Politically Correct Joke

Now when your society is wrong about this pressure you can win them over with FACTS.

Its what I did when you lying fucks lied us into the Iraq war.

people thought I was insane when I would tell them Sadam had nothing to do with 911.

I had people literally walk backwards away from me like I was insane.

I kept telling people though because I love this country and the truth enough to stand up to the world when they lie in my face and act like sheeple.

I didnt flop on the floor and cry "political correctness"

I took the arrows like a true patriot.

now you fucks get all upset when people call you on your lies and scream that a CORPORATE media is protecting the anti corporate faction so they can get to pay more in taxes and be more regulated.

your positions are shit

they are based on lies and denial of science , math and history.

they are designed that way to fool the people of this nation.

you are the enemy within for embracing that

You will not win

this democracy will survive you

enjoy a huge truck load of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ( you know facts by non sheeple) being dumped on you sociopathic heads

we know you will go into tantrum mode.

fuck you

I was equally against the 2003 war, if you care to ask somebody like Christiefan she will corroborate that statement. People move away from you because you are nuts, you might as well put a bell around your neck ans shout 'unclean'.
well if Christy would give you the nod I would believe it

Christy tells the truth.

so what other lies of the right do you abstain from?

You see virtually everything they say is based on lies and fact denial

I can prove it to you IF you don't deny science , math and history.

but you will of course
well if Christy would give you the nod I would believe it

Christy tells the truth.

so what other lies of the right do you abstain from?

You see virtually everything they say is based on lies and fact denial

I can prove it to you IF you don't deny science , math and history.

but you will of course

Give me a break, you have had no formal education in any of those subjects. I doubt that you even went to High School!!
I have an AA

I have told people here before that

you see I don't fucking lie

you will of course now malign what education I do have .

I went to college because I wanted to know shit.

I knew I could not likely afford a university and when I was accepted to UCR I didn't have the money to go.

I was a poor kid

I didn't let that stop me from learning what I could

I went to riverside community college ( a really good CC with great instructors)

I love to learn unlike you.

You see I have met people with degrees and minds full of fucking lies.

some of the smartest people I have met in my life had only a HS deploma

FACTS and common sense

cram all your posturing up you ass
yes slander

we know you factless fucks go there first

you base that one what information?


you base it on fucking lies like you do all your postitions

You admitted that you were addicted to crack and that you inject meth.
It was in one of the posts that were lost during the shut down.
I have an AA

I have told people here before that

you see I don't fucking lie

you will of course now malign what education I do have .

I went to college because I wanted to know shit.

I knew I could not likely afford a university and when I was accepted to UCR I didn't have the money to go.

I was a poor kid

I didn't let that stop me from learning what I could

I went to riverside community college ( a really good CC with great instructors)

I love to learn unlike you.

You see I have met people with degrees and minds full of fucking lies.

And that's exactly what you learned in College - Shit.

some of the smartest people I have met in my life had only a HS deploma

FACTS and common sense

cram all your posturing up you ass

Going to AA, does not mean you have an AA.

I think you are confusing your posters

no post of mine like that ever existed on the face of the earth

Now go wash your elbows that was one deep ass reach for you to think up that lie
I have an AA

I have told people here before that

you see I don't fucking lie

you will of course now malign what education I do have .

I went to college because I wanted to know shit.

I knew I could not likely afford a university and when I was accepted to UCR I didn't have the money to go.

I was a poor kid

I didn't let that stop me from learning what I could

I went to riverside community college ( a really good CC with great instructors)

I love to learn unlike you.

You see I have met people with degrees and minds full of fucking lies.

some of the smartest people I have met in my life had only a HS deploma

FACTS and common sense

cram all your posturing up you ass

What's an AA? I am British not American!

The Foundation degree in the United Kingdom[1] Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) in Scotland and the Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland[2] can be considered European equivalents of associate degrees. These programs are mainly provided through affiliated colleges at universities.

France formerly offered the General Academic Studies Degree from 1973 until implementation of the Bologna Process between 2003 and 2006. Since then it has been replaced by the Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT) and the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS); both of which are two-year degrees delivered by either an IUT (University Institutes of Technology) for the DUT or a Lycée for the BTS.[3]

In 2004, Australia added "associate degree" to the Australian Qualifications Framework. This title was given to more academically focused advanced diploma courses. However, very few courses yet use the new title.

In the Netherlands, there were four pilots between 2005 and 2011 to assess the added value of the associate degree.[4] In 2011 the associate degree has been added to the Dutch system of higher education as a means to close the gap with the vocational education system.[5]

In the United States, associate degrees are usually earned in two years or more and can be attained at community colleges, technical colleges, vocational schools, and some colleges. A student who completes a two-year program can earn an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or an Associate of Science (A.S.). A.A. degrees are usually earned in humanities, business, and social science fields. A.S. degrees are awarded to those studying in scientific and technical fields. Students who complete a two-year technical or vocational program can earn an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S., easily confused with the Associate of Arts and Science). They may also have the option to use the credits from the associate degree toward a bachelor's degree.[7]

facts much like the other facts I produce here

I have a feeling you will accept these facts as real though

you have no POLITICAL reason to pretend its not facts

The Foundation degree in the United Kingdom[1] Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) in Scotland and the Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland[2] can be considered European equivalents of associate degrees. These programs are mainly provided through affiliated colleges at universities.

France formerly offered the General Academic Studies Degree from 1973 until implementation of the Bologna Process between 2003 and 2006. Since then it has been replaced by the Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT) and the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS); both of which are two-year degrees delivered by either an IUT (University Institutes of Technology) for the DUT or a Lycée for the BTS.[3]

In 2004, Australia added "associate degree" to the Australian Qualifications Framework. This title was given to more academically focused advanced diploma courses. However, very few courses yet use the new title.

In the Netherlands, there were four pilots between 2005 and 2011 to assess the added value of the associate degree.[4] In 2011 the associate degree has been added to the Dutch system of higher education as a means to close the gap with the vocational education system.[5]

So in actual fact you have no grounding in sciences, maths or history.
I have an AA

I have told people here before that

you see I don't fucking lie

you will of course now malign what education I do have .

I went to college because I wanted to know shit.

I knew I could not likely afford a university and when I was accepted to UCR I didn't have the money to go.

I was a poor kid

I didn't let that stop me from learning what I could

I went to riverside community college ( a really good CC with great instructors)

I love to learn unlike you.

You see I have met people with degrees and minds full of fucking lies.

some of the smartest people I have met in my life had only a HS deploma

FACTS and common sense

cram all your posturing up you ass

yes an asshole would do that