I'll presume that you have no clue what "tyranny" is and that you operate under the misconception that your document somehow overrides the Constitution. It makes so much sense now that you put it that way.
I'll presume that you were still in elementary school when you dropped out in order to begin a life of uneducated stupidity.
H.R. 2068, An act to revise, codify, and enact without substantive change certain general and permanent laws, related to public buildings, property, and works, as title 40, United States Code, "Public Buildings, Property, and Works"
The Constitution empowers the government to maintain necessary control over all government operated buildings, including limiting public access to them, setting operating hours during which limited public access may be granted and closing them to the public after normal operating hours or for other reasons deemed necessary.
It's sad that there are people like you, who will tell us they are adults, then try to foist some childish POV on us thinking we'll just take them seriously.
Grow up, fool.