Ya know, I'm beginning to think that you really are drinking the Kool-Aide. Tell you what, numbnuts. I'm going to continue referring to you queers as the democrat party, if only to bring some truth and clarity into your backward lives.
That's because we're doing this piecemeal, you fucking gimp.
Now, since ABC has already identified the US as the most hated nation on the planet, which party do you think is at the forefront of that global hatred? That's right, the democrat party. Why? Because the face of this nation is the biggest piece of shit that has ever infested the White House. It's all on you and the democrat party, fuckface. How does that make you feel? I'd feel like total scumbag if I were you.
That's fine, Rufus. Keep doing the democrat party thing. It merely serves to demonstrate your chronic ignorance.
The remainder of your post is nothing more than laughably preposterous horseshit. If you got that from the article, you fucking imbecile, you prove that your reading comprehension is on the grade school level. But that's been obvious from the start.
Do us all a favor, dullard. Get the fuck off this forum and quit embarrassing yourself.