Political Compass Checkup!

I really think, for the purpose of the test, they shouldn't have question that ask about personal opinions on things. For instance, they ask you to rate the statement "Large coporations are bad for the world". But it's really far more important to know what the test taker thinks about solutions to this problem, than whether or not they think it's a problem.

I think, maybe, it should be split into a section detailing the amount of government intervention one would like to see in economic and social issues, and another one which describes the direction of the intervention. Problem with that is that there are many, many directions that government intervention could go in. Popular ones would be, maybe, left, right, fascist... but it could get very large.

Ron Paul, John Edwards and Barak Obama are classified as rightwing authoritarians.

Ron Paul and the Canadian Liberal Party are very close together on the graph: both in the rightwing authoritarian quadrant.


My scores haven't changed very much since the last time:

Econ L/R: -3.63
Soc. Lib./Auth.: -4.92

I'd probably have been more middle on both scores if there hadn't been a yes/no sort of format. There really are too many qualifiers involved in many of those issues to answer comprehensively on a yes/no basis.
B- Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!
R-That old trick again?

Economic Left/Right: -7.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.79
I am where I have always been as far as beliefs.
Economic Left/Right: 2.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.15

I am a moderate libertarian. I don't mind reasonable market regulation. My problem is what the existing parties view as reasonable. I also don't think the government has ANY business regulating your consensual sexual behavior.
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Ron Paul, John Edwards and Barak Obama are classified as rightwing authoritarians.

Ron Paul and the Canadian Liberal Party are very close together on the graph: both in the rightwing authoritarian quadrant.


Truth of the matter is ALL of american mainstream politics exists in the upper right quadrant of that scale. People who believe that gun ownership is a privledge are authoritarians just like people that think women should not have the right to choose to abort. People that believe that the government can spend my money better than I can are as authoritarian as people that think that homosexuals should not have the right to enter into the marriage contract. Anytime you think that the government should limit the consentual freedoms of others you are to some extent an authoritarian. American politics is about controlling the masses. Some want to do it more than others. A true antiauthoritarian would have let the Defense of Marriage act go into law. He or she would have vetoed it IMMEDIATELY. But Clinton didn't. you need to draw a line down the middle of that quadant and then you will have the true american political left and right