot bloodied man chasing kids at park

People have the ability. That doesn't mean they always put it into practice. Laws aren't put in place because the 95% of those that practice it do so but because the 5% don't.
the hell they are not. megans law? stopping behind school buses? assault weapons bans? id checking and limiting allergy medicine purchases? you are a complete fucking moron if you actually believe that shit you just typed.

What it boils down to is you don't like be told what to do in any way, shape, or form.
you're damned right I don't!!!!! This is supposed to be a country of freedom and liberty. Not a country of 'these are the things you can and cannot do'. the founders would laugh at you.

You hate cops because they enforce the laws you don't like.
I hate cops because they get away with shit that nobody NOT wearing a government outfit would. The british redcoats wish there were more of you in the 1700s.

I don't worry about such laws because I do what I'm supposed to do without having the laws tell me.
No, you're a good little subject who needs a babysitter to tell you whats right and wrong. otherwise you'd be laughing at the laws that are written.

I wouldn't drive drunk because I have enough respect for the right to life of other people that I wouldn't put them at risk. Some people don't have that level of respect for the rights of others and have to be convinced of it. You oppose that. Your own words say the way to deal with drunk drivers isn't to try and prevent them from killing innocent people but punish them AFTER they do.
and like a good little slave, you still hang on to the wrong context, but most statists have to do that to believe they know whats actually right.

Do you have smoke alarms in your house? Do you stop at stop signs and when the traffic light is red?
these two are not in ANY way comparable to DUI checkpoints, drivers license checkpoints, or immigration checkpoints. With the mindset you have at this time, gun license checkpoints would be permissible. home checks for firearms ownership registration would be permissible. religious practice license checks would be permissible.
the hell they are not. megans law? stopping behind school buses? assault weapons bans? id checking and limiting allergy medicine purchases? you are a complete fucking moron if you actually believe that shit you just typed.

you're damned right I don't!!!!! This is supposed to be a country of freedom and liberty. Not a country of 'these are the things you can and cannot do'. the founders would laugh at you.

I hate cops because they get away with shit that nobody NOT wearing a government outfit would. The british redcoats wish there were more of you in the 1700s.

No, you're a good little subject who needs a babysitter to tell you whats right and wrong. otherwise you'd be laughing at the laws that are written.

and like a good little slave, you still hang on to the wrong context, but most statists have to do that to believe they know whats actually right.

these two are not in ANY way comparable to DUI checkpoints, drivers license checkpoints, or immigration checkpoints. With the mindset you have at this time, gun license checkpoints would be permissible. home checks for firearms ownership registration would be permissible. religious practice license checks would be permissible.

Just more ranting and raving from a little pussy whose mommy never told him no.

I don't hang things on the wrong context. You said the way to deal with drunk drivers is to punish them AFTER they kill someone. That, alone, says you think the drunk driver has more of a right to drive drunk than the innocent person has a right to life.

I asked the question about smoke alarms and stop signs/traffic lights to prove a point and you helped me prove it. If you don't think the government can make laws related to such things, try not stopping at a stop sign and see how quickly the cops you say you hate deal with you.

I don't need anyone to tell me what's right and wrong. Should I laugh at the traffic laws that say stop at a stop sign or a red light?

You hate cops and I'd bet that it's because one, or perhaps more than one, of them have told you to do something you didn't want to do but it was what you needed to do because good common sense indicated it.

You say we're a country of freedom and liberty. I agree. However, you have shown more than once you believe your freedom and liberty to do things allows you to do them even if doing them negatively affects other people. Your rights don't allow you to restrict the rights of others.
Just more ranting and raving from a little pussy whose mommy never told him no.

I don't hang things on the wrong context. You said the way to deal with drunk drivers is to punish them AFTER they kill someone. That, alone, says you think the drunk driver has more of a right to drive drunk than the innocent person has a right to life.

I asked the question about smoke alarms and stop signs/traffic lights to prove a point and you helped me prove it. If you don't think the government can make laws related to such things, try not stopping at a stop sign and see how quickly the cops you say you hate deal with you.

I don't need anyone to tell me what's right and wrong. Should I laugh at the traffic laws that say stop at a stop sign or a red light?

You hate cops and I'd bet that it's because one, or perhaps more than one, of them have told you to do something you didn't want to do but it was what you needed to do because good common sense indicated it.

You say we're a country of freedom and liberty. I agree. However, you have shown more than once you believe your freedom and liberty to do things allows you to do them even if doing them negatively affects other people. Your rights don't allow you to restrict the rights of others.

Racist swine...
Just more ranting and raving from a little pussy whose mommy never told him no.
you make a shitload of assumptions based upon your own embarrassment.

I don't hang things on the wrong context. You said the way to deal with drunk drivers is to punish them AFTER they kill someone. That, alone, says you think the drunk driver has more of a right to drive drunk than the innocent person has a right to life.
that is not what I said, that is what YOU said I said.

I asked the question about smoke alarms and stop signs/traffic lights to prove a point and you helped me prove it. If you don't think the government can make laws related to such things, try not stopping at a stop sign and see how quickly the cops you say you hate deal with you.
talk about apples and oranges. if that's the best you have got, then you just plain suck at debates.

I don't need anyone to tell me what's right and wrong. Should I laugh at the traffic laws that say stop at a stop sign or a red light?
again, not even close to the same subject.

You hate cops and I'd bet that it's because one, or perhaps more than one, of them have told you to do something you didn't want to do but it was what you needed to do because good common sense indicated it.
again, more assumptions. you're really all over the map with your bullshit.

You say we're a country of freedom and liberty. I agree. However, you have shown more than once you believe your freedom and liberty to do things allows you to do them even if doing them negatively affects other people. Your rights don't allow you to restrict the rights of others.

not once have i ever said my rights allow me to violate the rights of others. now you're just being a petty dumbass who's angry at being proven a wrongful idiot.