Politeness Kills!


'Polite' Britons died on Titanic

The Titanic took three years to build before sailing from Southampton
More British passengers died on the Titanic because they queued politely for lifeboats, researchers believe.

A behavioural economist says data suggests Britons in that era were more inclined to be "gentlemanly" while Americans were more "individualist".

Women with children had a 70% better chance of survival than men in such an environment, he told the BBC.

The Titanic sank during its maiden voyage in 1912 after hitting an iceberg, with the loss of 1,500 lives.

David Savage, from Queenland University of Technology, studied the disaster to look at how people react in life and death situations.

He said that in testimonies from inquiries in America and Britain just after the event, there were a lot of statements from women saying their husbands put them on lifeboats.

They then "went to the back of the boat to have a cigar, to stand around and be chummy, while basically the boat went down."

Mr Savage said: "There was one gentleman who was rather wealthy... who went back downstairs after he put his wife on the [life] boat... put on his tuxedo...went back upstairs and smoked... with the idea that if I am going die, I may as well die as a gentleman and well-dressed."

'Peak of society'

The "unsinkable" ocean liner went down in freezing Atlantic waters during its voyage from Southampton to New York. As it sank, the captain, Edward John Smith, shouted: "Be British, boys, be British," according to witnesses.

The American culture was set up to be a more individualist culture and the British culture was more about the gentlemanly behaviour," Mr Savage says.

"You've got to remember that this is the Edwardian period when to be a gentleman was the peak of society."

Mr Savage also concludes that social norms such as "women and children first" were very strong in British culture and survived in such an environment.
So, does it show that more American men survived than the Brits, or did they smooge cigars while the children and women went on a fun little boat trip?

Or was it only American teenage boys who died in the water holding hands while the girl they just met held their hand while sitting on a table?

Of course the water in the boat didn't kill him, he was chained and under water far longer before and wasn't even shivering when they saved him? I think the ship gave him superpowers.
If i'm not mistaken, didn't this tragedy also result in changes in the way people got on lifeboats? no longer women and children first, but families with children? eh, maybe not. that would be too common sensical for the british.
So, does it show that more American men survived than the Brits, or did they smooge cigars while the children and women went on a fun little boat trip?

Or was it only American teenage boys who died in the water holding hands while the girl they just met held their hand?

If i'm not mistaken, didn't this tragedy also result in changes in the way people got on lifeboats? no longer women and children first, but families with children? eh, maybe not. that would be too common sensical for the british.

Single people are worth less as human beings? Throw the children overboard. Fuck families. They should get on last, they're a drain on society.

No, you fucking idiot, the change was that they had to have lifeboats for everyone. The British did the right thing and the selfish Americans would've made the women and children suffer. America is the worst society in the history of humanity and they all deserve to die.
Single people are worth less as human beings? Throw the children overboard. Fuck families. They should get on last, they're a drain on society.

No, you fucking idiot, the change was that they had to have lifeboats for everyone. The British did the right thing and the selfish Americans would've made the women and children suffer. America is the worst society in the history of humanity and they all deserve to die.

Nuuurrrfffffffffffffffffff I'm a retard! ^
Single people are worth less as human beings? Throw the children overboard. Fuck families. They should get on last, they're a drain on society.

No, you fucking idiot, the change was that they had to have lifeboats for everyone. The British did the right thing and the selfish Americans would've made the women and children suffer. America is the worst society in the history of humanity and they all deserve to die.

just so long as you set the first example, asswipe. wait, fucktard. thats what i meant. You're not good enough to have part of the same name as asshat.
If i'm not mistaken, didn't this tragedy also result in changes in the way people got on lifeboats? no longer women and children first, but families with children? eh, maybe not. that would be too common sensical for the british.

Actually WM is right - the "common sense" solution was the one which came about...enough lifeboats for everybody.
Well I certainly don't advocate it to others, but I suppose I would have if I had to.

Well, there are many men who wouldn't throw their wives overboard to save themselves, and most would certainly not do that to a child. But if you're proud of that, good for you.
Well, there are many men who wouldn't throw their wives overboard to save themselves, and most would certainly not do that to a child. But if you're proud of that, good for you.

I think there are more men who would die saving their wives than you might think.

Its just that they rarely make the news.
Well, there are many men who wouldn't throw their wives overboard to save themselves, and most would certainly not do that to a child. But if you're proud of that, good for you.

Wait so you want both chivalry and equality?