Poll Finds 43 percent Braindead


Senior Member
And then of course there is this gem from the latest CNN poll, unequivocally confirming that 43 percent of the population is actually braindead.

"Asked whether former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 52 percent said he was not, but 43 percent said they believe he was."

And this in spite of the fact that, a testy and impassioned President Bush said just a couple weeks ago in a film clip that was widely played all over cable and broadcast news reports that Hussein had "nothing" to do with the attacks on 9-11.

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And then of course there is this gem from the latest CNN poll, unequivocally confirming that 43 percent of the population is actually braindead.

"Asked whether former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 52 percent said he was not, but 43 percent said they believe he was."

And this in spite of the fact that, a testy and impassioned President Bush said just a couple weeks ago in a film clip that was widely played all over cable and broadcast news reports that Hussein had "nothing" to do with the attacks on 9-11.

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I wonder how many among that 43 percent also believe in Intelligent Design? I believe that something like 40 percent of Americans claim to believe that the biblical account of creation is literally historical.

Actually, that's kind of ironic, now that I think of it. If there's anything further one needs to prove that there was no intelligent design going on . . . .
I wonder about that mysterious 40% number. Are they all the same ones, or are people brain dead in different areas of the brain ? but there does seem to be something to that 40% number.....
I wonder how many among that 43 percent also believe in Intelligent Design? I believe that something like 40 percent of Americans claim to believe that the biblical account of creation is literally historical.

Actually, that's kind of ironic, now that I think of it. If there's anything further one needs to prove that there was no intelligent design going on . . . .

I have long maintained that any intelligent designer worth the name would have made sure that people didn't have to eat and shit. Think of the freedom that would have given us. As it is we are all slaves of our stomachs. There is nothing intelligent about that proposition...
What is WRONG with these people? This is true BRAINWASHING that obviously stuck and can't be undone imo. they truely have been brainwashed, it is the only way they can still believe this...again, imo....which also means that they may not be stupid and it may not be their fault... :(
What is WRONG with these people? This is true BRAINWASHING that obviously stuck and can't be undone imo. they truely have been brainwashed, it is the only way they can still believe this...again, imo....which also means that they may not be stupid and it may not be their fault... :(

Innocent dupes in the land where "personal responsibility" is the mantra of the party in power. How quaint!
What is WRONG with these people? This is true BRAINWASHING that obviously stuck and can't be undone imo. they truely have been brainwashed, it is the only way they can still believe this...again, imo....which also means that they may not be stupid and it may not be their fault... :(
There's also a large number who just don't pay attention. Many people may not have heard that even Bush no longer asserts any connection. Seriously.
it broke down by educated, just saw the poll on cnn....a high school grad believes it in the 53 some percentile, then some college was 39% believed it then, college grad was 26% then higher educated like masters and doctorates, 19%.....

these figures might be off slightly, they were from memory...
it broke down by educated, just saw the poll on cnn....a high school grad believes it in the 53 some percentile, then some college was 39% believed it then, college grad was 26% then higher educated like masters and doctorates, 19%.....

these figures might be off slightly, they were from memory...

These figures especially of the higher educated might prompt one to ask "Is our children learning?" And reply with an unqualified, "NO!"
Always remember half the population is below median intelligence.

An IQ of 100 is an average of IQ along a normalized distribution. These people merely have two digit IQs.
Always remember half the population is below median intelligence.

An IQ of 100 is an average of IQ along a normalized distribution. These people merely have two digit IQs.
i would bet the two digit ones for the majority, are not voters in the first place though....

and college grads were in that poll, believing it too, and even 19% with higher educations believed it....

so, i think it is ''brainwashing'' not low iq's that we are witnessing here...

it ''took'' with more of the uneducated, but it still ''took'' with the educated only in lower numbers... :(
Well nobody ever said a college degree made you smart. Bush has one from Yale.

Susceptibility to such propaganda is a clear indicator of a lack of intelligence.
Always remember half the population is below median intelligence.

An IQ of 100 is an average of IQ along a normalized distribution. These people merely have two digit IQs.

I doubt you would find any, let alone 1 in 5, Ph.D's with IQs below 100. How they use that intelligence is another thing entirely, but they aren't generally morons although I have seen some who do provoke more than a little head-scratching.
Well nobody ever said a college degree made you smart. Bush has one from Yale.

Susceptibility to such propaganda is a clear indicator of a lack of intelligence.
LOL! Yeah, I've known a large number of two-digit college grads. Even a few Ph.D.s.

That sort of depends on how you define intelligence, of course.
With the qualifier of unless you have been locked in a cell without newspaper, internet or television if you believe Saddam was involved with the 911 attacks you are dumb and should die so that you do not waste the oxygen of individuals who at least have a modicum of gray matter between the walls of their skull.
Should I suddenly become absent from this forum assume that I have actually encountered one of these people and have expired from laughing to death upon hearing their views regarding the link between Saddam and the 911 plot.
I wonder how many among that 43 percent also believe in Intelligent Design? I believe that something like 40 percent of Americans claim to believe that the biblical account of creation is literally historical.

Actually, that's kind of ironic, now that I think of it. If there's anything further one needs to prove that there was no intelligent design going on . . . .

It's late I'm watching strange television and there is a story on fundamental exorcism and it turns out that a "little over 40 percent of the population believe that people can be possessed by the devil." We are defintely in some kind of 40 percent zone here. And they are some real strange characters those 40 percent.
I wonder if the answer would be different if it asked, "Is there evidence?" rather than "Do you think?"...

One asks for an opinion, the other information. One may answer differently when considering the different aspects of the question.

Just as a firm believer in a Deity may also recognize that evidence is absent yet still believe so too can a person believe something but know that evidence to support the belief is not present...

Absense of evidence is not evidence of absense.
and you wonder where that core of continuing pompom waving support for the Iraq war comes from...

I know this: if I truly believed that Saddam had been responsible for flying those planes into those buildings five years ago, I would also continue to truly believe that invading Iraq was a good idea.... no matter how badly the post-Saddam operations have gone, I would still think that getting him would have been worth it.