Another Internal JPP Poll to see where we stand.
Far right-leaning board. You know how it will turn out.
Another Internal JPP Poll to see where we stand.
Mason got 7 days,Grind cancelled it after 5 days
There is no rule against voting multiple times in your bullshit poll. Yeah I did it.
Mason got banned for voting twice in the thread ban poll when Grind explicitly told the water head not to.
These are not comparable. Dumb ass
Far right-leaning board. You know how it will turn out.
No shit, Einstooge.
But you avoid the point. Americans did not and still do not want this pathologically lying piece of human shit to be our President.
That weird anomaly of the electoral college allowed a mere 77,000 votes to decide against the plurality of the rest of the country.
Let that sink in, if you can, dumbfuck. A few thousand votes among multiple millions in a couple of states decides the election, despite the overwhelming objection by the country overall?
Leftists say yes
American patriots say no
we dont ban for people voting in polls on alt.
Let me explain this very clearly, JPP almost never bans. The reason it seems frequent is because of basically one rule that people can't help themselves over. Other than rule 12b, or doxxing, people will not get banned.
Mason got banned in a one off instance because we were voting on whether to continue threadbans. This was a poll that actually affected the function of the board, and affected every single person on here. As such, I said straight up from the onset in the OP to not vote cheat, or you'd get banned. Gave a specific warning not to do it on that specific poll. Mason cheated, I kept my word.
Otherwise we don't give a shit about polls.
Exception #2. If people keep spamming the forum, bumping 15 different threads, after getting warned multiple times to stop, we have in the past (like maybe once or twice) given small 24 hour bans. Again, this has only happened once or twice in 13 years. It's not something that happens often.
Basically, don't violate rule 12b, don't dox, and you will not be banned. It is not complicated.
Far right-leaning board. You know how it will turn out.
Teflon ADMITS to using Republican tactics!
--->"Yeah I did it".<---
Minimum 24 hour ban. MINIMUM!
I think you should start another poll about it. Of course the only poll that matters is the one the Mods take
You lose again
Look let me give you some helpful advice. I have been here going on 7 years. I have had leftists like you come at me from all sides. Really dark twisted motherfuckers who tried every which way to get me banned from here. Rana who is now a Mod was one of them. She had a little cabal that I affectionately called the Pussy Patrol. They thought they ruled this place. They thought they could bully the mods into banning me. They weren’t the only ones.
The list of leftists who tangled with me and are no longer here is long.
Your best bet is to leave well enough alone and stop trying to get me banned.
I am too smart for you and I NEVER break any rules of the board. Oh I may break rules of decorum but never rules of the board.
As to the relationship I have with Grind. Let me break it down for ya. Politically we are aligned except for issues like weed and abortion.
Truth be told there are things I say and do that Grind would prefer I don’t. He doesn’t necessarily approve of them but he understands why I do what I do and as long as I don’t break rules he doesn’t sweat it. Additionally Grind knows I am a man of my word. If I agree to do something I do it. I won’t go into details as it is between me and Grind. But that is the way it is.
Now run along. You are out of your depth. Really you are.
hahahaha ....
I feel honored that you have felt the need for Confession.
'Pussy Patrol'. Yes. I have heard about Queen Darla and her Girl Gang.
Teflon: "Your best bet is to leave well enough alone and stop trying to get me banned."
Jack: I'm not 'trying to get you banned'. Your ACTIONS are 'banable' ... in a '24 hour' kind of way.
Teflon: "As to the relationship I have with Grind. Let me break it down for ya. Politically we are aligned except for issues like weed and abortion."
Jack: Yes. This is something I DON'T want you to go into DETAIL with.
You’re so full of bull. Darla, Thing 1 and BAC didn’t leave because of you. Bijou and Trek may have because of your vile posts that were abusive and bullying, but Darla, and the others did not leave because of you. You’re such a blow hard.If you feel I need a 24 hour ban then cite the rule I broke. Fucking with your bullshit poll with an irrelevant sample size even for JPP?
Using Masons ban as an example is bogus as the wise Grind explained to you.
You are obsessed with me. How many threads do you start about me? I really do live rent free in your head. And the funny thing is that you are wholly irrelevant to me.
You are lucky. Years ago, your actions would have garnered my complete and undivided attention which would have not ended well for you. You likely would be perma banned or left in shame like so many others
Steel plate
BAC Panther (well maybe he finally died from his cancer)
The list goes on and on
If you feel I need a 24 hour ban then cite the rule I broke. Fucking with your bullshit poll with an irrelevant sample size even for JPP?
Using Masons ban as an example is bogus as the wise Grind explained to you.
You are obsessed with me. How many threads do you start about me? I really do live rent free in your head. And the funny thing is that you are wholly irrelevant to me.
You are lucky. Years ago, your actions would have garnered my complete and undivided attention which would have not ended well for you. You likely would be perma banned or left in shame like so many others
Steel plate
BAC Panther (well maybe he finally died from his cancer)
The list goes on and on
You’re so full of bull. Darla, Thing 1 and BAC didn’t leave because of you. Bijou and Trek may have because of your vile posts that were abusive and bullying, but Darla, and the others did not leave because of you. You’re such a blow hard.
They did and you know it. Tell Jacky how you and the other Pussy Patrol spent so much time trying to get me banned.
Maybe BAC and Thing are dead which would be great. I hope your breast cancer returns stronger than ever
They did and you know it. Tell Jacky how you and the other Pussy Patrol spent so much time trying to get me banned.
Maybe BAC and Thing are dead which would be great. I hope your breast cancer returns stronger than ever
Do you act this repulsive in real life where relatives, neighbors, and coworkers can witness it?
Or do you save it only for those times when you can cower behind the safe space of a keyboard ?
He's probably a nice guy in Real Life. (just an opinion)