Politico: Hunter laptop evidence all valid

One of the clearest examples is this:


Biden got the top prosecutor in Ukraine fired over his investigating Burisma and Hunter and replaced by an incompetent, unqualified, and thoroughly corrupt one that dropped the case. Biden used a billion in foreign aid as leverage to get that done. A clear case of quid pro quo made even more clear by Bagman's laptop and the Biden crime family's partners in "business."

If Trump had done that he would have ended up in prison, or at a minimum actually convicted after impeachment. That's how obvious that case is. Biden bragged about it because he's a fucking retard who didn't realize he was giving himself up.

That is what I thought, you do not know the facts in the matter. So, now you are just making stuff up, or you are listening to someone who is making that all up.

The truth is the Ukraine wanted an arms deal, and our government would not proceed until the Ukraine cleared out all of the Russian plants that were working as Russian Operatives within the Ukraine government.

Biden was simply following orders that Obama told him to do in firing the prosecutor and other Russian operatives working against the best interests of the Ukraine, in order to make the Arms deal go through. As far as US policy goes, the Russian Operatives were a conflict of US interests in the Ukraine.

SORRY! BUT YOU ARE OFF ON THE WRONG TRACK BUSTER! Biden had no authority to go off on his own to do anything in the UKRAINE! He was working under a White House Order.

Hunter Biden was hired as a legal consultant by Burisma to recommend American lawyers for Burisma to help them with their legal tax matters with the state- Simply put- Nothing illegal about that!

And this thread is about Hunters dealings in China- NOT THE UKRAINE!
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There is absolutely nothing that says that but really bad right wing suckers. I give you evidence and you hit and run. Perhaps you are dumb enough to believe that. There is no evidence for it, but when did you require that?

Lies aren't evidence, dickjar.
That is what I thought, you do not know the facts in the matter. So, now you are just making stuff up, or you are listening to someone who is making that all up.

The truth is the Ukraine wanted an arms deal, and our government would not proceed until the Ukraine cleared out all of the Russian plants that were working as Russian Operatives within the Ukraine government.

Biden was simply following orders that Obama told him to do in firing the prosecutor and other Russian operatives working against the best interests of the Ukraine, in order to make the Arms deal go through. As far as US policy goes, the Russian Operatives were a conflict of US interests in the Ukraine.

SORRY! BUT YOU ARE OFF ON THE WRONG TRACK BUSTER! Biden had no authority to go off on his own to do anything in the UKRAINE! He was working under a White House Order.

Hunter Biden was hired as a legal consultant by Burisma to recommend American lawyers for Burisma to help them with their legal tax matters with the state- Simply put- Nothing illegal about that!

And this thread is about Hunters dealings in China- NOT THE UKRAINE!

Conflict of interest on joe Biden's part.
Lies aren't evidence, dickjar.

That is why I said you are not providing any. This computer shit has kept you rightys foaming for a few years now. You have a brand new revelation every year. Yet, nothing comes of it. Nothing, zero ,zip. It just keeps you posting stupidity. When will you learn? I know...never.
That is why I said you are not providing any. This computer shit has kept you rightys foaming for a few years now. You have a brand new revelation every year. Yet, nothing comes of it. Nothing, zero ,zip. It just keeps you posting stupidity. When will you learn? I know...never.

Ballot stuffing is low tech
Ballot stuffing is low tech

So is bicycling. So what? Rightys over and over talk about what can only be seen as bitching about ballot stuffing, as you have. The talk about Chinese ballots and the Cyber nitwits looking for rice particles should ring a bell. You lose again. You bring nothing but an insult before you flee.