Poll Finds 43 percent Braindead

It's late I'm watching strange television and there is a story on fundamental exorcism and it turns out that a "little over 40 percent of the population believe that people can be possessed by the devil." We are defintely in some kind of 40 percent zone here. And they are some real strange characters those 40 percent.
Those in that 40% are a sore trial to my convictions, let me tell you. Not to mention my patience.

Emotionally, I tend to dislike them -- or Them, I should probably say -- intensely. I don't care about them and would just as soon they all dropped dead today. In fact, I'm pissed at them all over again because they didn't get it done yesterday. Stupid slackers.

That's in the abstract, of course. In person it's frequently a different story.

The sad fact is that people aren't as smart as we tend to think. Not in the main, anyway. But that's life. That's just the way we are. I don't think that complaining to the manufacturer is going to get us anywhere.

I don't think that complaining to the manufacturer is going to get us anywhere.

LOL, you got that right and no warranty either. some ID ;)
I don't think that complaining to the manufacturer is going to get us anywhere.

LOL, you got that right and no warranty either. some ID ;)
There's more than a little bit of truth to my favorite line from Men In Black -- that being why it's my favorite line.

"A person is smart. People are frightened, panicy animals, and you know it."