Political extremists have ALWAYS hijacked religion to advance their agenda

While Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" President's Day Christiananality pedophilia national religion Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans churchstate of hate drug trafficking enforcement genocide pogrom celebration of an FBI agents death the same day of her WW I Veteran Treasury Department fathers birth; doesn't take rocket science to conclude Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom HA MAS ! Islamidiotocracy as Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin extermination of Ukraine.....

Do you just let your phone suggestions take over after the first two words?
LOL. Not even close, it's exaggerations like this that make everyone simply ignore what you have to say.

I'd say it is more like Westboro "Baptist" Church is like the Taliban in Afghanistan. Seriously. No Christian that I know would pass a law to end education for women, certainly not to marry off girls as young as eleven (even younger for the Taliban, they don't care so long as she's had a period), those are rare birds. Like those idiot FLDS groups headed up by Warren Jeffs... or the Waco moron Koresh.

More like the Handsmaid wife's or Ted Cruz's father's fundamentalism. Once that has accomplished, the punishments and controlling won't be far behind.
LOL. Not even close, it's exaggerations like this that make everyone simply ignore what you have to say.

I'd say it is more like Westboro "Baptist" Church is like the Taliban in Afghanistan. Seriously. No Christian that I know would pass a law to end education for women, certainly not to marry off girls as young as eleven (even younger for the Taliban, they don't care so long as she's had a period), those are rare birds. Like those idiot FLDS groups headed up by Warren Jeffs... or the Waco moron Koresh.

Then ignore me.
Do you just let your phone suggestions take over after the first two words?

It's not surprising to have the not so master race comment on it's not so master plan of "serve the Pope or die" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists genocide as HA MAS ! Islam "death to the infidels" Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom genocide of granted standing by Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip as Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans who stole a Federal Lynching KKK enforcement voting ballot; but then again suicidal super egos homicidal human farming of those cross conditioned way beyond therapy seems as rational as Pavlov's dog Christiananality ChristHitler pedophilia of the US District Court of Nazington......