Politically Incorrect Movies

To Miss Margot Frank:
Before I address your response let me remind you of Hanoi Jane’s political philosophy:

I, a Socialist, think we should strive toward a Socialist society, all the way to Communism.

"If you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that one day we would become Communist." (speaking to students at the University of Michigan in 1970)


Those beliefs coming from an average American give new meaning to stupidity. Coming from a mind diseased by a lifetime of Hollywood politics is a testament to gullibility.

Parenthetically, I always thought Ziggy Freud would have had a field day inside Jane Fonda’s head because she was never quite sure who her father was; Henry or Tom Joad.

For your edification this scene is the heart and soul of the movie:

Muley is willing to die for a piece of land he does not own. Put that scene in perspective:

The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.

That definition is attributed to Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895). Presumably Jane Fonda agrees.

Here is Socialism's dilemma. How can Communists fight for the common man when they want to abolish private property? Answer: They cannot.

Private property is more than owning a farm. Real property includes owning your own home. So when Communists abolish private property they must abolish homeownership. They have been doing that very thing with property taxes.

I don't care!I would rather have Communism then be ruled by the 1% of immoral capitalist scum.
I don't care!I would rather have Communism then be ruled by the 1% of immoral capitalist scum.

To Miss Margot Frank:
The problem is that scum like you insist on Communism for everybody else. The worst of it is that I have no place to go, while you and your kind can emigrate to a Communist country.


"Lady and the Tramp" also features the song, "We Are Siamese," which is performed by two cats that sing with an exaggerated, stereotypical Asian accent.

November 13, 2019
Disney Plus streaming platform includes trigger warnings for 'Pinocchio,' 'Lady and the Tramp,' and more. The warning is for 'outdated cultural depictions.'
Sarah Taylor


If I remember the original movie correctly TRAMP spoke with a cockney accent. So how come the Brits are not complaining being called bums?

And I am still waiting for race hustlers to piss and moan about:

(Frankie Laine’s rendition of Shine was mildly successful.)

Now imagine putting Shine in a movie today, and have a black guy sing it! If the word niggardly that had nothing to do with race is a no-no to Socialists just think what the race hustlers can do with Shine. One would think that the politically correct crowd would be outraged by the lyrics.
Then why did people think it was okay to enslave blacks but not whites? I suggest it was because blacks were thought to be sub-human. If that isn't racism, what is?

People in the west began questioning this in the 18th century, partly as a result of the Enlightenment but mainly on religious grounds - ironically many of them were evangelicals. They concluded that blacks were obviously different in some ways, maybe "inferior", but certainly not sub-human. So the abolition movement started.

Many of the things you are complaining about could be considered a possible overreaction to centuries of RACIST oppression.

While Sherman marched (burned) thru the South,they found a few white slaves.

To Miss Margot Frank:
The problem is that scum like you insist on Communism for everybody else. The worst of it is that I have no place to go, while you and your kind can emigrate to a Communist country.

Better Red then dead!
"Capitalism is like a dead herring in the moonlight it shines but it stinks"
I've always been the fan of a work called The Beheading of James Foley, by a little known group that goes by the name "ISIS". Very politically incorrect, and yet challenging work. Many have tried to suppress it because they want to stop the spread of the brave ideas it covers, quite densely, in its short length. Countless many have tried to interpret its core, esoteric message, but in the end I think all that the late director of this film, one Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had set out to accomplish in this film, and in all the works of his short but brilliant career, was asking questions. That brave cause all bright minds in Greco-Roman influenced civilizations have been pursuing tirelessly since the time of Socrates. And like Socrates, al-Baghdadi died standing up for what he believed in, a shining, lone light casting a long shadow in our modern, darkened world of postmodernism, moral relativism, globalism, gender ideology, and political correctness. The Orwellian masters of the internet of course will try to suppress the ideas of him and those like him, to hide the challenging works he produced simply because they may shock and offend some, who are uncomfortable being challenged. I say, pox be upon them. May freedom, and the received wisdom handed down from the Prophet himself (PUBHN), encoded in the very based and trad Sharia law system, win out over this stifling modern environment of self-righteous, stifling college liberalism, and political correctness.

Al-Baghdadi is in paradise as we speak, probably not even finished with all his virgins yet, and some weak willed nu-male feminist soyboys of today would rather spinelessly pretend to be woke in a desperate attempt to be reluctantly granted a pity fuck from whatever SJW bitch they're orbiting at that moment. Some people truly have no concept of the best use of their resources. By Allah, such people are dogs.
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