Former Vice President Joe Biden would lead President Donald Trump in a 2020 general election
Your post is a lie
I am sure Biden can’t wait to get back on the campaign trail again. Lots of little girls out there he hasn’t felt up and molested
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You seem to have no problem with Roy Moore doing the same, Homer!
I have seen video proof of Biden inappropriately touching little girls. You have nothing but Gloria Allred and a forged yearbook
Biden is extremely smart and really knows politics. However his time is past. he is Trump andHillarys age. The Dems need to move on.
I have seen video proof of Biden inappropriately touching little girls. You have nothing but Gloria Allred and a forged yearbook
.Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway
WASHINGTON—Taking advantage of the warm spring weather Monday, Vice President Joe Biden parked his 1981 Trans Am in the White House driveway, removed his undershirt, and spent a leisurely afternoon washing the muscle car and drinking beer.
Vice President Biden ditched a day of presiding over the Senate to "give the twin cannons some sun."
"This baby just needs a little scrub down," said Biden, addressing a tour group as he tucked the sweat-covered top into the belt loop of his cutoff jean shorts. "Gotta get her looking good so I can impress the chicks when I'm cruising down Pennsylvania [Avenue]."
White House aides said that Biden pulled into the driveway shortly before noon, the chorus of Night Ranger's "(You Can Still) Rock In America" blaring from his car's stereo. According to witnesses, Biden spent several minutes maneuvering the Trans Am into the perfect spot, and was observed drumming his fingers on the steering wheel until the song came to a close.
The shirtless 66-year-old then entered the executive residence and greeted employees with a round of high fives and a variety of nicknames.
"Hey, hot stuff, looking good," Biden told a passing aide. "Would you know where I could get a little bucket and sponge action? My mean machine needs to be cleaned."
He is a creeper, and the looks on the face of these women and especially that little girl proves it!
You haven't seen shit, asshole
Oh no doubt. Every single one looks terrified beyond belief.
Too bad you can't go to parties and get within 5 feet of a woman-not-your-partner w/o cops being called.
You haven't seen shit, asshole
Biden is not the right guy
we need to promote our plethora of great talent
Hilary won the election BTW
never forget that if the republicans cant cheat they cant win
lets degerrymander and kill ID laws
then prevent the Russians from fucking us again
there are thousands of Dems who could win all over the nation then
Video proof of Biden molesting girls has been provided. That you choose to ignore it is your problem
Not all some are putting up a good front, but the young girl looks terrified, and most get a worried look after he whispers in their ear. He is a Democrat I get it you would defend him while he was raping a baby!
Okay now you're looking ridiculous the world understands that these videos are fake and Doctored you just looking foolish now
Okay now you're looking ridiculous the world understands that these videos are fake and Doctored you just looking foolish now