Political Collectibles...

Of course it is real, Trump shells Bibles, sneakers, comic books, steaks, vodka, Trump monopoly game, water, shirts, ties, hats, shoes, mattresses, education, perfumes, pillows, lights, coffee, key chains, puzzles, etc, list is endless, anything that makes a dime

Bigger wonder is why anyone buys it, although, in most cases, people don’t
You don't get to speak for everyone, Anchovies. Omniscience fallacy.
You don't get to speak for everyone, Anchovies. Omniscience fallacy.
Oh, so now you are telling us Trump doesn’t shell Bibles, sneakers, comic books, steaks, vodka, Trump monopoly game, water, shirts, ties, hats, shoes, mattresses, education, perfumes, pillows, lights, coffee, key chains, puzzles, etc, list is endless, anything that makes a dime

No fallacy, your just flat out wrong
I think it is. I'm thinking of sticky up this thread and adding more stuff. I once bought a corkscrew Bill Clinton and a Hillary Nutcracker for a friend of mine, he loved them.
The difference is that it wasn’t the Clintons selling and shelling the products themselves unlike Trump who even today before his Inauguration is pimping the time to sell his own bitcoin
Trump monetizes everything. He has no values or principles. Everything is for sale. Sadly, the Trumpys are normalizing his buffoonery. He gives WTF is he talking about responses to every question asked? he is an embarrassment to America and a threat to the stability of the world.